Saturday, August 26, 2017



Once again another warm sunny day in South Carolina.

After Vince's Dr. appointment and lunch we took off to "Uncle Mike's Junk and Antique Store".  Only to find it was closed.    Which was too bad as there is always loads of :good stuff" to be found there. 
From there we just headed back to Vince and Barb's place, where I sat outside and enjoyed the weather.  It was fun to sit and relax with Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.  Last weekend was rather busy - but also a lot of fun.

Before dinner we got a chance to chat with Andrew, who told us it was very cold right now in Australia.  I think by cold he meant 

It was my turn to contribute to dinner this evening, so we had Lasagna. which turned out to be real good. - Another lucky day.
My Chef has been enjoying his days off.  But he will be getting busy very soon.

This evening we had a relaxing evening with the family.
It was "Movie" night.  Lots of fun.

No - we did not have to light the fire.  It was still very warm here.

We all enjoyed the laid back day we had today.

Saturday June 10th 2017

Here we go again - hot and sunny.   My type of weather.

Once again Vince is taking us to "Uncle Mike's".  And once again "Uncle Mike's" was not open.  Vince took us for a drive around and then we tried again.  But still Uncle Mike did not want to see us or take any of our money - too bad.

Vince found several other Antique Stores and also a "Restore" ,  where Vince and I managed to find some treasures.  

Unfortunately Barb had groceries and other chores to do this morning, but we all met at home for lunch.

After lunch we all just hung around the house.  I did manage to get our "stuff" all packed away, as we will be heading North tomorrow morning.

After dinner Kayleigh had to leave for work, so that left the four of us to spend an evening together.  We had nothing planned, but we ended up having a fabulous fun filled family evening.  Far too many giggles and silly stories.

Then time for bed, as we hit the road in the morning.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Monday June 5th 2017                                                                               161754

We had a lot of rain through the night and it was very dismal in the waking hours.
After breakfast we managed to get everything all packed away ready to leave for Baker Creek State Park.

We said our good byes to Vince, reminded him we'd be back Thursday, and then on the road by 9.45 a.m.  Barb had already left for work before we were around.

The rain had stopped but it was still very cloudy. We had to pick up some groceries, then we were on our way.

It was an easy route Mike had picked, and there was very little traffic.  As we got a little nearer Baker Creek SP our  GPS turned us on to a different road.  Need I even bother to tell you it was a wrong road!  We had to wander back from whence we came.  Only to find we would have been only a couple of minutes from the entrance to the Park.

When we entered the park we had quite away to travel to find the Park Office.  In fact, Campsite #1 came before the Park Office.  As it happened, that was a good thing.  What we had seen so far was certainly not the type of campsites we would like for three nights.

And so, much to our pleasure, we headed to Calhoun Falls  S.P  which to us is the ultimate for camping.

The site we had a couple of years ago was already taken, so we took #21.  Once again right on the lake edge.  Another great site.

We had to set up in the rain, and even ate a late lunch inside.

Never the less. the view from our camper is great.

As soon as the rain, and now the thunder subsides, we can go exploring.

Well that didn't happen, the storms kept on a rolling.

The rains died down enough for Mike to wander to the lake edge - maybe about 50 steps.  It was really very pretty,

We had to cook inside as the rains returned and kept going.

There was another small break in the rain, but not long enough to explore.

So this evenings entertainment will possibly involve a movie due to circumstances beyond our control.    We always keep some with us - just in case.

The rain had almost stopped by 10 p.m. but too late to go exploring then.
So that ends another day.

Woke to a slightly brighter sky.  No rain at this time, so breakfast was on the BBQ and outside.  It was already quite warm, and just a little humid.

As you can see this is a really great site.

The back of the site, leading down to the Lake.

The Lake edge.

Time to plan the day's activities.

Decided to walk The Nature Trail today.  It's a 1.75 mile loop trail, with approximately a mile to get to the trail, and then a mile to return from the trail.

The weather was still good for a nice walk.

Before leaving for our walk we were entertained by a friendly squirrel.

And so onto the trail.

It looks to be a good walk, with bridges.

And steps along the way.

We came across a tree that appeared to have the remains of a large vine clinging to the trunk.  Looking very much like a rope.

All along the trail there were several different toadstools.

As you can imagine it can get very humid along these trails.

Today it is 79f with 85% humidity.

