Thursday, July 16, 2015

Balsam Lake Provincial Park

Tuesday June 23rd 2015.                                        150893

Very special day today.  Seven decades of Mike's Life have been and gone.  Yes, he is 70 today.  His birthday wish was to go away camping somewhere we have not been to.   So here we are on our way to Balsam Lake Provincial Park.  This park is in the same area as Earl Rowe and Bass Lake, both of which we have really enjoyed.

The clouds from the storms last night were still quite ominous when we were ready to leave home, and remained that way for most of the trip.

It did clear a little by the time we reached Stayner.

We have nick named Stayner "Flag Town", as the whole of the down town is always, yes all year round, abundant with our Canadian Flags.

It really looks neat.

It was still quite cloudy through Hockley Valley, but very little traffic.  That makes for an easy journey.

Then the Sun God began to battle with Thor, The God Of Thunder, and by the time we reached Balsam Lake Thor was out of the picture.

Today at Balsam Lake the check in was a breeze.  There was a real nice guy working in th office.  We told him the type of site we liked and he suggested 191.  In this park you cannot drive around unless you have a valid permit.  However, you can switch sites, and re-check in should you wish to.

#191 was exactly the type of site we liked, so we set up there.  It was a large site and Mike parked right in the center of it.  Why?  I do not know!

There were approximately 8 sites in this small area of the park, and at this time only one other site was occupied. so very quiet and peaceful.

After lunch we were off walking and exploring.

There was a small trail just one site beyond ours, so it took no time at all to get going.

The trail led us down to Balsam Lake.

The Birthday Boy enjoyed this part of the lake.

It was another very clean and clear lake.

It was a large lake with several bays and numerous very picturesque spots to stop and enjoy.

This really was a pretty area to sit and relax for a minute or two.

When looking across the lake, which was quite a distance, I could see when I zoomed in with the camera, there were quite a few really nice homes.

Yes - I did find a nice home which could be "just me",  may be.

Then we came across a small docking area for both boats and people wishing to fish.

Muskies were the main fish right in this fishing area.

From there we crossed a foot bridge to the trail that was really good and ran along the shore area to the sandy beach.

The beach was excellent, and I took far too many pictures, but I won't bore you with them all.

Ok,  just one more beach picture.

Then back onto the road part of the trail, which took us past some fabulous sites, right on the lake edge.  Now I would have changed sites for one of those, if it was available.  I will try to get some pictures tomorrow.

Guess what.  I am already looking forward to returning here and having one of those sites.

Wandered back to our site and relaxed for a while before having a game of "Washer Toss".

It was a good game and I came close second.  First one to reach 50 was the winner, and I got 47.   Not bad for a mere female.  I will try harder tomorrow.  I wanted the Birthday Boy to win today.  Yeah Right!

Although his birthday, my Chef did not get the night off.  Come to think of it, neither did my Chauffer.

The Chef wished Sirloin Burgers with all the trimmings, so that was done.  Along with Chocolate Birthday cake.   No holding back for this guy.

Fire lit already to settle in and enjoy another
another Toronto Blue Jays "success" on the radio. 

The fire was good which we did need it as the breeze was more like a wind and this evening was quite cool.

However, the "success" was not so good.  The Blue Jay's lost.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

And so another day comes to end and a new decade starts for Mike.

He ensured me had a good birthday, and is now looking forward to the next one.

Wednesday June 24h 2015

Wow - beautiful warm, sunny day.   And the daisy's around our site were amazing today.

After breakfast we planned our A.M. walk.  This one to take us to The Lookout Point.

Many flowers, like us, were enjoying the beautiful weather.

The trail leading us to the Lookout Trail was along both the roadway and boardwalk.
It was an interesting trail, complete with hungry mosquitoes.  All due to the very damp undergrowth, being the result of the previous stormy days.

Then onto the Lookout Trail.

This trail was very good and also consisted of boardwalk,

and regular grassy trails.

The climb to Lookout Point was a good one and the trail was very well laid out, helping the climb remain easy going.

Once again Lookout Point was well worth the climb.  This time giving us the view of some real pretty wooded cliffs.

