Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday October 1st 2013

Three guessed where we are heading to today - and the first two don't count!
Yes, you got it - MacGregor Point.  Cannot believe it has been five months since we were here last.                                                                                                        

Left warm sunny Durham about 11 a.m.  Stopped in Hanover for our camping supplies, then straight to Port Elgin.

You can really tell Fall is almost ready to take over from the wonderful summer we have been having.  Not according to the weather.  It is a gorgeous "summer day".

Must admit it looks pretty with the fall colours showing through. But then, I really enjoy the fall.

The park was not all busy.  Big choice of sites to take.  We took #13 (there we go again with 13!)   It is a really good site for this time of the year.  There is always a spot where the sun can get through should it cool down.

Relaxed for a while after lunch, then hit the trails.  It was so good to be back here.  We stopped in at the Visitors Centre.  There are always some very interesting artifacts to wander around.

Then on to the Turtle Pond.  Which looked so different.  There were several small grassy islands in the pond this time.  We had never seen that before.

We did not see any turtles.

From the turtle pond we headed to the Old Shore Line Trail along the beach, then on to Sunset Point.  Along the beach area we could see way in the distance what appeared to be 3 swans again.  However, we could not confirm this as we did not bring the binoculars on this walk.

The weather was fabulous 25c and sunny. although there was a strong breezy off of the lake.  A really beautiful "Fall" day.

Slowly wandered back to our site in time for tea and cookies.


The Chick-a-dees and Nuthatches were extremely  happy to see us back.  Almost as happy as we were to be back here.

Caught up on some reading then we had visitors arrives - as you can see.
A cheeky chipmunk stopped by to see if we had any goodies for him.

Although a really warm day it cooled down quickly when the sun went down and it also clouded over a bit.  So we lit the camp fire and once again tried to put the world right.  Which was a tough job due to all the unrest in the USA at that moment.

Regardless it was once again a great camping day.

Wednesday Oct 2nd 2013.
Looks like today will be a copy of yesterday's weather.  It was an ideal morning for BBQ breakfast.  It felt more like July, not October.  All this is a big bonus right now.

We took a long walk around The Deer Run Trail.  It was perfect weather for that trail as there are some shady and some open areas.
We did not see any deer.  However, we came across several frogs and two snakes.  Snakes are not my favorite thing at all, but regardless it was a really enjoyable walk.

Made it back to camp for a  late lunch - about 2 p.m.  Still warm and sunny so relaxed for an hour or so before heading towards the turtle pond.

The pond was very calm and clear today, and still no turtles.

Then wandered back along the Old Shore Line Trail to sunset point again.  The lake also looked different to what it was yesterday.  You could just see a few white caps appearing in the distance.  It was still nice to walk along the rocks again.

Back to our site about 5 p.m. and although still sunny it was quite a bit cooler, so may be the fall is getting here.

Enjoyed another evening around the fire.

That is always a very pleasant part of a day's hiking and camping - relaxing around the fire in the evening.

Thursday 3rd October 2013.

Very cool morning compared to yesterday.  However, equally as sunny.


We will be heading home today.  Really enjoyed this site, hope we can get it again some other time.

We had a very enjoyable day, stopped in at Port Elgin, then Southampton Market, from there onto Owen Sound to see if we could find some bargains at Deals.  And ended up having a picnic lunch in the sunshine near The Bay shore Arena.  A great way to end a good camping trip.

So from there we headed home.  Looking forward to returning again very soon.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tuesday September 10th 2013                                        315906
Here we are parked at Vince's and getting ready for a few days away camping.

Nice and warm again, no complaints there though.  We are enjoying it all.

All ready to head to Table Rock State Park about 11.30 am.

It was a really nice drive to the park, which really wasn't very far from Greenville SC.

It didn't take long to get back into the mountains.

The nearer we got to Table Rock, the bigger the mountains got.

Arrived at the Park about 1.15 p.m.
315990 - just 84km from Vince's Apartment.

The afternoon was shaping up to be quite hot.

Lake Ooleney was at the Park Headquarters which was a very pretty area.  Let's hope the rest of the park is as good, or even better. if that is possible.

We took #43 which was a little way up the mountain and in the trees.  It was mainly shady, but there was some sun.

Very hot afternoon, so we sat around the site relaxing.  It seemed the correct thing to do.


This wonderful Butterfly spent most of the afternoon with us.

Early evening we walked around the camp ground to the Country Store, which had the WIFI hotspot and managed to get Elijah on Skype, and also sent e-mails to family.