No hurrying along the trail today.

After climbing a little to the bluff we could see the lake.

There was an interesting indication that a tree had once been in this particular spot.

And then we rounded the loop, so time to saunter along to our site.

It was a really good walk, but we were getting very hot now.  So when we arrived back at our sat we sat and relaxed until lunch time.

In fact it turned out to be quite a hot, relaxing afternoon, with the threat of thunderstorms once again.
And yes, there were a few rumbles of thunders  and some very light rain showers.  Nothing like yesterday's rain.  This time we could sit under the awning.

A very interesting means of transportation through the camp ground.

After dinner, which my Chef made a great job of, and got the BBQ working just right, we lit the camp fire.  Which was quite the chore due to the heavy rains yesterday and the showers today.

However, it did eventually work, a little.

It certainly was not a loss, as the sunset made up for the lack of fire.

Another really good day.

Wednesday June 7th 2017.

It looked to be cloudy when I woke this morning, but what a great surprise when I looked out the window.   Though the trees out towards the lake I could see some blue sky and a hint of the sunshine.  It looked to be quite breezy.

It was a very pleasant start to the day. sunshine and no humidity.

We stayed around our site for the morning.  The weather was perfect for relaxing, and taking it easy.

After lunch we walked around the whole of campground #1 and made notes of the sites we really liked.  Which included about 80% of them.   We will probably return here on our next visit to see Vince.

It was a nice afternoon and we are not usually so laid back but this environment made it easy to relax and be lazy.   Lots of sunshine, nice breeze to keep us comfortable and the lake right at our doorstep.

After dinner, which my Chef did another great job, I got some more sunset pictures.

Tonight the fire was 100% better than last night

We sat there for the remainder of the evening telling stories and listening to our music and relaxing - as we had done all day!

Thursday June 8th 2017.

Another perfect day, slightly warmer than yesterday, but no humidity.

Today we pull out of here and head back to Vince and Barb's.   Shame to  leave such a lovely site and wonderful weather.

All packed and on our way by 10.45.  No time frame to follow today.  So we will just take our time and enjoy the journey.

It was an easy and enjoyable drive through the countryside to Vince's.

Kayleigh and Vince were both home when we arrived, but Barb was still at work.

Vince made a great salmon dinner for all of us when Barb got home.   Then we just chatted and relaxed for the remainder of the evening.

So good to be able to have these wonderful family times.

GRADUATION DAY. June 2nd 2017

 Yes - finally I have managed a few minutes to try to get this blog up to date.   We have been very busy around the house and yard, and there really wasn't enough time in the day to get everything done that I had planned and hoped to get  through.                                                  
So here I am now!

FRIDAY JUNE 2nd 2017.
We were up and breakfast all done, ready to leave the house about 8.45 a.m.  The weather was good although a little on the warm side.  We have not adjusted yet.  It was still cool when we left home.

The Interstate into Greenville SC was extremely busy and as we neared the Arena that was housing the Graduation it got even worse.  No wonder at it though.  There were 545 students graduating and each student could have up to 12 family or friends attend,  I will let you do the math on that - it adds up to a heck of a lot of people all going to the same place at the same time.  There were two car loads of us for Kayleigh.

It was so slow going that as we reached the Arena Barb and I got out and Vince and Mike continued on their way to try and find a parking spot.  At the time we reached the Arena the parking lot was "LOT FULL".

Barb and I made our way to our seats where Barb's family were already seated and waiting for us.

As you can see there are a lot of  "student seats".

The beginning of the actual Graduation Ceremony  began about 10 minutes after Barb and I arrived.   That was close!

I managed to get a picture of Kayleigh entering the Arena.  Kayleigh is the one in flat shoes.

Unfortunately I was unable to get any shots of Kayleigh receiving her diplomas.

By the time the guys arrived, having walked 1.5 miles back to the Arena in all the humidity, the students were all seated, and the speeches well under way.

It was a really good ceremony and quite lengthy.  In fact,  this was the largest Graduation Class in the whole of Southern Carolina History.

Then came the conclusion of it all, and as expected a great many Graduation Caps were flung into the air.  It was a very memorable sight and a great experience to be there.

Then it was time to enter the grounds of the Arena and try to find Kayleigh.  It didn't take too long.

time for some pictures.

After that we all made our way to The Olive Garden for a great Family Graduation Luncheon Celebration.

