Monday, September 9, 2013

Trip South

Tuesday September 3rd 2013                     314216                8.45am

This is the trip I have been waiting for.  We are all set up and packed ready to leave for South Carolina to visit with Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.  The weather right at the time of leaving was not being very
co-operative, dark, cloudy  and raining.  Hopefully it will improve as we venture further south.
And yes, by the time we got to Fergus the sky had cleared a little.
Talking of Fergus, we had a great visit with Don, Helen, Janet and John last weekend.  Luckily the weather was perfect so we had lunch outside.

I made everyone's favorite dish from the days they ate at our "old Pub".  It turned out good.  So food and bevvy's flowed endlessly.
I think the little group of six will be called "The Man-hat-n Society" as all the men wore their hats.
Very Mucho - don't you think?
Anyway, back to this trip.  The ride went well.  One of the easiest trips through Hamilton we have ever done.  Quite often Hamilton is "The Place" we get lost in.
Reached the Border at Buffalo in good time, 12.15 pm.   There things changed!
The line up before the bridge was long enough, yet alone all the vehicles on the bridge.  In all our years of trucking we had never seen the border crossing like that.  Not much to tell you about that hour.  Cloudy, windy, not raining, vehicles bumper to bumper.
After an hour we finally made it to the Customs Officer.  Must add , he was quite a handsome man and extremely polite.  The chat with him lasted about 30 seconds before he said "You are all set, have a great trip and enjoy your visit with your family".  How nice was that? 
Once into Buffalo we headed to route 5, which took us past Buffalo Outer Harbour.  Quite an interesting looking place.
Continued along 5 to our turn off to Dunkirk and Fredonia to get our usual supplies for camping.  Then on to Lake Erie State Park NY.  We have been there before, so no hidden surprises.  We were lucky enough to get our favorite site, #7.     4pm 314540.


After setting up it was time for a walk before dinner.  Still cloudy and windy, giving a good few white caps on the lake.
Even more white caps near the beach.

After dinner the clouds seemed to get blown away and the sun set OK over the Lake.
Settled in for our usual game of dominoes and this time Mike won fair and square!
So all in all a good start to this journey south.
Did 324 km today
Wednesday 4th September 2013                 314540                10.30 am
Nice sunny morning, but once again windy.
Our favorite view from the campsite.
As you can see the Lake is a little calmer than last night.
On the road by 10.30 am along The Seaway Trail and Chautauqua Wine Trail.  The grape bushes were almost getting to be the size of trees.
Came into Westfield NY, very impressive clean quiet town. Then into Mayville, an equally lovely town.
Both towns on the Chautauqua Lake, and both towns had The Stars and Stripes hanging out on every post.  It appeared there was a lot going on in the area too.  We would really like to plan a return trip here to check it all out.
Into PA by 11.30am, driving through the Allegheny Mountains and Forest.
 Stopped in the Allegheny State Forest
for lunch.  Where it was warm and sunny.
We managed t o stay on the two lane roads almost all the way.  It was fun going through the towns and villages, and taking the "snake" roads through the mountains.
Reached Laurel Hill State Park a little later than anticipated, 6 pm.  Mainly due to all the twists and turns through the mountains on route 219.  No problems though. 
All set up and time to relax for a while before dinner.
We bought a bundle of wood for $5.00. Thought that was a good deal until we opened it and tried to get a fire going.
There were 5 pieces of wood and all were totally NON-flammable.
Oh well, the rest of the day was really good and this is a very clean pretty park.    314954       414km today
THURSDAY SEPT 5TH 2013                314954                  10.45 pm
Woke to sunshine, which was short lived.  Good job we didn't sleep in, we would have missed it.  View from our camper.
Anyway, weather OK, just really overcast.
Chipmunks joined us for breakfast, but the would not stay long enough to have their pictures taken.
On the road again by 10.45 am.  Took The Copper Kettle Highway out of the park.  Then on to 219, which was named Mason Dixon Highway, with elevation 0f 2239ft.
It was a pretty route through the Allegheny Mountains.  At Alvilkin  the elevation was 2900ft, and the mountains were getting bigger and the roads more twisty.