Wandered back to our camp.  Had nice BBQ dinner then sat around the fire.  Why a camp fire then it is still 75F you may ask.  Well - just because we can.  And we have never sat around the campfire in shorts.

So, there is a first time for everything!

Great Park, and a really good day.

Wednesday September 11th - We all remember this date, don't we?

Very comfortable morning, fairly warm but not too hot - yet.
After breakfast we took off to the Palmetto Trail which goes up The Cherokee Mountain towards Lake Ocasee.  The trail is 12.5 miles and not a loop, so we knew right away we would not be walking 25 miles in South Carolina heat.

However, we did do approximately 1.5 miles up the mountain.  Quite a difficult trail as well.

Once again we found the "switch backs".  This time on foot.  After each switch back the trail got higher and more narrow and right on the edge of the mountain.  We had hoped to at least reach the water fall, but decided after about 1.5 miles we should turn around and head back, while still in one piece.  It was also getting quite hot.   It had been a steep climb and already you could not see the foot of the mountain.

Really quite pretty when we did reach the foot of the mountain, where the stream wandered along.

It was an enjoyable hike even if we did not accomplish what we had hoped.   Well worth trying.

Back at camp we enjoyed relaxing in the shade before having a late lunch.

Mid afternoon the clouds rolled in over the mountain and we had about 15 minutes of rain, which took no time a all to dry up.

Before dinner again, we walked to WIFI Hotspot to check e-mails., nothing too exciting there.

Another really nice evening sitting around the fire.

Thursday September 12th 2013
It was already a very pleasant morning, although the forecast for today is not quite so good.  Rain and storms should move in later today.  So have to try to get going early, doubt that will happen!

Not too bad on the trail to the road leading to the foothills and Pinnacle Lake Trail, and time is good

The road that led us to the Lake also gave us some breath taking views of Table Rock Mountain. 

The weather was really co-operating, not too hot to hike right now.


We passed by some cabins, so anyone who doesn't actually camp and wants to join us next trip here, the cabins look great.

 We took the Lakeside Trail, which is listed as being 1.6 miles, so by the time we get back to camp it will be close to 5 mile hike, and probably quite a bit warmer by then.

The Lake was really calm and this part of the trail did actually run right along the lake side.  Nearly all the soil here was the "southern red dirt".

We had to share the trail with the spiders, who had made some magnificent spider webs.

Then we were out in the open where Table Rock Mountain and the Lake were in full view - awesome!

From there we found a waterfall, however, we could not see the bottom. 

The trail meandered along nicely and we did reach the bottom.

At that time the sun was so bright we could not capture the waterfall and Table Rock Mountain way above it.  This was the best Hiker Mike could do.

We had to cross the stream that headed into the lake by using stepping stones.

Then we were greeted by a Box Turtle having a wonderful time relaxing in the sunshine.

He did not care that we were there to share the trail with him.

When we reached the end of the trail, and a well earned rest, the ducks expected us to share our cheese and crackers with them.
Unlucky for them, we were quite hungry.

All the time we have had El Campista and hiked many trails we really think this has been  one of the prettiest and interesting trails we have been on.

There were a lot of benches all along the trail to sit and relax, have a rest and take in the breathtaking views, all of which were unbelievable.

After a rest and snack in the shade it was time to head back, in case the storms do hit.  There were several other trails accessible from this point.

Arrived back a our site about 2.15 p.m. and it was quite hot and humid now.  Yes, we could see the black clouds appearing over the mountain.  Then the thunder started, followed by the rain, heavy winds and lightening.  It was still very humid.  We had forgotten how loud the thunder can be rattling through the mountains.

The storm lasted about an hour or so and by 6.00 pm most of the roads had dried up again and it was good to wander to the Country store to send e-mails to the kids and let them know what a great day we have had.

Nice BBQ dinner and a relaxing evening around the camp fire.

One excellent day for the memory banks!

Friday September 13th 2013                                            315990
Wonder what Friday 13th has in store for us, hopefully all good things.  After all, I did meet Mike on Friday 13th, Natalie was born on the 13th and I could go one with other "13th" stories, but I don't want to bore you all.

Today we are heading back to Greenville for a weekend with Vince, Barb and Kayleigh again.
The weather sounds good, although the forecast on the radio did warn us that Saturday will feel like the fall.  It will only be 77F !  It is a different world down here.

