Sunday, November 10, 2013


Monday November 4th 2013.                      317879

Although cool we got El Campista packed up and headed to MacGregor Point.  We have been having some really unsettled weather in the past three weeks, including 15cm of snow.  That was followed by high winds and torrential rain.  So with the forecast for fine weather for a couple of days it was time for us to head out.  Time for a break from routine again.

Arrived at the park about 12.30.   317958
Took site #65, and it turned out to be a good site.  Not very many people around right now, but quite a few getting ready for their winter camping.

Due to the wind we decided to put our "tent add - a -room" up. and it didn't take too long to get cozy warm, even though we were outside.

Not sure how the trails will be this trip due to all the heavy rains and winds in the past 72 hours.  In fact parts of this area was without hydro for at least 24 hours.

Luckily the turtle pond has the board walk around it so that made the walk easy.  The water was quite high and for a pond to almost have waves, you can tell how windy it had became this afternoon.

It remained cloudy and windy but still great to be out enjoying our walk in the fresh air.
It felt good to be back here again.

We lit the campfire early as we could tell the evening was going to get quite cold and probably quickly.

It was good to sit around the fire, even though the wind was not being too kind to us.

After a late BBQ dinner we sat inside listening to our music and telling our usual silly tales, and just enjoying the fact we were able to be back camping.

Tuesday November 5th 2013.  (Guy Fawkes Night in England)
Growing up in England, as kids, we celebrated Guy Fawkes night by lighting a huge bon fire and letting off fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes.  Why?  To remember the Gunpowder plot of 1605.  A conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament.

But today we are happy to be out here camping, and very pleased to say the wind has dropped quite a lot from yesterday.  So we are looking forward to hitting the trails.

We headed towards The Old Shoreline trail, and then on to sunset point.  Although there was still no sunshine it was a good deal warmer than yesterday.  The forecast does promise some sunshine.

We walked along the beach and it was unbelievable to see that the 5 swans that were here earlier in the year were still here.  We thought they would have headed to warmer climes.  If that is what they do.

Then we headed to Merganser Cove.  Always an interesting spot along the trail to stop and visit.

The visit here this time was quite different.
The cove was completely cut off by the flooding of the streams running into the lake. 

As you an see the trail was under water.  Note how clear the water the water is.

Continued along the trails, which were still amazing.

This is usually a tiny trickle of water.  Not so today.

From this shot you can see the "trickle" of water is close to a stream today.

There were quite a few downed trees along the trail.

And we found some camps sites surrounded by water.  The water was not like that in the area we are camping.

 There were parts of the trail completely under water.  In fact we had to blaze our own trail to the road way for a while.  Then return to the trail at an area on slightly higher ground.

There were  a lot of signs that the storms had been quite brutal in areas around here with floods and downed trees.

However, still a fun hike.

Back to our site after a good couple of hours hiking and definitely ready for lunch!

Nice surprise through the afternoon, Jeff and Elijah drove in for a visit with us.  They had been to Port Elgin, so only a few minutes away from us.  We really had a fun visit with them.

Rest of the late afternoon and early evening was spent around a great campfire, followed by BBQ, then time for our Dominoes Game.

No! I didn't win this one.  Mike was the champion.

Wednesday November 6th 2013.                                                     317958
Woke to rain today.  Not so nice, but today it is time to pack up and head home anyway.  It just made packing up not quite so much fun.

Left the park about 12 noon, still raining.  Headed into Port Elgin before a soggy drive home.  No big deal we had a great time and it's been a nice break from routine.  We will try to get another visit in before the winter really hits us.  Catch you all then.           318043



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