Friday, November 20, 2015


Tuesday September 15th 2015.                      

After a very cool weekend the weather returned to "summer", and Danny and Lynne are away camping at MacGregor Point.   Naturally the temptation was far too much for us to handle, so all packed up and on our way to surprise them.

We left Hanover (had to stop for some essential supplies) about 10.30 a.m.

Followed a Mennonite horse and buggy for a while through Chesley.

It was an easy drive to the park.  The roads were very quiet.

Got all checked in.  Luckily enough site #8 was available.  One of our favorites, and only a few sites away from Danny and Lynne.  We didn't go directly to our site, instead we headed to the Lake Ridge Trail, about 11.30 a.m.   The weather was perfect for this hike.

The beginning of the trail runs along a boardwalk, above the dry lake bed.

This is the trail that is slightly more difficult than a lot we take.

You have to watch your every step as there are a good amount of large rocks, boulders and downed trees. 

We did encounter several frogs along the way, and this one was quite happy to pose for us.

From the dry lake bed we climbed the steps to the top of the ridge.  Not a bad workout either.

Once again the trail had all kinds of rocks and boulders. 

Here the trail ran along the edge of the ridge, and there was quite the drop off to the lake bed.

OK -  you can see how far we have gone.

The trail turned into a narrow pathway along the edge of what was once farmland.

As you can see the old hand dug well is still there.  No longer in use though.

Then on to our favorite landmark on this trail.
The huge quartz rock.  And, yes, it is still freezing cold to the touch.

And so on to the end of the trail.  Then time to head to our sire #8, to set up. We had to drive past Danny and Lynne's site, #2, to get to our site.  Turned out they were not home at this point.

All set up and another late lunch, about 2.30 p.m.  Fabulous warm sunny afternoon.  We enjoyed a relaxing while in the sunshine.

I texted Lynne about 3.30 p.m. to ask how her day was.  They had no idea we were even at the park, so regardless their day was about to change!

Yes they were back, so we wandered down to their site to surprise them - and that worked.

Sat around chatting for an hour or so, then we decided it was time to walk again.  

We headed to the turtle pond, which was very quiet and calm.  No turtles to be seen this time.   However, we did find a couple of Egret's fishing for their supper.  Fabulous to watch.

From the turtle pond we made our way to sunset point.

Just a bit too early for the sunset though.

We all enjoyed our walk along the point.

The water was still quite high so we could not go out so far on the huge rocks.

                   Mike and Lynne managed to find some rocks they could climb.

We took a leisurely walk back to our sites where we cooked our dinners.

My chef did a wonderful BBQ, then we settled down around a great campfire to listen to the Blue Jays Game.  Too bad, this time they lost.

A cheeky raccoon wandered through our site, but didn't hang around for picture taking.

It has been a good day, perfect weather - especially for September.   Nice walks and excellent company.

Wednesday 16th September
Bright sunny day again.

Danny and Lynne stopped by and we all sat chatting for some time.  About noon hour Danny and Lynne left to go for their bicycle ride and we headed out for our walk.

We were surprised to see there were still quite a few wild flowers in full bloom.

                                  We took The Old Shore Line Trail.

                                   On our way to Merganser Cove.
                 (For some reason - once again - I cannot get my pictures to behave. )

                 There were a good number of tiny frogs around the cove.

     There were no Merganser's today, just us enjoying the summer weather.

From the cove we made our way towards the Deer Run Trail.  We saw a snake, squirrels, woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Chickadees and Chipmunks.  No Deer!

Arrived back at our site about 2 p.m. and relaxed in the sunshine for a while.  
Then Lynne and Danny turned up with a beautiful luncheon platter for all of us.  
It was wonderful, and a very nice surprise.

Lunch over, we sat around chatting and reminiscing about all the fun times we could remember.   Then time to move around a bit.  Yes, time for the washer toss game!   This time it was to be The Ladies against The Men.
Round 1 - The Men won.
Round 2 - The Ladies won.
Followed by refreshments before the almighty Championship game.
You will never believe who the Champions were.
The Ladies won 20 - 14.   Yes only 14 for the Men.

After all the celebrations Danny and Lynne went back for dinner and we got ready for our walk to Sunset Point, hopefully to see the sun set this time.

It was a lovely walk and yes, the sunset was looking really good.

Then suddenly the clouds rolled in from Michigan and changed the whole scene.
Regardless it was still an amazing sunset.

Back at our site we lit the fire, cooked dinner and settled down to another relaxing evening by he fire.

Thursday 17th September.

Once again a beautiful morning.  

We are heading home today, while Danny and Lynne have one more day here, and leave tomorrow.

After breakfast and packing things up, we had a visit with Danny and Lynne, then the four of us headed off to Pitcher Plant Marl.

               This is quite a pretty pond, but must admit it is a bit eerie.

                                          The Pitchers Marl

                                        The Pitchers Plant.

From there we returned to our site to say our Good Bye's to Danny and Lynne.

                                             The Chickadees.

                                               And the squirrel.

Then we took a drive into Port Elgin to do a bit of shopping before heading home to Durham.

It was another easy drive home.  The weather remained just a s good so we had BBQ supper and sat outside until later in the evening - just like camping!  

Another really fun trip.

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