 Heading to Douthat State Park.
Well now, this really is God's Country.
Kept going up and up.  Felt sure that we would reach Heaven's Gate any minute, but no, just switch back roads still going up and up.  Then guess what?  Equally as many switch back roads going down.  We had never seen or been on a road like this before.  Found it impossible to take pictures due to the elevation and NO guard rails.  Quite the drive, but Chauffer Mike was in his element with this.  Yes it was fantastic scenery (as long as you could keep your eyes open!).
Any way we got to the park safe and sound, up in the mountains.  Beautiful evening and a great park.  Quite the adventurous drive today.  Couldn't even text Natalie and Vince from here, no cell reception. 
Arrived about 6.30 pm did 394 km
315348  It took close to 8 hours.
This evening our wood was really good so the fire was excellent.

So to the end of the day.  Not sure what to say about this day.  yes, it was a fun drive, yes, it was a bit of a tense drive.  But very happy we did it. Will we do it again - probably!

FRIDAY SEPT 6th 2013                 315348

Sunny morning here in the mountains. Hoping the drive will be a little less stressful today, but equally as pretty.

This park is gorgeous.  We took a walk around before leaving.

 Still in the mountains.  This time the Appalachians.   Did an hour or so on the Interstate, then back to the fun, twisty roads.  Yes, equally as pretty as yesterday, but luckily no switch back roads.

Went through Jefferson National forest and still some pretty good mountains to climb.

Over New River, then onto New River State Park, near Boone NC.
Once again a really nice park.

Before dinner we decided it was time for a nice walk, so took the Hemlock Mountain Trail.  It felt so good to be out walking again.  I'm not so good at sitting for hours any more.


The sites here have a parking area for your camper, trailer or vehicles and then a raised or lowered patio with fire pit, picnic tables and a lot of room for wild parties.  There would probably be enough room to park three campers like ours on the patio.

Another good night with the fire and a fantastic night for star gazing.

Been a really good day.   315627

SATURDAY SEPT. 7TH                        315627  (did 279 km yesterday)

Very different morning.  Could not even see the picnic table when we woke up.  It was extremely foggy.  However, it did clear quite quickly and we even managed breakfast outside again.

Very pretty ride into Greenville, and arrived at Vince's about 3.15 pm.

It was so good to see them all again.
Everyone was great.  We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening catching up on all the news.

Skyped with Natalie and Elijah, then Andrew, then back to the five of us.

Once again, a great day.

Fabulous day today.  After breakfast we all headed into the city of Greenville, which was really nice.

The park in the city was really beautiful with water falls and hiking trails.  It was hard to believe we were in the city.

  Barb and Kayleigh

 The Three Girls
The Two Guys.

From there we went to the Mast General Store, which had some really interesting items.  Could have spent a fortune in there.

Then it was lunch time, and Shaky's Pub was right opposite, so that was the next destination.  Good food and quite the collection of Beer.  Norman you will be pleased to know that they even had Fat Tire, which both Mike and Vince thoroughly enjoyed.

After lunch we headed back to Vince's.  Relaxed for a while reading and writing.  Kayleigh had some homework to finish.  Later dinner followed by family time.
That is a priceless way to end a really fun day.

MONDAY SEPT 9th 2013

Once again a nice sunny warm day.   Barb had to go to work, Kayleigh off to school. 
Vince took us around the suburb of Mauldin, where they live and Kayleigh goes to school.  Did a bit of shopping then headed back to Vince's.
Got a few things put together and planned our trip for the week.  We are off camping and exploring from Tues-Friday.
Kayleigh had soccer practice in the evening.  So we had late supper and again had some great family times.

As you can see Kayleigh had a boo boo while at soccer practice.  Hope she can play next Saturday.








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