Monday, November 26, 2012

Guess where we are?

Fabulous weather for the next few days, so I am sure you all know where we are.  Three guesses, and the first two don't count.  Now I doubt that didn't tax your brain too much.
Yes we are at Mac Gregor.  It is about the only year round park that is open and that we enjoy.
November 20th 2012                                           311272

Weather is really good for this time of the year and sounds even better tomorrow, but rain by Friday evening, and then the inevitable happens - or so we have been told.  Snow to start Friday evening.

So this may be the last camping trip for 2012.  Not sure I am  up to real "Winter Camping"


Took site # 65, never had this site before, but will certainly take it again.  Far better than a couple of weeks ago when we had #83, which we were not very happy with.

There was no one around, even though there were a good amount of "seasonal winter" trailers set up.  It was extremely quiet and relaxing.

Temps in the low teens.

After lunch we got ready for a hike.

As you can see the Chickadees were very happy to see us return.

 It looks as if the lake is even lower than it was a couple of weeks ago, as you can see from the picture  of the beach. 

 We have never seen it look like this. 

On the marine forecast it was mentioned that Lake Huron is down 1.5 metres, and yes we could see the difference to previous years.

As you are aware we have some fantastic friends and family, if we didn't you wouldn't be reading this.

Anyway, Heather and Martin were away on a tour of the canyons in Arizona.  They also stopped in Vegas and while there they couldn't resist buying me a gift.   Knowing my passion for Elvis, they bought me an Elvis doll/teddy bear, who is accompanying us on this trip.

Let me introduce you to
"Elvis Campista"


He takes care of things for me.

Thank you guys.  He is great.

Now when I get back from this trip I will be the proud owner of two Elvis discs that I do not have.  And I must Thank You - Tony -
for those.  It won't matter if is it a snowy weekend I can listen to Elvis.

Thank you to all my friends.

 Had a great hike along the beach, Huron Fringe Trail and Turtle Pond, where this little squirrel decided he needed feeding as well.

You can see what a gorgeous fall day it is.

Headed back to camp to light the campfire before dark, and time to settle in for "Happy Hour".

Once again our little tent/add-a-room worked like a charm.   It did cool off about 8.30 p.m. so went in and played dominoes.  That was fun.  I won (again)!
Night Night.

Wednesday 21st November
Another beautiful day and not at all cold.  BBQ breakfast then ready for hiking.

Hiked some of the Deer Trail, up to Huron Campsite then on to the Old Shorline Trail.

We actually met another Human Being on this trail walking her 11 month old puppy.

The water still very low, but must admit it does still  look pretty here.

From there we hiked some more of the Fringe Trail, turtle pond and back to camp for a couple of hours .  It was a great hike, but time for lunch and a little time to relax and catch up on some reading, Patrica
Cornwell this time, very good.

 Later in the afternoon we took off along the remaining part of the Old Shoreline Trail that we did not do this morning.  We met another couple there walking there dog.  Had a nice chat with them, and they told us of another good park to try next year, Arrowhead, near Huntsville.  Looking forward to that.

The turtle pond was extremely calm this afternoon.  Did not see any turtles, frogs, raccoons, or deer, but the birds were as happy to see us as they were yesterday.

As you can see this Nuthatch was extremely happy to see us.

Walked to the Point to watch a beautiful sunset, before heading back to camp for a nice fire, BBQ, and another game of dominoes.

Oh yes, I did it again - I won.

What can I tell you?

Thursday 22nd November 2012.                                                         311352

Unfortunately we are heading home today.  Weather is still good and very warm for November, +20c.  Forecast for rain, changing to snow tomorrow for the weekend, and who knows how much longer.

The Chickadees came visiting and begging me not to leave.

Looks like this could really be the last trip this year unless I get talked into this "winter camping" thing.

All packed and ready to leave about 11.30. 

Headed to Port Elgin and Owen Sound to do some shopping  before going home.

This has been a really good trip, it feels as if we have been away for a week, not a few days.

Anyway, we will catch you again when out and about next.                                    311458

Saturday 23rd November.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"  here in Old Durham Town.

                            This is what we woke up to this morning - yes it's pretty!  BUT!!!!!


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