Tuesday, September 27, 2011


FRIDAY SEPT 9th 2011                         10 a.m.    305058
We packed our little camper up Thursday evening ready to leave Friday morning.  Hit the road about
10 a.m. in beautiful sunshine.  It was a good ride to the park, although quite busy.   We were lucky enough to get two sites close to each other, as Danny and Lynne will be arriving here also.  Site # 12 and site # 13.

All set up by 11.15 a.m.  So we sat relaxing and reading until Danny and Lynne arrived.

They were coming in from Fergus, so arrived an hour or so after us.

After lunch we all hit the trails to sunset point and along the shoreline.  Fantastic weather for walking.

As you can see the boys enjoyed the rocks along the shoreline.

Little Tetley (Danny and Lynne's dog) just loved these walks.  He is so cute.

Got back to camp in time for "happy hour" before dinner.

After nice BBQ dinner we hiked our way to the beach.  Still fantastic weather, but little cooler right then.

We all enjoyed the beautiful sunset, then wandered back to camp. 

We sat around the camp fire at Danny and Lynne's site, having a great evening telling all kinds of stories, before bed time.


Don't believe we got up so late - 9.15 a.m.  It feels like we missed half the day.   Oh well. we can't gain it back now, so we have to make the most of all that is left for the day.  It certainly is another glorious day too.
After breakfast we planned our hike, and hoped it would work OK for Danny and Lynne.  They had not been here before.

We headed off along the shorter hike along the Deer Run Trail.  There were still a lot of flowers in bloom.  This part of the trail also takes us through the orchard area, and there were a good amount of apples still on the trees.  UMM, very tasty too!

The weather was great, nice and sunny and just a small breeze to keep us cool.

Once again Tetley walked the whole trail.

The trail was fairly quiet for a weekend.  We wondered if a lot of the people were making the most of the weather and headed to the beach area instead of the trails.   Where ever you happened to be it was wonderful.

As a treat after a great hike we ended up at the store for  well earned rest and a delicious ice cream cone.

We all spent a relaxing afternoon around our sites, enjoying the sunshine.  It felt more like July, not September.  We did enjoy listening to the Toronto Blue Jays Game on the radio, which got very exciting in the 9th, and gave us another well earned WIN.

Krista, who works with Natalie, stopped by for a visit through the afternoon.  That was great.

About 6.15 .m. we headed back to sunset point to enjoy the weather and sunset.  The weather was still great.

As you can guess - we will be sorry to have to go home tomorrow.

Can't help wondering what tomorrow will bring.
It is 9/11 - ten years later!

Here's Lynne enjoying the beach.  Who wouldn't on such a fantastic evening?

Yes, we enjoyed it too.

Had late supper around the fire, then Danny and Lynne came to join us, so we all continued with our stories and also putting the world right.

Shame these nights cannot go on forever, but by 11.30 p.m. Mike and I had to go to bed, before the fire got built up again.   Danny and Lynne had retired a while before then.

This has been great - look forward to doing it all again.


10 A.M. -  so far so good, haven't heard of any world disaster's.   Then again, doubt we will, we haven't put the radio back on yet.  Think we will wait until tomorrow.

Had nice breakfast - still able to eat outside. not at all cold.  

Danny and Lynne stopped over for  visit after they had packed up.  We were not in any hurry to leave, not so far to go as Danny.   Our plan is to stop n at Southampton Market, then a picnic lunch on the way
home - no rush.  Be back for supper.

Managed a nice picnic along the river in Owen Sound.  What a beautiful day for it too.

Back in Durham 3.00 p.m.                               305241

Where to next????                           
Let you all know when we get there.

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