Thursday, October 16, 2014


Saturday July 12th 2014                                           319433

2 p.m. Saturday, bright, hot sunny day.  Right now we are heading to Fergus to a Garden Party at Don and Helen's.  Definitely a perfect day for it.  We will be staying over at Don and Helen's as we have a trip planned for next week.

El Campista all set up at Don's by 3.15 p.m.   John and Janet came early so the six of us could have a good visit before the remainder of the guests arrived a  bit later.  That alone was a good time.

It was really good to see so many of our "regulars" from The Old Copper Kettle.  A great
re-union.   We all sat around catching up on all things that had been going on over the last six years, when we sold the pub. 

Like the company, the food was fantastic, and enough to feed the five thousand.  Truly a wonderful evening.  We cannot thank Don and Helen enough for such a great time.

The weather hung in really good considering storms were forecast.   As the evening wore on the music got going, and the singing and dancing took over.  We all appeared to be having a great time, as we always did.

By midnight it was down to Don, Helen, Mike and myself enjoying a quiet night cap and re-playing the events of the evening and the past.

Just as we were all about to retire for the night, the rain started.  What timing!        319502

Sunday July 13th 2014                                                                   319502

It rained most of the night and I was informed it had been thundering.  However, I am not certain on that as I slept soundly all night.

I had made Scotch Eggs for breakfast, and Helen added a wonderful fresh fruit salad, toast, jam, tea or coffee.  Everything was so good.  A great start to the day.

By 10 a.m. we were ready to hit the road in the hot, humid, steamy, rainy day.

We are heading to Rock Point Provincial Park, Dunville Ontario.

It was a good drive regardless of the weather. 

The rain and the wind got quite heavy around Flamboro area.  The humidity stayed with us.

Pulled into the park about 1.15 p.m.

It was equally as wet and humid here as it had been all day.

However, the clouds were beginning to break up a little.

Took site #121.  It was a good site, and as you can see the sun was trying to grace us with it's presence.

After lunch we took a walk to the beach area, where the surf, like the winds, was really high.  There were still a good number of people enjoying it though.

The high winds and surf did bring many large fish to the waters edge.

We wandered to the south edge of the park on Lake Erie where there were many fossils.

A good number of them had a lot of water and small shells in and around them due to the weather.

Many of these fossils are said to be 0ver 13,000 years old.

All very fascinating and interesting.

The wind was still very strong and giving high surf again,

Dark clouds began to form over the lake making it necessary for us to return to our camp site and relax for a while before dinner.

The sun was shining at the site and it was still very hot and humid, but the wind kept us cool.

Managed to get a walk to the beach to watch the sun set.

It remained cloudy but very warm and humid so we sat under the awning for the evening.  Too damp to try to light a camp fire.

The rain started about 10.15 p.m.

Once again good timing.  Time to retire for the night.

Monday July 14th 2014.                                                                          319648

 Not a bad morning,  some sun, some clouds and still warm.

Ready to leave after a nice BBQ breakfast at about 10.45 a.m.

Heading to New York State.

Due to all the rain we experienced since leaving Durham we decided we would stop at The Dunville Car Wash and give El Campista a shower.

Not too long before El Campista looked as good as new, so on our way again.

Now we are making our way to the
Canada/USA Border.   Once again there was an extremely long line up to even get onto the bridge.  Naturally the bridge was bumper to bumper, time 12.25 p.m.

As it happened it really didn't take as long as we thought it might.   Pulled up to the customs officer about 12.50 p.m.

As we pulled up I heard the officer's radio.

"Incident at mid-point of bridge,  Lock Down.  No one to move from the area until the all clear".  
 OK.  So what now?  Well of course no one could move and the customs officer asked for our passports and keys.  Definitely could not move now.   The customs officer proceeded to wander around the outside of El Campista, then the inside (this was a first for us).   He looked in the fridge, bathroom, closet (found nothing that should not have been there), commented on what a great vehicle it was and how his Dad would love one of these.  He asked a few questions regarding the camper, made some notes for his Dad.  Then he said "You're OK to go folks, but we have an issue on the bridge to be resolved before anyone can leave."  So we all chatted for awhile about places we have been and stuff like that.  At 1.15 p.m. he handed over our keys and passports.  "Have a great trip" and we were on our way.
That was a very different border crossing.

Right now we were heading to Batavia where Mike was going to pick up a couple of parts of El Campista.  Nice drive to Batavia. and a real nice town.  Got all our supplies there, so all set for a few days camping.

From Batavia we went to the small town of Leroy.  Once again a pretty little town.  Mike was leaving a scanner radio there for repair - hopefully repair anyway.

Now time to find Hamlin Beach State Park.  Another great area.  Looking forward to exploring the area soon.  Some good looking towns there.

Pulled into the park about 6 p.m.      319895
Great looking park, took site 233.  Then set up and relaxed  for a while before dinner.

Turned out to be a really pleasant evening, and the fire worked well too.

We sat around until about mid-night.  Putting the world right and chatting about all the fun we have had since Saturday.

So far this turning into a very interesting trip.

Tuesday July 15th 2014.

It rained a lot through the night, but not too bad by about 8.30 a.m.   Still very warm and humid.

What to do today was the next thing we had to work on.

Decisions made, we headed to the beach area.  Starting at Devils Nose and wandering the West Bluff.  This is the area where surfing is permitted, but no such thing going on today.

It was quite breezy along the beach but that did keep us cool, so no complaints.

Seagulls enjoying the beach also.

Still wandering the beach.

