Tuesday, August 7, 2012

JUNE 2012

Tuesday June 19th 2012.     9 a.m.     307568
Today we headed to Niagara Falls to meet Penny and Andrew, who had left Australia in May and were now in our part of the world.   

It was a great day and a good drive, for the most part.  We just took all country roads and managed to stay off the highway as much as possible.  However about noon hour "Mike the Mechanic" had to get to work.  El Campista had a few complaints, and decided that it was time for the brakes to play up.  I think El Campista was just retaliating with regards to the temperature suddenly rising to +40c.  Other than the heat the roadside repair was not too bad.  There was a nice breeze blowing so it was almost bearable.  And Mike the Mechanic did another great job and we were back on the road in no time.

Once back on the road we continued our journey on to Ridgeway for a surprise visit with Grant and Myrna.  It turned to be quite a surprise, as they were out!  Oh well, better luck next time.  And there will be a next time.

We headed to King Waldorf's Camp Ground.
Nice place and not at all busy at that time.

Our site was close to the river and quite spacious. 

Had a really later lunch and relaxed  for a while before heading into the Falls to meet up with Andrew and Penny.   It was still very warm and quite humid.

We managed to park in town quite close to Falls View Casino, where Andrew and Penny were staying.   We walked around the casino to try to find them but no luck.  Thank goodness for texting!  Within a few minutes we were all together.

OK!  Now how about this view.   This is the view from their Hotel window - all we can say is Spectacular!

We spent an hour or so just chatting and generally catching up on all that has been going on over the last five years.  Which was the last time we were together.  It was a great start to the next 5 days, when we take them to Buffalo Airport for their flight to their next destinations.  I think this will a very busy few days.  So much to see and not much time to see it all.

About 7 p.m. we wandered off to find a bar for refreshments and then dinner.   We had a great evening, and we are looking forward to the rest of the visit.  

Time to head back to the camp site, which was only about 10 minutes way.

We sat outside for a while as it was still very warm.

Other than the brake problem it had been a great day.   307834.

Wednesday 20th June    307834                                  

Hot steamy morning, wonder what the rest of the day will like.

After breakfast and all packed up we went back to the Hotel to pick up Penny and Andrew.   Left Niagara about 11 a.m.

Once again we stayed on the country roads rather than the highway and it was a really pretty drive back - hope we can remember that again.  Decided we should stop in Guelph for lunch when we got there.  So headed to The Shakespeare Arms.  Now who wouldn't stop at "The Shaky" for lunch?
Good as ever!!

After lunch we went to Fergus to meet Jeff at the Brew House.  It was a great visit, just a little short.  Once again very hot and humid.

 Good ride all the way back to Durham, 7 p.m. 308085.

Just relaxed on the front porch still catching up on the last five years.

Natalie called in on her way home o show off her new car.  Very nice, blue, Ford Focus.

Ended the day, and started the next day sitting at our bar, memories and story telling.   Now 2.30 .am. - How did that happen?

Thursday 21st June - 24th June 2012.

Although not actually away camping there was lots going on - holiday time!

Thursday 21st, another hot day, and today Natalie took the day off so we all went for a family drive.

We headed to Kincardine, and walked the beach and marina.  Weather was great.  A nice breeze from the Lake.  Here is Mike, Andrew, Penny and Natalie.

Had lunch at the Erie Belle - another favorite haunt of ours.

From there we headed towards Port Elgin, where storm clouds begin to boil up, so continued into Southampton to the market.  Where we took shelter from the storm.

Nice ride back to Durham and a great visit with Natalie on her Deck for some time, before going home to more story telling and a few snacks while sitting around the bar until, yes you guessed it - another 2.30 a.m.  Night Night!

Friday 22nd

Really nice day.  Mike did the final brake repair on El Campista, so we are all ready for out trip at the weekend.

We all had a few things to do anyway, so it worked out fine.

After lunch we took a scenic drive to the Highest Point on the Bruce Trail, another of our favorite spots.

It was great to show Andrew and Penny these places as they had never been north of Fergus on previous visits.

We continued our sight seeing drive into Thornbury, staying as close to the lake as possible.

Always a fabulous drive, through all seasons.  Andrew and Penny enjoyed it too.

Took a nice wander around the Marina.

From there we took pretty drive to Bar Head Pub and Grill .  Spent a good time there on the patio as the weather was perfect for that.

Then home for BBQ and Natalie joined us after she finished work.  She wisely left before we all headed to the back yard for a camp fire.  A lot of singing and stories there.  Actually it was quite an early night for us all - 2 a.m.  Not too bad!

Saturday 23rd June - Happy Birthday Mike!

Today is pack up day for the four of us, so the morning was pretty busy.  Mike and I packed El Campista ready for our little trip through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio then into Michigan for a visit with Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.

After a leisurely lunch we decided to show Penny and Andrew our hiking trail through the park.  It was a perfect day for a walk too.  Not too hot and a slight breeze.

This is a shot from the Falls in the park.

Here we are almost back into town. and just about time for Happy Hour.   Especially as we were all very thirsty now.

When Natalie returned from work Andrew treated us all to  Birthday Dinner for Mike.  It was so good.  Thank you both Andrew and Penny, and thank you Natalie for driving us all, and in your nice new car.

Back at home after dinner Kayleigh and Barb called on Skype.  That was fantastic.  Kayleigh and Barb were getting ready for their 11 hour drive to MI, where we would meet them next week.  Great to chat with them and everyone.

Weather was still very good, so we all sat around the deck relaxing and enjoying our last evening together for a while.

Retired early, midnight.  Long day ahead tomorrow.

Sunday 24th June. 2012                                   308087    9.00 a.m.

Left a cloudy but very warm Durham heading to Buffalo Airport to drop Andrew and Penny off for the remainder of their trip.  it has been a short but wonderful visit, and we look forward to being able to do it all again.

Once again we took as many country roads as we could and arrived at the Border about
1.00 pm.  There was quite a line up, but no problem crossing, the customs officer was great, and enjoyed hearing about Andrew's trip over on The Queen Mary.

Not too far from there to the airport and all went well there.  Very sad to say "See you later" - not Good bye!  But truly a great time had by all of us.

Here's to the next time!