Thursday, December 30, 2010

DECEMBER 25th 2010


OK! So we are not really camping at this time, but we did take a ride to the beach on December 25th.  The brilliant day was too much to waste away, so after Brunch we bundled up and headed to the beach in Port Elgin.  Of course we could have bought the camper and had BBQ lunch on the beach, but then this is not exactly Australian weather.  Which I must add, according to Andy,  was far too hot to be on the beach Christmas Day there with +40c.

The ride to the beach was really quite picturesque with all the fluffy snow hanging on the trees.

Have you ever seen a beach so quiet?  It really was very peaceful.

You can just about see the waves that have begun to freeze.

There was a cold breeze off the lake, but the sunshine was fabulous.

Here is Natalie, Elijah and Grandad trying to keep warm hiking the beach.  Elijah really did think it was VERY cool to be on the beach Christmas Day.  Not sure which COOL he meant.

Mike walking on water. 
Who does he think he is?
You can really see the ice building up along here..

Port Elgin beach

Here we are walking the pier heading back from the beach.

May be a good time to think about moving on now as you can see the clouds forming over the lake.  This could mean snow!

Before leaving the beach some of us have to have more FUN!

             The snowy, icy marina.    Look forward  to taking this same picture 6 months from now.

Here I am enjoying a moment with my Grandson.

This has been a perfect way to spend Christmas Afternoon.  Could become a Tradition!!!

All that exercising hiking over snow banks and ice makes you rather hungry - so here we are back at home, very refreshed and ready for a feast.  CHEERS.

We all hope you had an enjoyable Christmas too.
And all the Very Best for the New Year to one and all.

Now have to start planning our trip to North Carolina and Arizona.

By the way, for those of you who have been following us all year, you may be interested in the progress of the SOUP CAN.

Guess what.   It is still hanging in just fine.  May be Campbell's should know their soup can has managed 6,230 km. so far.

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 2010 - MacGregor Point

Sunday October 31st 2010 - 293506.   12 noon
After spending a lot of time with reno's in the house we decided to take a break and head back to MacGregor Point again.   This is the closest Park to us that is open all year.  It was a nice morning, although a little cool at +2c, but sunny.  We did wake to a dusting of snow.   It was a good drive into the Park, and this time our favorite site was already taken, so we had site #49.  It was an OK site too, but the people next to us at #51 were very noisy.        293594

After getting all set up and having lunch we headed off to the Turtle Pond and Shore.   There had been a lot of gale force winds through the week and we could see that the park had not been spared from the downed trees.

The birds really did not seem to mind about the weather or the fact we were walking along the trails.  There were many of them following and singing to us.  They were not afraid to let us know they were there.

There was a very cool wind along the Shore Trail.  However it was still really nice.

Back out at our site we got the campfire going and sat out until we did BBQ about 7.30 p.m.

After supper we sat in and listened to Game 4 of the World Series.   Once again S.F. Giants beat Tx Rangers.  This is not looking good for Texas.

It turned out to be a great day and fun evening.

Monday November 1st. 2010.
A little cloudy in the morning, but forecast for sun the rest of the day, although still cool.
Campers at #51 still very noisy, good job we hike most of the day.

Turned out to be a real nice day, sunny and much calmer than yesterday.   Once again there were lots of Chickadees along the boardwalk by the Turtle Pond, and they seemed to think we should have bought bird feed with us.  Must do that later.   The Turtle Pond had far more water than the last time we were here.

Sorry Sandy, we did not see any Turtles today.
Where do they go in the winter?

We headed towards the Marl which was very interesting and very different to anything else we have seen in the park. 

The vegetation was very different to anything else we had seen in the park, and there were carnivorous plants growing there.

We took a leisurely walk back to the site.   Guess what?   The neighbours were still being noisy.  It looks as if they were building a house out of their old trailer.   Roof trusses were erected on top of the trailer roof and wooden walls were around the door area, which looked like it could become an enclosed porch.   Guess they will be staying for the winter.   It was like camping in a construction site.

It got quite cloudy while we had lunch, late again, but by 3.15 the sun was shinning and it had even warmed up, so we headed off hiking again.  This time fully equipped with bird food!   The Chickadees and Nuthatches were very happy with us and just kept following  and eating right out of our hands.  It was incredible!


Nuthatch eating, Chickadee waiting in line

Once again we had the beach to ourselves.  This is so nice.
We lit the fire when we got back to site, still noisy, but they did leave to go into town for supper about 6.15, so finally some peace and quiet at the site.   They managed to frighten all the birds and squirrels from the site. Once again we sat out around the fire until we BBQ supper about 7.30.  Spent a nice evening playing dominoes and listening to the radio.   Another great day at MacGregor Point Provincial Park.