That was really fun, and of course great food!

We hadn't seen Barb's sister, Jane, in almost 20 years, and it had been ab0ut 5 years since we had seen Duane and Marylou (Barb's parents), so lots to catch up on.

Lunch all finished we headed back to Vince and Barb's for more pictures.  I didn't take many as Vince took some of all of us.  Which I am hoping we will receive in the near future.


Kayleigh with Proud Mum and Dad.

Kayleigh and Jane.

It was certainly an excellent day, and we all enjoyed it very much.   Mike and I were really pleased to have been a part of this great celebration.   Like Duane and Marylou, we were very proud Grand Parents.

And so, with the night closing in,  it was time to bring the day to an end, as tomorrow is another busy day with family excursions to look forward to.


Once again, up and out by 9.00 a.m.   We are heading to Columbia SC today, to visit The University of South Carolina, where Kayleigh will be attending in August.

It was a very pleasant drive, about 2 hours, and we meet Barb's folks there.

The University was awesome, massive and very impressive.

Lots of pictures taken there too.

Some of the grounds at the University.

One of the many Cafe's.

Landscaping and buildings all quite magnificent.

It seemed every corner we turned or street we crossed there were more pictures to take.

We found the area where Kayleigh's dorm will be.
Unfortunately it was not accessible at this time.

The "apartment" building Kayleigh will be living in.

More buildings and grounds at USC.

                                                              Some of the blooms at USC.

We wandered around the grounds for a few hours.  Spent quite some time in the University Book and Gift Store, which was great.

Then we made our way to "The Thirsty Fellow's Restaurant".  Yes, after all the walking in the glorious sunshine we were all thirsty.

A friend of Mary Lou's,  Allen, joined us for lunch.  It was a really fun time.  The food and drinks were excellent, and the company could not have been better.

Bellies all full, we hit the road and headed back to Vince and Barb's for more festive celebrations.

Mary Lou had put together a video of the 18 years of Kayleigh's young life.  What a talented person Mary Lou is.  It was a fabulous video.  I wouldn't mind  copy of that.
And so on with the celebrations.

We spent some time all telling stories etc. before Vince did an excellent BBQ for us.  Barb followed that with a selection of superb desserts.   I don't think we should eat for a few days after this weekend.

Then came the finale of the Graduation Celebrations.  Barb had bought fireworks to end the day.

Kayleigh and Grandpa Duane.

Kayleigh, Grandpa Duane, Barb and JD (Kayleigh's Cousin)

And the fireworks came to an end.

What a wonderful end to the visit for Duane, Mary Lou, Jane and JD. who will be heading home to Minnesota tomorrow.

Mike and I sat around with Vince, Barb and Kayleigh for sometime before we wandered off to bed.

It had been a really busy exciting time.

Sunday June 4th 2017.

Up at a good time as Vince and I planned to go on a Photo Shoot trip into Grenville this morning.  We need to go fairly early to beat the heat.

So on the road about 8.30 a.m.    It was an excellent drive as not too many people were on the road yet.

Greenville is truly a great city with so many wonderful places to see, explore and wander around.

The Falls on the Reedy is one of my favorite area's in Greenville.  It is almost impossible to realise you are actually Downtown Greenville.

As you are about to see I did take a lot of pictures around that area.

Luckily Vince got a lot of really good shots for his liking too.  We both take different style pictures.

I love taking pictures that show reflections.

A very busy spot in the evenings.

Yes even the Sheriff was enjoying this Sunday morning.

A very artistic parking garage wall.

And after a busy morning - this is a very good sign!

Vince and I had enjoyed about three hours of photography by the time we headed back.

The clouds were beginning to roll in and the humidity was rising very quickly.  It began to feel like the perfect recipe for a very stormy afternoon.

Many years ago - far too many to count - Vince and I would get up early on a Sunday and I would drive us into the countryside for Vince to do his photography.  We usually left about 7 a.m. and returned about 10 a.m. ready for breakfast.  We lived in Guelph at that time.  It has been really fun to relive that.  Thank you so much Vince.

After lunch the storms did roll in, so I spent time working on my writing and helping Mike plan our route for the coming week.  We will leave here tomorrow morning and return here on Thursday.

Once again we had a wonderful family dinner, then spent a relaxing family evening just exchanging stories.  It was the perfect way to end a very busy exciting weekend.