All ready to leave the park by 12 noon heading towards Pickens, which sounded like an interesting place to stop.  We went along The Cherokee Scenic Highway, which was very well named, really pretty.

Pickens was not as good as we expected so we headed to Greenville.  Did a bit of shopping and wandered around before going to Vince's apartment. Got there about 4 p.m.
Weather still great.       316076

Spent time with everyone, then after dinner Barb and I went for a walk around a park area about 5 minutes from their apartment.
Then, family time again and we all sat around telling stories until after 1 a.m.  We could not believe the time.  The family evening had just flown by.

Saturday 14th September
Brilliant sunny morning and quite breezy.  Change in temperature too, now 15c, which is a whole lot better than it was in Durham Ontario that morning at +5c. 

After Breakfast Vince took as for a cruise around the areas we had not yet seen near by, which was good fun.

Kayleigh had a soccer game in the afternoon.  She had recovered nicely so we all went to that. Kayleigh was in goal, and made a very good job of it.  It was a good game and although they didn't win the other side had to work extremely hard to get the win.  It was a whole lot of fun.  Reminded me of the days we took her Daddy to play soccer.  He, too, was a good soccer player.

After dinner, which was excellent.  Vince and Barb did a wonderful "Southern" meal for us.  We had never had deep fried pickles before, and we do look forward to eating them again.  They were delicious!  The fried chicken and fries were so good I could have eaten the whole plate.

Then it was the best time of the day again - family time!

Kayleigh needed some help with her school project - building a cardboard computer.  So Grandad had fun helping her.  It was also worth a lot of laughs.

Another fantastic day!

Sunday September 15th 2013.
Guess what - it's still hot and sunny here.

Today we are all heading to Pendleton, a small village very similar to Elora Ontario.
This nice quite country side drive did not go without adventures.   So stick with me for a while.

We were just about out of the Greenville area, stopped at the "Red Light" and two cars from the intersection, when the first car at the lights took off at great speed to the right, and immediately out of nowhere another car came flying through the intersection chasing after the first car.  Luckily everyone was able to get out of the way.  So, no harm done, green light for us and off we go on our way again.  Only five minutes further down the road the same two cars came charging out of a side road to the right of us, and heading directly for us.  Barb slammed on the brakes and turned the steering to get us out of contact with these vehicles, at which time we all prayed!   We  finally came to a complete stop with no sound of crashes or bangs, but the two cars in the chase were still up ahead causing al kinds of havoc on the road.  Everyone came to a stop because no one had any idea in which  direction the chase was going to go next.  These two idiots on the a death chase just kept changing directions.  After a few minutes (I am sure it was hours!) the chase cars sped into  gas station and the drivers jumped out of their cars and the chase resumed on foot.  Then - oh heck - we couldn't see what happened after that.

So. on our way to Pendleton again.  No one got hurt that we know of, but I will never know how.  Never been in a car chase before, and not that keen to ever do it again.  Just another adventure to add to the memory banks.

The rest  of the trip went really smooth.

Had a delicious Sunday Brunch then wandered around the village, which was very interesting.

We managed to have some fun in the Antique and Collectable store.

Kayleigh found some very interesting items of clothing .  Quite different from her usual outfits, but quite becoming, none the less.

Once again a lot of fun.

Back home without any incidents.  Then we settled in to watch the Nascar Race.  Which was stopped half way through due to rain.  Never did find out if or when it ever got finished.

After dinner, which was wonderful, Mike and I declared it Christmas Day.  We have never been lucky enough to spend Christmas with our Granddaughter.  So we had wrapped several silly little gifts for all of us.


                             Now that was a good, silly Christmas celebration.

Vince has an extensive vinyl record collection, but he did not own any Elvis records - well until now that was.  He is now the proud owner of an Elvis Christmas Album, yes it was mine, but I do have it on CD.  This is our last night here for this trip, so it was great to do something really silly and fun.  Too bad it has to end but tomorrow, we start heading north to the cooler temps of home.

Monday 16th September 2013.                            316076

Warm and sunny.  Up at a good time to start heading North.  Sad time to say good bye to Kayleigh before she heads off to school, and then Barb as she goes off to work, and finally Vince.   Hopefully we can return with in the next 12 months.  I am already looking forward to that, and I wasn't even out of their door.  It has been a wonderful visit. 

We are very lucky as we do have Natalie and Elijah living close be, so family times will continue.  As always I really look forward to the time when we can all be together under one roof.  I just need to get better numbers when doing the lottery!