This is what we found when we stopped around the Bath House area.   It was quite interesting but very different.

From there we headed to the Store.  It was a very well stocked camping store, but no actual Hamlin Beach souvenirs.

It was also getting very hot an humid when away from the lake, so made our way slowly back to the beach.

On the way to the beach we found the pond.
It was really pretty there,

A Blue Heron came in to land, but not in a spot where I could get a picture.

It was a good walk around.  Probably about 2 miles.  So now would be a good time to head back to camp for a well earned lunch.

After lunch all the clouds blew away, brilliant sunshine and a very relaxing afternoon.

Rabbits and chipmunks came visiting, along with Grey Cat Birds, Robins, American Gold Finches, Orioles and Grackles.

It remained hot and sunny for the rest of the day, but quite a bit cooler.

Managed to get a different sunset picture tonight.

Luckily the fire worked very well too, as it was quite a lot cooler this evening.

Bonus - there were hundreds of firefly's.
So pretty!

Once again, another really good day.
Catch you tomorrow.

Wednesday July 16th 2014
                                                      Happy Birthday Kayleigh!
We were woke up early by a helicopter flying low and directly over our camper.  And yes, it was very loud.  This was a good case of serendipity - it was a wonderful looking day, bright and sunny.  So no time to waste, have to get this day started and plan what adventures and mischief we can get into today.  There was quite a cool breeze after yesterday's humidity.

Today we decided we would walk one of the nature trails in the park.  Weather felt great for walking, not too hot.  In fact we even put a jacket on.

Found the trail easy but unfortunately we couldn't get more than 20 minutes in on the loop as the trail was almost washed out due to the heavy rains and storms recently.   So we left the way we came in and headed to the trail towards the beach.

The beach was great and even had to remove our jackets.  It was getting quite warm again.

We had a really good walk, close to a couple of miles again, so ready to head back to camp again for lunch.

After lunch we had another relaxing time ahead of us.  Did some reading and planning our route back tomorrow.

It started to rain about 4.00 p.m. and by 4.30 bight sunshine again.  It remained that way for the rest of the evening.  It did get quite cool and windy, but we managed a good fire again along with more firefly's.

Thursday July 17th 2014.

Managed an early breakfast today as we are starting our journey back today.  Luckily for us the weather was good for travelling, sunny and  not too hot at 8.30 a.m.

On the road towards Hamlin and Brockport by 9.30 a.m.  Very picturesque drive through the country roads showing many great looking homes.

We stopped in Brockport for about an hour,  It was a very interesting and pretty town. part of the Erie Canal System. 

Came complete with two lift bridges.  In fact we had to wait for the road to be lowered to actually cross over the road and wander the walk way along the edge of the canal.

This was know as Harvester Park.  

We walked through the town, which was really interesting too.   However, we couldn't shop as no one here got to work before noon hour.  May be that is a good idea!

This town had a great idea for people to get around.  "Borrow a Bike - It's free".  Now how cool is that?

The walls of the buildings downtown Brockpoint were very old and artistic.

It was delivery day in Brockport.

Good Beer too!

Left Bridgeport for Batavia, where Mike did more USA shopping!   Maybe it will be my turn to shop next trip to USA!!!!

All shopping complete, so headed into Buffalo.

Next stop, The Border at Buffalo.

Once again it was busy at the border, but considering the line up, it really did not take very long to get across.

Good crossing and very friendly customs officer.

About 2 p.m. by the time we had crossed the border, so we headed to the park right opposite the Buffalo landscape for a picnic lunch.  Always a favorite stop for us.

After our picnic we got our way to Rock Point Provincial Park for the night.   The park was really busy, so took the last site left, 126.   It was Ok, a bit shady for us, but there was no choice and it is only for tonight, so no problem.

All set by 4 p.m. so relaxed for a while before we took a walk to the beach.   We could hear the crashing of the waves onto the beach from our site so knew the wind was making the lake very busy.  It did look really good though.

Wandered along the beach for a while.  Although windy it was still very pleasant out, especially after travelling all day.

Ended up in the area of the beach where the fossils are. 

These never ceases to amaze us.

Along the beach we came across some really neat looking flowers.  

Do not remember them in bloom when we were here last Sunday.

It's amazing that the flowers grow so well along the beach.

From the beach we hit the trail again heading back to our site.

This view is always a favorite, right at the top of the cliff on the trail.  Not too far from our site.

Spent the rest of the evening relaxing around the fire.  We could hear the waves crashing on the beach the whole evening,  Then low and behold when we went inside we could still hear the waves.   Quite the surf here right now.

Friday July 18th 2014                                                                        320105

Woke to sunshine and silence.   No crashing of waves to be heard.  A very calm morning.

Time to pack everything up and start the trek back to the homestead today.
On our way about 11.30 a.m.  

We took a slightly different route back this time and will certainly do that one again.  It was really easy and quiet - until we reached the hazy Hamilton Mountain, and even that was easy.

Called Heather and Martin  to see if they would like to meet us for a late lunch at Shakespeare Arms, in Guelph - answer - YES.

Had a great leisurely lunch with Martin and Heather.  Excellent, food, beverages and wonderful company.

Back on the road about 3.30 p.m.  Had to take it easy on the way home.  El Campista having a tough time right now by not charging correctly.  Anyway, home safe and sound about
5 p.m.

Another great trip to chalk up.  Would certainly return and do it all again.

Few days later.   Have had to replace the computer in El Campista.   Now everything is charging as it should.    Catch you all very soon - we hope!