Friday, June 28, 2013


MACGREGOR POINT Wednesday May 1st 2013.                           312403

Finally after 5 months of snow followed by 4 weeks of rain and 2 days of spring it is now summer.  Well, that is what the weather is indicating.  If only it would last through to November life would be good.

Our winter was extremely busy.  We gutted our kitchen and rebuilt it all with new walls, cabinets, plumbing, floor and anything else we found that happened to be in the need of repair.  It was well worth the hard work and looks great now.  Bonus - we have now completely re-done the whole house.  Now time for camping!

With a forecast of good weather for the next 4-5 days and both of us suffering from "cabin fever", El Campista got packed for a couple of days away at Mac Gregor Point.  Easy ride to the park in brilliant sunshine.  Very little traffic on the roads and when we checked into the park, it too was peacefully quiet.
Took site # 18 in Ash Woods.  It was a good site and came complete with Robins, Chickadees, Grackles and several cheeky Red Squirrels.

Later in the afternoon a pair of Gold Finches came for a visit also.

After a leisurely lunch we took a walk , as we thought towards the Turtle pond.  There should quite a few out at this time of year and such good weather.   This is the one time we did not have the park map with us.  Too bad, we took a wrong turn and ended up in an area of the park we had never been before.  It even took us out of the Park Boundary.  Still a very pretty area, right on the lake.  Which is still very low. Few small sand dunes and lots of birds.

Anyway, we re-traced our steps  and walked the Fringe Trail, then around to the Turtle Pond, where we several Turtles sunning themselves on the logs.

Tried to hook on the Internet with the Tablet at the Welcome Centre, but it was not hooked up there yet.  Will have to try again next time.

The Chickadees were very happy to see us return to the park!

The weather was really good.  And as you can see the Lake was still low and a long way out to what we have been used to.  However. just as pretty.

Back to camp for a relaxing time reading, before supper.

The camp fire was great.  We now know how much we have missed camping since November 2012, but hopefully we have at least 7  months of good camping ahead of us.

Sat around the fire for some time, putting the world right again.  And yes, it is a good place now!

The evening weather was as perfect as the day.  Even the moon showed it's face.

Let's hope tomorrow is equally as god.

Sweet Dreams everyone.

Thursday May 2nd 2013

Good Morning, and a beautiful morning it is too.

Sun shining, cloudless blue sky, birds singing (since 4.45 am), squirrels charging around the camp, who could ask for more?

Took our time over BBQ breakfast and planned our walks for the day.

Headed out on part of the Deer Run Trail, where we found lots of winter damage in the wooded areas, along with a lot of flooded areas.

Already quite warm but no humidity so really good for hiking.

Got to the Shore Line Trail and headed to the Point.

There have been some very artistic people along the shoreline, very clever.

As you can see the lake is very clear right now, and take it from me, quite cold!

Hiked along the rocky edge of the shore line to the camper's beach.  Once again the Lake was very low.

Wandered along to the Huron Fringe Trail where we saw a large Hare.  It's legs were very long making it look like a kangaroo.  Of course it wouldn't hang around for pictures- too bad.

Once again we hit the Turtle Pond, nothing disappointing there.  We were lucky enough to see 10 turtles sunning themselves today.

Most of the shrubs and trees along the trail were in bud and looked very healthy.  Guess all the snow and rain over the past few months did a good job.

Not so many chickadees on the trail today, guess they are still at our site.

After an enjoyable few hours hiking we made it back to our site and was greeted by a cheeky chipmunk, who enjoyed sharing the sunflower seeds with the chickadees.

Relaxed for a while after lunch.  Did some reading and watching the birds, ssquirrels and chipmunks.  It doesn't take much to keep us amused!

Still a gorgeous day. 

Mid afternoon we set off again on another part of the Deer Run Trail which took as through Nippising Camp Ground then towards the beach.  Very quiet area as Nippising is not open yet.

At the beach we saw 5 beautiful White Swans.  We will have to check what actual Swan they are, as we have been told that this particular Swan lands here once a year, every year.  Until today we have never seen them.

Checked the Turtle Pond on the way back to camp, but as the sun was not quite so warm now all the turtles had moved on.

We had been back at camp about an hour relaxing in the sun and a pair of Cardinals came visiting.  We could hear them this morning, but did not see them.  They seemed quite at home here.  Only minutes later a light coloured pudgy "sparrow" like bird settled on the feeder.  Will have to check that one in the book also.  Much to the surprise of all the other birds here, this little guy looked like he was here for the night.

As dusk fell the Cardinals returned for their snack before bed.

Some time later we could hear the owls.  Naturally it was too dark now to see them.

So all in all this has been a good entertaining day with our feathered and furry friends.

However, also tiring, so time to retire for the night.

Friday May 3rd.                                                         312490

Guess what?  Another fantastic morning, quite breezy but not cold.

After breakfast the birds and animals all started showing up.  I tried to do my writing but they kept interrupting me.

Now that is the kind of interruptions I really enjoy.

The next interruption is one I am not looking forward to.  That is to pack up and head home.  This has been a perfect few days break.

Stopped in Port Elgin before going home.  Hopefully this "summer" weather will stay here now.                                                                                                                312576