OK - 8.45 a.m. all ready to head out of Greenville.  Wasn`t too long before we were seeing the mountains again. Hwy 221.

We have never been on the Blue Ridge Parkway so this was to be a new adventure for us again, and I already know there will be far too many pictures to take.

Before reaching the Blue Ridge Parkway we were up in the tree tops and fluffy clouds around Linville, then into Pisgah National Forest, where the roads got very twisty,  narrow and 5000 feet elevation.  I may have to buy a new camera when this trip is over, as this camera is in continual use.

On to The Blue Ridge Parkway about 11.30 a.m. 


This is going to take a while.

The first lookout area we got to was Lost Cove Cliffs, with elevation of 3805 ft.  Could not take pictures to justify the views.

Short distance from there we were back in the tree tops and clouds.  Then the tree tops were below us and it was just like looking out of the window on a plane ride while in flight.  Hard to believe we were still sitting in El Campista.

Had to put jeans on here rather than shorts quite cool here in the mountains.

Grandad enjoyed Grandfather Mountain.
It is so true, it does look  like a Grandfather - the mountain that is.

On the Parkway again a short way from Grandfather Mountain Mike spotted "The General Lee" car coming towards us.  However, he was quite upset because Daisy Duke was not in it.  

We enjoyed so many "Look Out" area's this strip of road was really taking time.  But well worth it.


About 1.15 p.m. we decided it must be lunch time so we stopped at "Carrol Gap" to enjoy the views and lunch.

So far we haven't even done 25 miles and almost 2 hours have past and a million pictures.

Every time we stopped the views were all breath taking. 

We wished it could go on forever.

El Campista had no problem with the mountains.

We did a few more miles on the Parkway then got off to head to Hungry Mother State Park, Marion VA.  Pulled into the Park about 3.30 p.m.        316431                              355km.

Very pleased to say this was once again another beautiful campsite, and again we wished we could stay longer. 

Our site was backed right onto the stream.

It was so pretty.

Duck in the river.  

 The ducks stayed with us for dinner along with the squirrels and chipmunks just in case something exciting may fall their way.
There were several WIFI hot spots in the park, so we were able to e-mail the kids and let them all know things were good and  going along as planned.  Plus it gave us a chance to explore the park.  Quite amazing, I think you will agree.


The fire was great - but no shorts tonight!
Are you all wondering why it was called Hungry Mother?  I will do my best to fill you in on that.
Well - the Indians destroyed settlements along the New River and Molly Marley and her child were taken to the Raider's Base, North of the park.  They eventually escaped wandering the wilderness and eating berries. They found a creek and the child wandered off to find help.  The only words the child could utter were "hungry Mother".  When the search party arrived to help Molly they found Molly dead.  That area in 1930 was called Hungry Mother.
That was the story for tonight.  Night Night!       316431                 355km
Tuesday 17th September               316431
Very nice morning although a little cool.  The ducks wished to join us for breakfast and were not terribly impressed when we ere all packed up ready to leave about 10.30 a.m.
 A few minutes out of the park e ere heading straight up the mountains, very high and very twisty.  We would have been up in the clouds if there were any.
  It was an amazing drive.  We saw two eagles flying along the Buchan highway.  Could not grab the camera in time for a shot, so you will just have to believe us that they were there.

Just after seeing the eagles we heading up the mountain again and got stopped for road works.  As you can see it as not a wide road.  We were stopped there abut 15 -20 minutes, then escorted up the mountain following the road work truck.
There were  few deer wandering along the roadside around Beckley on the way to Cedar Creek Park. 

We were doing good driving along a decent two lane road up in the mountains when suddenly no fore warnings the road turned into a ONE lane road.  Not only did it change we had a vehicle coming towards us.  Luckily there was a very small area we had only just passed that allowed us to back up and pull over a few inches  to allow the other vehicle to proceed.  This is different.  We are up in the mountains, there are lots of switch backs again.  This time complete with rivers and mountain people, who seemed to be watching our every move.  Oh yes - all we needed to hear right now was the sound of The Duelling Banjo's and the scene would be set.  We just hoped the park was not to far away.
Managed to arrive at the park completely unscathed and must add, well worth the drive.  Cedar Creek State Park was very pretty, and the price was even prettier.  A site tucked on the side of the mountain with hydro, water hook up and firewood was $13.00.  There are times being senior citizens has its advantages.  Could not believe that price.
Just getting ready to cook dinner and the deer wandered down the mountain to the creek running along side our camp site.  What else could we ask for?
While sitting out in the evening we could the deer running down the mountain, although we could not see them in the dark. The fire was great, so the day ended on a good note.  It had been a good day complete with some adventures and a really nice park.
Wednesday 18th September 2013.  Our Wedding Anniversary (48 years)
The day started as it ended yesterday, with the deer.  We thought they may have joined us for breakfast.  It was not a bad day, little cloudy start but not cold.

