Friday, June 23, 2017

Trip South - Tuesday 30th May 2017.

As you can probably imagine, after an evening of not knowing what would happen next it did take a while to actual get to sleep.  But you will not believe how the rest of the night proceeded.

I guess we managed to sleep for about 41/2 hours before a series of fire trucks and police cars went speeding past the Motel, sirens and lights blasting.  It seemed to quieten down not far from us.  I glanced at the clock to see it was only just after 4 a.m.

Looked out the window, but could not see anything going on.  Which was a good thing, as our first thoughts were "Hope it's not El Campista on fire."   After what had gone on last night anything could happen.

Dozed back off to sleep.  Then there was a large bang, followed by huge rumbling and lightening, not to mention the heavy rain.   Now we have a fully fledged thunderstorm.   Must admit the light show was quite impressive.   Glanced at the clock again,  just as the power went.  It was "5" something.

Not really sure how long we were without power, but when it came back on, we decided we may as well have our showers and get another early start.  Sleep was not going to be possible.


We were on the road about 6.45 am. again.

Took route 219S,  which is quite a pretty route, even in the damp misty morning,  after a big storm.

As we made our way the mist of the morning began to lift and left us with clouds and rain.
But still a pleasant drive.

As I glanced in the side view mirror I noticed we were leaving the dark clouds behind us, and the sky ahead of us was beginning to clear.

Hopefully this is a good omen, after yesterday's excitement.

About 9 am we stopped in a small town in PA for breakfast.   Now that made us feel human again, and ready to face whatever is thrown at us today

We could see the mountains ahead of us getting quite a bit larger here.

By the time we were in Maryland, we were climbing elevations of 2880 feet, and there was a great deal of farmland in the mountains.   Once again quite misty though.

The next interesting town was "Accident".  Not sure if I can imagine living in Accident. 

I wonder if it got it's name "by Accident".

There was a nice looking church on the way out of Accident.

And so we continued along our 219S route.

In West Virginia the mountains began to take on more height,  and a few we went over were in the 3000 + feet range.

Today's destination was to be Moncove State Park.

To get to the park our lovely GPS Lady Dog took us on quite the adventure.

It seemed to be up hill all the way.  Up to 4250 feet actually.  Please note it was up hill on a one lane, switch back road with no guard rails.  A sheer drop down to - I don't know where,  it was impossible to see the bottom.

I didn't even bother to look down again as there were other silly people using the road as well as us.  And believe me, that did become very tricky on a one lane Mountain trail.  Should I be lucky enough to survive this trek, I will write a book about our GPS Lady Dog!

The odd time I did open my eyes, I think it may have looked quite pretty, but I had to concentrate on breathing and not allowing my white knuckles to jump out through my skin.

The road, if I dare call it that, seemed to go on for hours, which apparently, wasn't even one hour.   Then a sign - Moncove Lake State Park.   A very welcome sign too!

As we made our way to Check In and get a site, I really have to say, it was well worth the hair raising drive over the mountain

                                         Yes it was "Almost Heaven, West Virginia"

All checked in and set up we sat in the warm sunshine for a while before taking a walk to the lake.

Everything looked as good.

Yes there was even a very large swimming pool at this State Park.

After dinner we took up our usual spot, around the campfire.  Where we discussed the trip so far - not at all boring conversation.

Also made our plans for tomorrow, and Thursday.

Wednesday 31st May 2017.                                                               162178

This was the view we had from our site.  Yes we are already looking forward to returning here and staying longer, but we are on a timed schedule right now.

Today's travel plan is to head to Statesville, NC.  Where Mike hopes to get a new pair of boots.   He bought the last pair here in 2008. Guess it is about time for a new pair.
From there it is just a short drive to Lake Norman State Park, the destination for today.

First we have to leave this area without going on "that" mountain track that got us here.
So, out of the park we turned in the opposite direction from the "track".  I really did find it nerve racking yesterday.

Mike asked our GPS Lady Dog for the "Shortest Route".  Guess what?
It turned out the "shortest route" was over a 4250 foot Mountain, which had a track even worse than the previous one.

We hadn't been on the track very far when Mike suggested he would find a place to turn around and go back to another road.  Now that should have calmed me down, but it made me feel worse - if Mike wasn't happy driving this road, why are we doing it?   Ok - so naturally climbing a track up a mountain there would be NO turning spots.  Now my knuckles were popping through my skin again.  I think I will fly here next time! 
Unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures.  My eyes were half closed most of the way, and the ruts in the track made for a very bumpy ride.

When we made the summit, Mike asked the Lady Dog to use the "fastest route".  So at the base of the Mountain we were directed towards the Interstate.

Just before we reached the Interstate, near Pearisburg on 460W, we crossed a river.  Which was quite a joyous site after 4000+ ft.
drop offs from the track.

And so on to Statesville NC., to J.R.'S Outlet.
You will never guess what happened next.
J.R.'S is no longer there.   We have travelled this road since we had our Tractor Trailer in 1990 and J.R."s was always there -NOT now.

OK.  Next stop Lake Norman State Park, approximately 3.30 pm.    161496

Took site # 10.  The sites are long and narrow here.  We just finished setting up when we heard the thunder rattling around the hills.  Luckily we had the awning out so we were able to sit out in another dandy thunderstorm with very heavy rain.  It lasted about an hour, then quit and began to dry up quickly, due to the heat.

