Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Tuesday September 11th 2012              310283                        9.00 a.m.

Packed El Campista up yesterday between house chores and hiking our park, all ready for an early start today.    Cool start to the day but forecast sounds good for us and camping.  We have never been to Rock Point so both of us looking forward to it.  This time we will be able to stop in and visit with Grant and Myrna  on our way home.  Looking forward to that too.

Excellent drive to the park, stayed on Highway 6 until we could hit the country roads around #5 highway.
Managed to get a really good site, #122. Lots of sun and shade and no one anywhere near us.    310507               1.00 p.m.

All set up, then lunch and plan the rest of the day.

Always exciting when you go to a completely new Park to you.

Our site was only a minute from the beach along the trail.  The lake was quite rough when we arrived at the beach, but although it was windy it was warm and sunny.

We wandered this part of the beach for quite a way.


Then we came across "the Fossil" beach.

We had never seen so many fossils, and so many different types of fossils.  It was quite fascinating.    Some of these fossils are said to be 11-12 thousand years old.


There were parts of the beach and trail that were completely covered with tiny shells.  Unfortunately you really did have to walk over them or you were stuck there. 


No, this is not snow.  It is a trail of shells again.

Very fascinating.

There were very few people around.

Guess we hiked that area for a couple of hours.  A lot of the trail was just off the shore line and very pretty.   Quite a lot of it actually followed along the cliff of Lake Erie.

We will definitely do this park again, and that is only after a few hours here.

Relaxed for a while, both of us reading and then I did my writing before it was declared
"Happy Hour"

Guess Hiker Mike was very happy at that!

Nothing like a Wellington Ale after a few hours hiking.

Such a pretty night, we walked the beach and watched the sun set over Lake Erie.

Then back for dinner and our usual story telling around the fire.

Wednesday September 12th 2012.
Fabulous morning,warm, sunny and not a cloud in the sky.   Far too nice to rush around, so late breakfast. 
Walked towards the south perimeter of the park, through the trails and then along the beach.   Although warm, it was very windy, and the lake quite choppy.  Still very few people around.
This area of the beach had some really pretty shells, and a good size too.
A great way to spend a morning.


It appears that the fishing must be good in Lake Erie.  The Gulls and Turkey Vultures really enjoyed this meal.

We spent time enjoying the scenery from the lookout tower, where Lake Erie did look a little rough today.

Then back on the trail to our site.

Another good 3 hour hike.

After lunch we relaxed around the site for a while, enjoying the beautiful "summer" weather.

Did another tour of the beach later in the afternoon.  The lake was much calmer then.
Still nice and warm.

Cooked dinner over the fire then relaxed right there enjoying the warm clear evening.

Thursday 13th September.
WOW! Another great day.  However, we have to pack up today and head back to "Old Durham Town"

On our way back we stopped off at Port Colbourne.  Never been there before, and we found it a very interesting place.  In some ways it reminded us of Elora.

From there we went to Ridgeway to visit with Grant and Myrna.  We hadn't see them for years, so there was such a lot to catch up on.  What a fantastic visit.  We had such fun, but then the four us together always did have a lot, or even too much, fun.

Grant very kindly showed us around the area and was extremely informative about the area, making it even more fun.  Thank you so much Grant.  We are really looking forward to the next visit to see more of the area.

The four of us had a lovely meal at a Restaurant on the beach.  It was just like old times sitting around with Grant and Myrna, must do it again very soon.

Headed home some time after 7 .p.m.  It was a good drive back, not too busy.

Pulled into our driveway about 11 p.m.                310802.

Another Great trip!

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