Tuesday Nov 2nd 2010 - 293594
Another cool sunny morning.  Have to pack u and head back home to do more sanding walls and renovations.   Once again it's been great.   Look forward to the next visit - soon we hope!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 2010 - MacGregor Point

Monday October 4th 2010 -  293315 -

After spending all week and all weekend working on bedroom renovations the fabulous fall weather got the better of us and it was time for a bit more fun.  We had a really good weekend even though it was a very busy one.  Natalie and Elijah came for a visit, which is always good.  But now was the time to throw a few things in our little camper and head back to MacGregor Point.  Bonus!  Our favorite #57 site was available.  All set up and had our lunch by 1.15 p.m.     293400 

 The weather was great even though there was a cool breeze along the lake shore.  We were in brilliant sunshine.  Very few people around at this time of the year, making it extremely peaceful. 

 We had a good hike along the Shore Line and Huron Fringe Trail. 

 One point along the Shore Line trail showed evidence of bears,  The print was huge, not to mention the poop!

Decided it may not be a good idea to hang around here today!

From there we hiked around the Turtle pond where it was sheltered from the wind, very calm and warm.

We did not see any Turtles this time, but the Merganser were swimming around the pond, thoroughly enjoying the weather.

Next stop was the beach, which we had to ourselves. 

 Back at camp it was quite shady so we lit the fire and sat around chatting and enjoying the birds singing to us.  We did see a Golden Crowned Kinglet and many Chickadees and Robins.

About 6.45 p.m, the fire had died down so we headed back to the beach to watch the sunset.  We almost missed it.  However it was still very pretty and different to previous sunsets we had seen here.

It got quite cool out at this time, still a wonderful calm clear evening.

Headed back to camp for supper, which we ate sitting around the fire, keeping toasty warm.  No raccoons joined us this time.

We sat out around the fire until about 11 p.m..  We had a really great day here again.

Tuesday October 5th   -                           293400

Unfortunately we have to pack up and head home later today.  Work for Mike tomorrow.  We really must win the lottery. W.O.R.K. is a four letter word!

Another great October day, clear blue sky and lots of sunshine and quite warm.   After breakfast we hiked the Deer Run Loop Trail, always a fun trail to be on.  Quite a few people out on their bicycles.  We did not see any Deer or other animals, but there were a lot of birds out enjoying the weather, just like us.  

Back from hike about 1.15 p.m. then got packed ready to leave.   On our way from the Park we stopped at a beautiful quiet beach we had found in Port Elgin.  The lake was a bit choppy, but still nice to look at.

From there we headed into Owen Sound to do a bit of shopping.  Once again we needed more wood trim for the renovations,  Then Home Again!

We had a really relaxing time and are now ready to face work and hopefully completion of the bedroom reno's.

Catch you next trip.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 2010 - Pennsylvania.

Friday September 17th 2010 - 292010 - 8.45 am.
I had our little camper all packed up Thursday ready to get on the road Friday morning after breakfast.  Thanks, very much to Andrew and Val at Neustadt Springs Brewery, who kindly gave Mike the day off . 
 If you enjoy a good craft beer go to Neustadt Springs Brewery - well worth the trip. 
Check it out at:  

Left Durham about 8.45 in the sunshine, although a little cool.  
Roads were not too busy, so it was an easy drive.

Crossed the Sky way Bridge and as you can see there were Lakers and sailboats out in the sunshine.

Once again crossing the border was easy, and not at all busy.  The customs officer did ask the reason for our trip and was pleased with our answer.

"To celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary"

At that he said " you two have a great and safe trip, Happy Anniversary"   How nice is that?

We took the New York Thruway to Fredonia to get our usual camping "staples" of food and booze.  Met a nice couple there who were interested in knowing a bit about our little camper as they were thinking of getting one themselves.

Still a little cool, but not cold and still sunny.

From there we had an easy drive to Waterford PA.  We did stop at the Welcome Centre for info on the area.  Arrived at Sparrow Pond Camp at 4.00 p.m.   292433

It appeared that the rain was a head of us most of the way from the border.  When we stopped at Fredonia it was quite damp, but no rain then, the same at the Welcome Centre and the camp.  May be we should have bought a lottery ticket!

Sat outside with a snack before we headed off exploring the site.   Very comfortable place.   Quite damp on the trails due to a huge storm they had the previous day.  The hiking was not as good as we are used to, but no problem there as we had planned a tip to the Erie Zoo on Saturday.

This is to be a different type of camping weekend for us, as we usually get set up and just hike tails and stay at the camp until ready to head back home.  This time we have found quite a few tourist things to check out.  All around 6 - 12 miles from the camp.     

In the evening we just sat around the fire and planned what we would be doing  tomorrow.

