Thursday, June 14, 2012

Camping 2012

OK.  Sorry we have not been blogging for a while.  Just been too darn busy around the house recently.  However, that is a good thing, the improvements are great.  Like living in a new house now.  We have been camping a few times, starting in March, which I will get to, but let's start with the most recent trip right now.

WEDNESDAY MAY 23rd.     10 am left Durham,  307269
Took all country roads heading into Inverhuron Provincial Park, and what a pretty drive it turned out to be.  Just a few fluffy clouds, nothing at all threatening in sight.
Arrived at the park about 11.15 am (307350).  Luck was with us and we managed to get the same camp site as we had last year, #76.  As you can see from the picture the view from the site was fantastic, as was the weather by then too.

We relaxed around the site for a while after lunch then walked over  the boulders along the "scenic drive trail". 

There were many different wild flowers blooming to hat we had been seeing in Mac Gregor on our last trips.

Also there were quite a few butterflies, squirrels, blue jays, robins and as we walked along the trail high in the trees we heard and saw a "murder" of crows.  The calls they were making were quite deafening and very scary sounding.  No wonder it is called a murder of crows!

 The weather was perfect now, at least for hiking.  Bright and sunny with a soft breeze, keeping us cool while wandering the trails for a few hours.

Back at the camp we settled into some reading, writing and listening to The Toronto Blue Jays, who unfortunately lost. 

Lit the campfire, where we cooked our supper.  Sat out with our usual silly stories until bed time.

Great Life.

Thursday May 24th.      HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB!
Beautiful morning, sunny and warm and quite the breeze coming off the lake.
Took our time with breakfast and planned our walks for the day.

Hiked the beach to the southern perimeter of the park.   It was so nice to wander along the shore with the tiny waves lapping at our feet.  However, very cool water!

From there we headed to the rainbow bridge over the Small Sauble River.  Very pretty spot to stop and enjoy.
Then along the boardwalk onto the trail and back to camp, after  another two hour hike.

Late lunch and relaxed for a while before hitting the trails again.  This time heading towards the northern perimeter of the park.

There were quite a few different birds along the shore and the trail, and we also found this "space ship".
OK, so it's not a space ship, but it makes for interesting reading.

Didn't actually time this hike, but it must have been about three hours, as we arrived back at camp about
5 pm.  Very good timing - Happy Hour.

It was getting extremely windy, although not at all cold.  By the time BBQ was done the winds were so strong we could not light the campfire.

Just sat around enjoying the peace and quiet.  May be not so quiet tonight, in the gale force winds.

Friday 25th May.     307350
Can you believe 7 months to Christmas Day!
Suddenly caught the sound of thunderer through the sounds of the very strong winds, so we hurried outside to close the awning and put all the outside things away before the rain and storm actually hit - made it just in time too.

So today breakfast was cooked inside and by the time we had finished the storm was over and the sun shinning again.

The lake was really noisy to what it was yesterday so we took a walk to the shore.  Very different day on the lake again, but still beautiful.

All packed up ready to leave about 12 noon, and already trying to plan our next trip.  So many places to explore, we are spoilt for choice.

To try to finish off this perfect little trip we made our way into Kincardine for a walk along the beach and marina.  Then to the Erie Belle for lunch.  Fabulous - you should the fish and chips there.

Home by 3.15 pm.    30744.

March 19th 2012   306650
This was our first camping trip for this year.  We could not believe the weather for the time of the year.  Already had a week of record breaking weather and the forecast is for the same for another few days.  So El Campista all packed up ready to leave for MacGregor Point.  Had to choose there as that is the only local park open all year.  No problem we love it there anyway.

May 4th 2012.  307085
This was our second trip of the 2012 camping season.  Once again off to MacGregor Point.  We never get tired of this park.  It seems to change each time we go.

Both of these trips gave us really good weather,good camp sites and lots to see and enjoy.

Due to the very warm weather for the time of the year we were lucky enough to catch sight of this snapping turtle on the road way having just woke from the winter snooze.

Yes- he was quite the size!

If you look closely at the log in this picture you will see several turtles sunbathing.

It was certainly a good time for viewing the turtles.  You should have been with us Sandy.

In fact we saw as many as 23 turtles in March, and another 15 in May.

I was not quite so excited about seeing this piece of nature along the trails.  But once again, very early to see this in March.

The camp fires were excellent both in March and May.

Not sure if you an make this out or not, but this is the "Super Moon".
May 4th.  Needed a much better camera to get the shot, but it is listed in the "memory bank".  Fantastic to see.

The May trip allowed us to view many different species of butterflies.  We must invest in a "Butterfly" book.

Speaking of butterflies, what do you think of this Caterpillar nest?

Could not believe the size of it.

Another beautiful sight.

And so this was a condensed blog of two trips to MacGregor Point.  I will do my best to keep this kept up to date for the remainder of the camping season.  Which we hope continues through to at least November!

Catch you all in a few days -  we hope!

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