The trail down was equally as easy and gave us many different views of the countryside.

And again, well worth the climb.

From there we made our way back to our site, which was at last another 3/4 hour walk away.

The weather had been great for walking.  No humidity, warm and sunny and just a soft breeze to keep us comfortable.

Once back at our site we sat and enjoyed a nice cool bevvy, before I prepared lunch.

After  lunch we sat in both the sun and the shade to keep comfortable.  Did some reading, writing and listening to the Toronto Blue Jays on the radio.

What a great life!

Better still when the Jay's win 1-0 in the 12th.

Ok.  That was a good afternoon sitting around, now time to walk for a while.

We made our way to the real nice sites on the lake to have pictures for our return visit.  Let's hope one of them will be available then.

Each of these sites had it's own lake side area.

They really were very picturesque.

The weather and the lake was at a perfect stage that afternoon.  We sat and enjoyed every moment of it, before heading to the beach area once again.

Once again I found another wonderful property way across the other side of the lake.   I really liked this one too.

We took a slow stroll back to our campsite, where we settled in for another game of "Washer Toss".

This evening I beat Mike by three points.
So a Championship game is going to be in order very soon.

Some very hungry Grackles joined us for munchies.

After BBQ dinner we did our usual relaxing around the fire.  This time we listened to our own music.

About 1 1/2 hours after lighting the fire something caught my attention, a slight movement right under our table, which was positioned between our two chairs.  I glanced down, jumped up an said quietly to Mike "SKUNK"!!!

Mike made some noise moving his feet and the lovely skunk wandered slowly away.  Mike said "That wasn't too bad was it?"  Apparently not.  But  several minutes later Pepe Le Pew started wandering back towards us.  This time Mike picked up a few pieces of small chopped wood and aimed them at Pepe Le Pew, who took off quickly this time.   Luckily never to be seen again at #191.  That got a little too close for comfort.

The remainder of the evening was quite uneventful, but very enjoyable.

Thursday June 25th 2015.        6 Months to Christmas Day  Folks!            151089

Woke this morning to the sound of Crows having quite the conversation.  Peeped outside and the lovely blue sky had changed to gray.  We're heading home today, so I guess that is not really too bad.

Left the park about 11.30 a.m. and headed to the Kawartha's Trading Post, just a few kilometer's away.  It was fantastic, so much to look at and so much that I could have purchased.  However, I just settled for a couple of "goodies".    A pair of very pretty candles.  It was a tough decision.

From there we made our way to Fenelon Falls.  I had never been there, and believe me I was in no hurry to leave there either.  It was a great place to visit, the falls, the Trent waterway, the stores, it was all well worth it.  I could have spent a very long time there.

The Falls were really pretty, and actually reminded us a little of McGowan Falls at home in Durham.   


The Trent waterway, was well worth the visit.

Then came the Locks. 

First the gates were closed, then slightly  
opened slowly to allow the water to reach the correct height.

After which the boat could slowly proceed through the lock/canal area.

Then along the river to where ever the next destination would be.

This is still part of the lock system on the Trent waterway, but a slightly different style .

However, it worked in just the same manner.

I found this "baby" docked on the river, and thought I might just look OK in this.

Mike said he thinks I needed an "Attitude Adjustment" - and go figure, that is just what that "baby' was named.

So may be I do need an Attitude Adjustment - just that very one - what do you think?

We could have spent many hours wandering the locks, the falls and the river, but it was getting to be time for a late lunch before hitting the road again.

We settled for "the Lake House" right on the river, and the weather was good enough to sit on the patio. 

It was a fabulous place and we really enjoy it there.

Fenelon Falls was a great side trip and a perfect way to cap the ending to a real good camping trip, and Birthday celebrations, but we do have get on our way.  Already I cannot wait to return here, and I have not even left yet.

The remainder of the drive home was easy. although there was a fair amount of traffic around.

Pulled into our driveway about 5.30 p.m. Greeted by our little Fuzzy Cat.

As you can see Fuzzy was happy that we were home again, and enjoyed his evening snoozing on the couch.

Mike enjoyed his birthday trip, very much, and come to think of it - so did I!

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