Tuesday, May 2, 2017

MAC GREGOR POINT M0ndaqy April 24th 2017.

MONDAY April 24th 2017

Finally it appears we have a few days that look to be OK to take El Campista on a short road trip and get 2017 camping underway.      160622                          

Left Durham about 10.15 a.m. in bright sunshine, although a cool breeze was blowing.

Arrived at MacGregor Point about 11 a.m.  After an uneventful drive.  The park was very quiet and we managed to get our usual #8, favorite site. 160705 

We got everything set up and sat outside with lunch enjoying the sunshine.  It has been really worth waiting for.   We stayed around the site until about 2.15 p.m. then ready to set off on one of our walks.   

The board walk leading to the Turtle Pond was very quiet.  We could hear a Blue Jay and saw a Chickadee in flight, but that was it.  No squirrels or any other birds. 

When we reached the pond it had become quite breezy, but still pleasant and relaxing.

No sign of any turtles at this time. 


There were trees in bud in several areas.

As we neared the lake we knew we would be seeing white caps.  We could hear the waves crashing on the rocks.

There was one lone Canada Goose enjoying the solitude.  It seemed to be oblivious to us being near by.

We made our way to Sunset Point, where the breeze off the lake had actually turned to gale force winds off the lake - or that is what it felt like.  It felt considerably colder.  So we headed to The Old Shore Line trail, which was a little more sheltered.  In fact it felt like a different place.  It was quite a bit warmer.

We wandered the trail.

Which led us to the next pond.

It was still warm here.  However, no sign of turtles or any other wild life.

The small creek we go to next, which was completely dry in November, was flowing nicely today.

The water in the creek was clear.

Always a pretty spot when the creek is full.

Further along the trail we came to an area that showed indication of what some high winter winds had been able to do.

There was also signs of flooding in the bush.

We did get to see a little red squirrel charging into the bush, but not waiting to have pictures taken.

After a two hour walk we made our way back to #8, where we relaxed in the sunshine with a bevvy or two.

It began to cool down quite a bit about 6.30 p.m.  So time for the wonderful camp fire.

And folks that was our destination for the rest of a wonderful evening.

It has been great to be here again.  Looking forward to see what tomorrow brings.

TUESDAY April 25th.

Well we woke to the sound of raindrops on the camper roof.   Apparently the winds of yesterday blew the rain showers in 24 hours ahead of schedule.   Todays forecast was for sun in the morning, some clouds rolling in through the evening, and possible showers for Wednesday.   So all our walking plans at this time have now changed.

I cooked breakfast inside today.  Luckily it worked out just fine.

We spent the morning reading, writing and chatting about our trip South, which is coming up at the end of May.

Still raining!! 

Found my old stand by past time book to challenge me for a while - Word Search.

Mike seemed to have a new "hat" to wear, and became my Entertainment Manager.  He found some really good music to play.  However, there was no room to dance in here, so he suggested we watch a movie.

So this dreary, wet day turned out to be not so bad.  I was snuggled up with the man of my dreams, watching Brad Pitt on the screen.  What more could I ask for?   Well I didn't even have to ask!   Mike changed his hat again and became my bartender (he's quite good at bartending).  So low and behold there was a glass of wine.   Suddenly, camping in the rain really isn't as bad as I imagined.

The movie we watched was "Benjamin Buttons".  Very well put together movie. Could it have been any different with Brad Pitt?

Movie all finished about 4.00 p.m. and The Entertainment Manager had arranged everything - even the rain had stopped.

Needless to say it didn't take us long to head out for a walk before it was time to light the campfire.  That is if the campfire hadn't turned into a bird bath after all the rain.

It was really wet along the trails so we took to the park roads and board walks.  It was not at all cold today.

As we neared the Turtle Pond, right at the beginning of the boardwalk, the chickadees appeared and let us know that it was time for something to eat.

Their singing suggested to some Blue Jays


and squirrels, that may be dinner was served.

When we moved along to the pond we did get to see a Turtle relaxing on a log.

The lake was very calm this afternoon.

And the "Lone Goose" was still enjoying the pace and quiet.

From there we walked the Huron Fringe Trail.  The water along this area was quite high, and almost ready to creep onto the board walk.

There were a few more chickadees, but today we did not see any frogs.  Usually at this time of the year there are a lot of frogs around.

Right at the end of the boardwalk there was a cheeky squirrel waiting for more food.

And so time to head back to #8.

It did take quite a while to get the campfire going.

But it was well worth the effort.
It had turned out to be a fairly nice evening, and reasonably warm.

So, all in all, what started out as a not so good camping day, turned out to be another very enjoyable day.

Just proves you have to make the best of whatever is thrown at you.

WEDNESDAY April 26th 2017

Today we woke to sunshine, and lots of it.  However, we are heading home after this short, enjoyable trip for the start of this camping season.

By 11.45 a.m. we were all packed up and heading to The Tower Trail before we hit the road.

It turned out to be quite the obstacle course with several downed trees along the board walk and trail.

Along with flooded area to walk around or through.

The frogs were enjoying all the water available to them, along with the sunshine.

The view from the Tower was good regardless of the fact there were no birds, ducks or geese today.

There was a lot of water to be found everywhere after yesterday s rainfall.

When we were in the Bird Blind we looked out into the pond and saw some snakes swimming around.

We did not see any birds or water fowls this time.

And so we wandered along to the end of the trail.  Another enjoyable hour and half walk.

The walk made us quite hungry and as it was time to start our journey home we made a slight detour and treated ourselves to lunch at the Erie Belle, in Kincardine.  Nancy was very happy to see us.  She now knows summer is on it's way.   As usual lunch was delicious.

Then the inevitable , the drive home, in a really nice warm sunny day.

I glanced into the side mirror and saw some one else also enjoying the wonderful summer like day.

It feels as is we have all waited a long time for this.

Now if it lasts for a while I will catch you soon from "somewhere".

A good start to the camping season.  Arrived back in Durham about
4.30 p.m.