Saturday September 18th 2010  - 292433
Our 45th Wedding Anniversary - and "they" said it wouldn't last.
Brilliant sunshine, but a cool breeze, which should be really good weather for the Zoo.   We had text messages from Natalie and Vince, which was nice.

Left camp at 11.00 a.m. and arrived at the Zoo at 11.15 a.m.   We had not been to a Zoo in years, so we were really looking forward to it.  And we were not at all disappointed.  It turned out to be a great Zoo.


Tiger Cub born May 11th 201

I did meet a nice man who wanted to take me to The Empire State Building.

 What a Guy!

Naturally we did take a whole lot more pictures,   It was approximately 2 miles around the zoo and we know we did it all and may be more.   The weather was perfect for walking around, nice sunny and a slight
breeze.   It was a very busy zoo. 

From there we headed through the downtown area, which really was not at all busy.  Very tidy looking downtown. 
Then on to the The Erie Maritime Museum and the home of the U.S. Brig Niagara., which is the Official Flagship of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Now a floating museum.   Then we just stayed around the lake and pier area for while , which was great fun.  Although a little blustery.  As you will see.Now our stomachs were telling us it really must be lunch time, and a very late lunch at that.  So we wandered over to The Smugglers Wharf for a glass of wine and Clam Chowder.  All we can say about that was "WOW" delicious.  Great place, very friendly and excellent service.Very enjoyable lunch.

While we were eating lunch three police cruisers slowly drove by and headed along the tiny lane next to the Smugglers Wharf right next to the dock.  When we left the Smugglers the cruisers had a van surrounded - no possible way of escape for those people.   No idea what was going on as Mike had left the scanner in the camper when we left for lunch, and we returned there was no mention on it about the dock area.

Next stop for us was to do a bit of shopping at Mill Creek Mall.   We had been to that mall before and it is a really good mall to wander around.  When all shopping complete for today, it was time to go back to camp.  6.00 p.m.  292480.  

Time for a relaxing drink and a great Anniversary Dinner, which I really enjoyed as I did not have to cook. Hiker Mike cooked for me.
Cheers, Happy Anniversary!

The rest of the evening was spent sitting around the fire and talking about what a fun day we had.
Guess it is worth doing 45 years to life!!!!

Sunday September 19th - 292480 - 10.30 a.m.
Not a bad morning, cloudy and not as cool as yesterday's start to the day.  Decided to move on to Cook's Forest State Park for today and tomorrow.   All ready to leave at 10.30 a.m. 

We travelled all two lane roads through small towns and villages, all extremely pretty.   A lot of the roads were lined with very large proud Golden Rod plants.   We took so many pictures.



Once we got into Cooksburg we had a problem locating the park entrance which was tucked along a tiny side road.   Slightly different set up to what we used to, but well worth it when we got all set up. 292619
2 p.m.
We used to rent a log cabin in Cooksburg in the 1980's.   It is still as scenic as it was way back then.   
Had a leisurely lunch .   Got texts from Vince and Natalie - always nice.

There were lots of chipmunks running around everywhere,
 It clouded over late afternoon so we lit the fire early.  It was a nice evening just relaxing.   We could hear owls, but could not see them.   Once again another great day.

Monday September 20th 2010 - 292619 - 10.45 a.m.
Fantastic morning, bright and sunny and the chipmunks were really enjoying it.  Decided we would do a bit more shopping before hiking some of the trails.  Headed into Clarion.

It was a very picturesque drive, but as it turned out it was a wasted shopping day. 
 The ride was well worth it though, through small villages, hills and dales.


Still nice and warm and sunny when we returned to camp so hiked some of the trails.  Didn't do any of the long trails this time, but do hope to return to do some of those.  The forest trails are quite dense,  Saw usual chipmunks, but didn't see or hear any birds.

Back at camp we lit the fire and just relaxed for the rest of the evening, deciding on the route back to Durham, and then managed to tell all kinds of silly stories.          


Tuesday September 21st 2010 - 292757 - 10.30 a.m.
Another brilliant sunny warm day.  Too bad we have to head home now.   All packed and ready to leave about 10.30 a.m. 

Really good ride through Leeper, north to Warren, then to Jamestown N.Y.  All along the Allegheny river, forest and mountains.          

Stopped in Dunkirk for lunch before getting to Buffalo to cross the border.
Took 1 minute to cross the border, very good. 

Then we just drove straight through to Durham, via Neustadt.  Not quite PA scenery, but still very pretty.  Good to be home - as always.    Got home at 7.00 p.m.   283277    ( Another 792 miles).

Really great trip and a perfect way to celebrate.

Wonder where we will go next.

Oh yes, for those of you who have been following this - the soup can is still in place and working very well.