After dinner we did get to have a good fire, and ended the day there relaxing.

Tomorrow - on to "The Clements's
Campground"  in Greenville SC area.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Monday May 29th 2017                                                              160977                6.45 am

Yes, an early start to this road trip.  And a cool damp start to the day here in Durham.  We are on our way to Simpsonville, South Carolina.  We have to be there before Friday June 2nd for Kayleigh's graduation.   Big weekend of celebrations!

Once again we took a slightly different route.  As we headed along Hwy 6 south, we took the "Victoria Road" exit, at the north of Guelph.  That is the road we remained on all the way to Freelton.

It was a quiet, easy drive, with plenty to look at to keep us alert.  It was definitely better than going along Hwy 6.  We will be doing this route again.  The road changes from Victoria Road to Victoria Road South.  So we knew we were heading in the right direction, South !

The rest of the drive to the USA Border was just as easy.  

Although there was a long line up of traffic over the bridge.

We were lucky enough to have another really happy, pleasant Customs Officer, and the chat with him must have lasted at least 45 seconds

Now we only have a problem with the fog and drizzle.  Not a real pretty drive.   But then the wind started, which thankfully blew away the fog and rain, leaving us in sunshine.  So far, so good.

In NY we got onto 219S into PA.   We did a fair amount of travelling through the Allegany State Forest, and along "The Scenic Byway"    All very interesting. 

As it was "Memorial Day in USA the roads were quite busy.  So I didn't get to take so many pictures.

Our destination tonight is Cooks Forest State Park.  We have been there several times before, and always enjoyed it.

The river at the park was closed to boating and canoeing as the river had risen 2 feet in 3 hours this morning, due to all the rain north of the park over the weekend.

We took site #138,  and settled there for the rest of the late afternoon and evening.   It was a really nice clear evening, but did cool off a lot.

After dinner we lit the campfire - as did our younger neighbours.  It was really relaxing and peaceful.

However, that only lasted about 15 minutes.  "Mr. Bigshot" next door decided the whole campground needed to listen to HIS music, which he accompanied by - I think it is called singing!

The little "wife/girlfriend" wandered over to their pick up truck and collected an armful of wood.  Guess it's going to be a long night.  She very sweetly asked "Is the music too loud or disturbing you?"   Well being honest and truthful citizens we said "Yes, just a little."
"Oh, sorry.  We'll turn it down"   Which - bless her, she did.

Mr. Bigshot did not take kindly to this, and in a matter of a minute there was a full blown argument going on in the neighbours campsite.   Mr. Bigshot apparently decided he had paid his camping fees and could do what the **** he wanted to do.     If we didn't like it he could help us change our mind.   I suggested to Mike that we just pack up and find another site the opposite side of the park.  But he said he thought it would be OK in a few minutes. 

Some other campers were taking an evening stroll around the area, probably trying to work out where all the noise was coming from. 

Anyway, Mr. Bigshot, all pleasant and gushing, ran out to greet them, very loudly - had to be loud or they wouldn't have heard over the music.   They chatted for few minutes, then Mr. Bigshot went back to his fire.   Luckily his mood seemed to be a bit calmer.  May be all would be good now.

Yes it was much better for another hour.  Then the voices, both human and musical, were all raised once again.   It did sound to us that these two were really "stoned" on something.

When the conversation by Mr. Bigshot got to be "I don't mind being roughed up and I don't care who I rough up"    We weren't sure if he was speaking of people in general, or his sexual preferences.  And that is when Mike asked me how quickly we could pack everything away and leave.  My reply was "Two minutes or less!"  OK, so it may have taken 4 minutes.

Now what?  Now where?  It was dark and about 9.30 pm.     We had two choices that we could think of.     Hit the road -  or talk to the Camp Ground Host, who could give us another site.

The choice we took, was the safer for us.  Get the heck out of Dodge, and miles away from Mr. Bigshot, before he took any more "stuff".
So now we are on a tiny road, in the hills, leading out of Cook's Forest, pitch black out here and no idea where we were going.   We could head to 1-80 and travel, or go to the next town , Brockville.   We decided on Brockville, as we had been there many years ago, and  there was a nice hotel there at that time,  The Golden Eagle. 

We had only been on the road a few minutes when a white pick up truck came barrelling down the hill.  Most of PA is on a hill - or so it seemed.   He was so fast and close it was almost as if he was pushing us.  Just a little concerning as we really didn't know the road, and as I have said it was pitch black out here.   However, we made Brockville in very good time, and thankfully in one piece.

Found the Golden Eagle, and also found the Office/Lobby was all closed up, as was the Restaurant and Bar.   OK, where next?

We had passed a new Super 8 on the way into town, so we headed back there.  As luck would have it the Lobby was open and a very pleasant young man helped us out.  So by 10.45 pm we were settled in a nice comfortable, very quiet room.

This has been a very long, first day of travelling.  Left Durham about 6.45 am.  Crossed the border about 10.30 am, or close to.  Arrived at Cook's Forest about 4.30 pm.  Settled there for a while then had to move on and arrived at the motel about 10.45 pm.

WOW!  Never a dull moment.   We need a rest.