Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday October 1st 2013

Three guessed where we are heading to today - and the first two don't count!
Yes, you got it - MacGregor Point.  Cannot believe it has been five months since we were here last.                                                                                                        

Left warm sunny Durham about 11 a.m.  Stopped in Hanover for our camping supplies, then straight to Port Elgin.

You can really tell Fall is almost ready to take over from the wonderful summer we have been having.  Not according to the weather.  It is a gorgeous "summer day".

Must admit it looks pretty with the fall colours showing through. But then, I really enjoy the fall.

The park was not all busy.  Big choice of sites to take.  We took #13 (there we go again with 13!)   It is a really good site for this time of the year.  There is always a spot where the sun can get through should it cool down.

Relaxed for a while after lunch, then hit the trails.  It was so good to be back here.  We stopped in at the Visitors Centre.  There are always some very interesting artifacts to wander around.

Then on to the Turtle Pond.  Which looked so different.  There were several small grassy islands in the pond this time.  We had never seen that before.

We did not see any turtles.

From the turtle pond we headed to the Old Shore Line Trail along the beach, then on to Sunset Point.  Along the beach area we could see way in the distance what appeared to be 3 swans again.  However, we could not confirm this as we did not bring the binoculars on this walk.

The weather was fabulous 25c and sunny. although there was a strong breezy off of the lake.  A really beautiful "Fall" day.

Slowly wandered back to our site in time for tea and cookies.


The Chick-a-dees and Nuthatches were extremely  happy to see us back.  Almost as happy as we were to be back here.

Caught up on some reading then we had visitors arrives - as you can see.
A cheeky chipmunk stopped by to see if we had any goodies for him.

Although a really warm day it cooled down quickly when the sun went down and it also clouded over a bit.  So we lit the camp fire and once again tried to put the world right.  Which was a tough job due to all the unrest in the USA at that moment.

Regardless it was once again a great camping day.

Wednesday Oct 2nd 2013.
Looks like today will be a copy of yesterday's weather.  It was an ideal morning for BBQ breakfast.  It felt more like July, not October.  All this is a big bonus right now.

We took a long walk around The Deer Run Trail.  It was perfect weather for that trail as there are some shady and some open areas.
We did not see any deer.  However, we came across several frogs and two snakes.  Snakes are not my favorite thing at all, but regardless it was a really enjoyable walk.

Made it back to camp for a  late lunch - about 2 p.m.  Still warm and sunny so relaxed for an hour or so before heading towards the turtle pond.

The pond was very calm and clear today, and still no turtles.

Then wandered back along the Old Shore Line Trail to sunset point again.  The lake also looked different to what it was yesterday.  You could just see a few white caps appearing in the distance.  It was still nice to walk along the rocks again.

Back to our site about 5 p.m. and although still sunny it was quite a bit cooler, so may be the fall is getting here.

Enjoyed another evening around the fire.

That is always a very pleasant part of a day's hiking and camping - relaxing around the fire in the evening.

Thursday 3rd October 2013.

Very cool morning compared to yesterday.  However, equally as sunny.


We will be heading home today.  Really enjoyed this site, hope we can get it again some other time.

We had a very enjoyable day, stopped in at Port Elgin, then Southampton Market, from there onto Owen Sound to see if we could find some bargains at Deals.  And ended up having a picnic lunch in the sunshine near The Bay shore Arena.  A great way to end a good camping trip.

So from there we headed home.  Looking forward to returning again very soon.

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