Ready to hit the road about 10.45 a.m. heading to Guilford Lake State Park, Ohio.  Managed to find a better road out of the park.  This time the two lanes remained two lanes.
It was an interesting and very pretty drive to Ohio.  Still some mountains but so many twists ad turns you did loose sense of directions
We went through Wayne National Forest then ran along the Ohio River for many miles.  The tug boats were extremely busy.  It was nice to see "The banks of the Ol' Ohio" again.  It has been many years since we last saw that.
Took US45 towards the Park.  I think we drove around Guilford lake a few times before actually finding the park entrance and office.  The signage was not good.
Anyway the park was really very nice and we were lucky enough to get a site right on the edge of the lake.   We saw the Blue Herons several times.  We also heard "Jeremiah" the Bullfrog. We had never heard such a loud frog - it had to be Jeremiah!
 The lake was really pretty  and looked great at night . When you could see through the smoke of the fire that was.  So there we go again, another great day!
Thursday 19th September 2013                      317130
Misty morning followed by drizzle.  Packed and on the road by 10 am.
Quite a different drive today.  Complete contrast from the roads we have encountered in the past three weeks.  However, still quite pretty, and easy to travel.
Along the Seaway Trail the grape vines were still quite bushy and we could still see some mountains (which looked like big hills to us now) in the back ground.
It didn't take too  long before Lake Erie came into sight, and the sun came out to make it all perfect.
Stopped along the way to do some shopping, which was not too successful.  Oh well, may be tomorrow will be better for shopping.
Arrived at Lake Erie State Park NY about 3.30 p.m. and once again lucky enough to get our favorite site #7.  This time along with the rabbits.  They were not at all afraid of us.  Relaxed in the sunshine for a while.  It was back to Greenville weather again.  Although when the sun moved it did cool off quickly.  We wandered the Lake Erie Shore line which was quite sheltered by the cliffs.

Our campsite was at the top of this cliff.
There was a really nice sunset over the Lake. Had a good fire and just relaxed telling stories and reliving our trip to this point.  Tonight is to be our last night camping on this trip. Time to head home tomorrow. Plan is to stop by  in Ridgeway to visit with Grant and Myrna tomorrow.

Friday 20th  September 2013                                    317397
Another beautiful morning, still breezy but not cold.  We did not see any bunnies this morning while we BBQ'd breakfast.  Now time to leave the park.   We did stop in at Fredonia to complete any shopping we had missing - and did very well.  We enjoyed the deep fried southern meal Vince and Barb made us so much, we bought ourselves a deep fryer.  It is very good, it not only deep fries, it blanches, steams, boils simmers and braises.  Looking forward to getting that working.
The bridge crossing back into Canada was very easy this time and we spent a whole 20 seconds with the customs officer, then back on home soil again.    We stopped at Fort Erie Park for lunch then took a slow drive to Ridgeway.
It was such a nice warm sunny afternoon we wandered around the town of Ridgeway.  Which we found really very interesting.  Then we found a cute little pub where we decided it was time to relax on the patio for a beer and wine before heading to Grant and Myrna's.
Once again we had a great visit we Grant and Myrna.  They were getting ready to head north to visit with Laura their daughter, leaving tomorrow 21st, their 50th wedding anniversary.
So now the inevitable - time to head home.
It was another easy ride and enjoyable until we got to Guelph, where the heavens opened up and the rain was so heavy we could hardly see where we were going.  By the time we reached Fergus the lightening was getting really intense.  Then the rest of the journey home was OK. Still a lot of rain but nothing too bad.  
Pulled into our driveway in Durham about 9.45 p.m.  We had started our trip here in Durham in the rain, and it ended just the same.  However the times in between were wonderful.
Next stop  - out own little bar where we sat relaxing and chatting about what a fantastic trip this has been.  Would love to turn around and do it all again!
317749                So we managed to do 3533km/2208 miles.   And all we can add to that is
                                                                 GREAT FUN.
                                                        See you next trip - where ?