Thursday, December 30, 2010

DECEMBER 25th 2010


OK! So we are not really camping at this time, but we did take a ride to the beach on December 25th.  The brilliant day was too much to waste away, so after Brunch we bundled up and headed to the beach in Port Elgin.  Of course we could have bought the camper and had BBQ lunch on the beach, but then this is not exactly Australian weather.  Which I must add, according to Andy,  was far too hot to be on the beach Christmas Day there with +40c.

The ride to the beach was really quite picturesque with all the fluffy snow hanging on the trees.

Have you ever seen a beach so quiet?  It really was very peaceful.

You can just about see the waves that have begun to freeze.

There was a cold breeze off the lake, but the sunshine was fabulous.

Here is Natalie, Elijah and Grandad trying to keep warm hiking the beach.  Elijah really did think it was VERY cool to be on the beach Christmas Day.  Not sure which COOL he meant.

Mike walking on water. 
Who does he think he is?
You can really see the ice building up along here..

Port Elgin beach

Here we are walking the pier heading back from the beach.

May be a good time to think about moving on now as you can see the clouds forming over the lake.  This could mean snow!

Before leaving the beach some of us have to have more FUN!

             The snowy, icy marina.    Look forward  to taking this same picture 6 months from now.

Here I am enjoying a moment with my Grandson.

This has been a perfect way to spend Christmas Afternoon.  Could become a Tradition!!!

All that exercising hiking over snow banks and ice makes you rather hungry - so here we are back at home, very refreshed and ready for a feast.  CHEERS.

We all hope you had an enjoyable Christmas too.
And all the Very Best for the New Year to one and all.

Now have to start planning our trip to North Carolina and Arizona.

By the way, for those of you who have been following us all year, you may be interested in the progress of the SOUP CAN.

Guess what.   It is still hanging in just fine.  May be Campbell's should know their soup can has managed 6,230 km. so far.