Sunday, October 9, 2011


Wednesday October 5th 2011 -   305241
The next week sounds too good to be true for the weather, so we packed up and headed to Inverhurion Provincial park until the weekend.  This weekend is Thanksgiving, so nice to spend time with family and friends.   It is also the weekend when a lot of campsites close for the season, as this one does.   We have never been to this park, but as we rode around to get a site we both know we will definitely be back.

We were lucky enough to get one of the sites (#76) with a gorgeous view, as you can see. 

Bonus, a short trail from our site takes us to the shore.  It may be takes 45 seconds!  

Next bonus - the weather is fantastic.

Already set for a few days, and we know we will not want to leave here very quickly.

There was a fair breeze off the lake so Mike thought it might be a good idea to try out our homemade add-a-room/wind breaker.   It certainly did a good job and stopped all the wind.  This will be a must for our late fall and winter camping.

This is the shoreline just below our campsite.

I don't think we have ever seen a lake so crystal clear.

YES.  You are looking through the water at the rocks.

Time for a moment to soak up the sun and the scenery.

From the shore we headed to the scenic drive trail, although it was only our feet and curiosity driving us.  We did hike for another couple of hours before heading back to our site to relax in the sunshine.

I couldn't help wandering down to the shore every so often to sit on the rocks and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature.  Just the sounds of the water lapping at my feet and few sea gulls floating lazily along the lake.

Must admit we did light the campfire a little earlier than we usually do.  Although a beautiful warm sunny day, the evening cooled off quickly.   That did not bother us as we cooked our dinner over the fire. Why is it food always tastes so much nicer cooked over wood coals?
Actually it even enhances the taste of the wine!   Cannot explain how that works either.

I did manage the very long trek down to the shore to get a picture of the sunset.

It was the kind of day and evening that you do not want to end.

However, by about 9.30 p.m. it was getting quite chilly, even by the fire.  So we retired to El Campista to play dominoes.

First game - I picked my dominoes and had 5 of my 7 dominoes with 6"s (leaving only 2 other 6 cards in the pack)  It was my "down" so I hit the table big time.  I honestly had never won a hand so quickly.  We play 5's and 3's so my score shot up at an incredible speed.   We usually play best of 3, but as I won the first two, Hiker Mike decided best of 5.  Too Bad!  I won anyway. 

OK enough gloating - Night Night!


Guess what?   Another fantastic day ahead of us, and I have already been to the shore before breakfast.

So nice outside we had a BBQ  breakfast, then we had guests join us.  Several very hungry chick-a-Dee's.

After breakfast and chores finished we sat around in the sunshine for a while planning the rest of the day.

Decided to walk the trail to the beach.  Although we were camped along the shore line the beach was a fair distance to the south of us.  Really was a beautiful beach.

There were many endangered plants growing in and around the sand dunes, consequently board walks had been built for protection.

Time to sit and take in the scenery.

From the beach the trail goes across the river to the southern tip of the park.

From there we hiked the trail back to our camp site, about a 2 hour hike.

We sat around relaxing with a late lunch, enjoying the sunshine and the entertainment, laid on by our friendly chick-a-dees.

About 3.15 p.m. it was time to get hiking again.  This time we headed to the remainder of the Scenic Drive Trail that we had not yet done.

The forest area of the trail was quite dense and actually led us along a highly fenced perimeter of the Bruce Nuclear Power Plant.

Now if we start glowing in the dark, you will all know why.

From the fenced area we ended up in a small bay of Lake Huron.  There appeared to be no wild life of any sort around here, just a lot of drift wood carried onto the shore line.   We hiked the shore for quite a ways before getting back onto the trail.

Came across this interesting road sign, similar to the one we found at Mac Gregor Point.

Oh Dear!   Guess some one didn't read the sign.

Been gone another couple of hours, so time to get back to our camp.

Cannot believe how wonderful the weather is.

Once again it cooled down very quickly so we lit our fire, had a nice BBQ dinner and a great evening telling all kinds of stories.

Another lovely sunset.

It was a very clear night and for some reason we saw lots of lights on the lake.  Don't remember them there last night.
AH! Such a good Merlot!


Oh no, not another glorious sunny day.  That is sad, we have to leave sometime today, and this is the last weekend of the season for this park.  We cannot come back until next year, but we will definately be back.

Breakfast on BBQ again.   Then wandered a portion of the shore.   Such a shame we have to leave.  It is as good as perfect here.   As you can see we have the place to ourselves.

We left our site and parked at the beach for a while enjoying those last few minutes, or hours.  You can see El Campista parked in the distance.

Naturually we did a good walk around again.

  We found a very interestng BBQ area on our walk.   Just a few minutes from the beach.

OK, yes, we do have to leave, unfortunately.

As neither of us wanted to leave, Mike suggested we took a scenic drive into Kincardine and may be find somewhere for a late lunch.  Just to help soften the blow a little.

It was a pretty drive and we both thoroughly enjoyed The Marina at Kincardine and The Staion Beach area.

Low and behold, we found The Erie Belle.  A perfect place for our late lunch.

The fish and chips, wine and beer were great, just what we needed.   A great lunch sitting outside on the patio.

It was such fun, Mike wanted to call a friend to tell them all about it.

This has been a super way to complete a wonderful few days away.

Stopped for some groceries on the way home, and back in Durham about 5.30 p.m.  Still nice and warm so sat out on our front porch discussing our trip.

It will be difficult to beat this one, but we will give it our best shot.

Catch you all then.


Saturday October 8th. 
No we are not away camping, but we did head into Fergus to see our  favorite entertainer - Kieran - playing at O"Brien's (our old pub).  Great to see everyone who turned up - and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.