Friday, November 4, 2016


Wednesday October 5th 2016

Another good start to the day,  although a cool breeze.  On our way today to Silent Lake, near Bancroft today.  

After leaving Balsam Lake our first stop was The Trading Post at Rosedale.  Believe it or not this is the first time we did not find anything buy - and it wasn't for the want of trying.

So on our way again. 

Next stop to be Fenelon Falls.   We both really like Fenelon Falls, and today with the wonderful summer weather still with us it should be a fun visit.

We were the opposite side of the Trent River to the Falls this time, but we could see and hear the Falls.

We wandered along the Locks on the Water way and followed this boat through the series of locks here.

This was the first stop, waiting to be let into the lock.

Then into the lock.

Where it had to sit and wait for the water to fill the lock.

When the water reaches the correct level the gates are open, and they are on their way again.

Very fascinating to watch.

The waterway was a really picturesque and interesting area to wander around.  Well worth the visit.

Time for us to be on our way to Silent Lake.
As we have said before - it is not always the destination that is exciting.  It is also the getting there.  And this was one of those trips.  The drive from Fenelon Falls to Silent Lake was fabulous.  Small country roads, lots of rock cuts and the fall colours were unbelievable.   However, we didn't get pictures as there was a truck in front of us almost all the way.

Arrived about 2.30 and were lucky enough to get the same site that we had last visit. It is a good sized site and situated right on the edge of a small ravine.

The last time we had this site the deer wandered through the ravine in the evening. Hopefully they will be kind enough to do that again.

The site has a fairly long "driveway" before reaching  the actual parking area.  It is a great site with lots of sun and shade.

After setting up we had a late lunch and then got ready to explore.

This afternoon we planned to try Lake Head Loop Trail.

To get to the trails we have quite a hike through the camp ground.

To get to the Lake Head Loop you have to do some of the Lake Head Trail, which an be quite rugged in places, but very pretty.

No trouble finding the Loop Head, but after a while the trail ended.  It appeared the loop was no longer there.

All we could do was to turn around and retrace our steps.

Regardless it was a really good walk.

To return to #141 we had a long, steep hill to climb - yes it was great heading out earlier, but not so much fun getting back.   We decided to walk the park road with the hope that the hill wouldn't be so steep.   Not our luck.  We had a real good workout by the time we fell into our chairs  at #141.   This is a very hilly park, however, it is also a beautiful park.   It always reminds us of Table Rock Mountain in South Carolina - minus the mountain that is.

Although a little cooler than the 26c we experienced on our arrival it was still warm enough to sit out and relax in the sunshine before dinner.

The fire pit here is perched right on the edge of the ravine,  so no moving around the fire to keep out of the smoke this evening.   Which was not a  problem as it was not very breezy.  In fact it was a real pleasant evening around the fire.  Extremely dark here, so the stars were brilliant and in great abundance.

So glad we returned here.

Thursday October 6th 2016.

Very cloudy morning and about 11c.

After breakfast we decided we would do our best to find, and remain on,  the Bonnie's Pond Hiking Trail.   It's a 3 km trail, and about 1.5 km from our site, so may take a while by the time we get back.

We found the trail, no problem.  Quite an interesting walk from our site to the trail.

The trail was easy to follow, but not an easy walk.  There were a lot of large boulders and tree roots, along with a lot of climbing.   It is going to be another really good workout.

Bonnie's Pond was larger than I had imagined, and today it was very calm.

Unlike the time it got it's name "Bonnie's Pond".

Apparently a work horse named Bonnie drowned in the pond while "skidding logs" across the pond when it was not quite frozen.

We found, due to the dampness of the trails, several different types of fungi.

Yes, even a Fungi Tree.

Quite interesting to look at.

Although we could near many different species of birds, we were unable to locate any of them as the trees in this area were really dense.

Then we came across an extra trail.
"To Look Out Point"

So we took that.

Look Out Point.

We were very glad we took the little detour, it was really picturesque and well worth it.

And so back to the original trail.

What a wonderful sight!   

A little way along the trail some kind person had taken the time to build a bench to rest weary bones.

Not far from the bench we came across a small waterfall.

Notice all the moss around about it.   Another sign of the dampness here.

Really very pretty.

Oh No.  

We now had to get ready to traverse the raging river - OK,  cross a stream with three or four stepping stops.

As you can see Mike is waiting on the other side of the "river".  Wonder what he would have done if I fell in!

From there it was an uphill climb for about 1/2 km.  Although it felt longer.

Found another fungus growing along this section of the trail.

Once more on even ground it wasn't too far to the end of the trail.   We both wished there was a bench here for a short rest.   No bench - so on our way another km or more to a very welcome #141.

By the time we returned the sky was clearing and the sun was shining.  It looked as if we would be able to have a nice relaxing afternoon in the sunshine.

One of our "neighbours" stopped by for a visit.  It was great to chat with him.   They have a  "camper/RV" very similar to ours, and they have travelled a lot of the places, both in Canada and USA that we have been too.

After a nice BBQ, which my Chef did so well, we spent the rest of the evening around the fire, enjoying the peace and quiet on our last night here this year.

You can just see the edge of the ravine behind the fire pit.

Friday October 7th 2016.                                  159881
Another really nice morning, and time to head back to Durham again.  This has been such a fun week.

All packed and ready to leave tho park about 11.30 a.m.

It was an excellent drive, and Mother Nature supplied us with many magnificent colours in the trees.

The drive through Troy and area was very picturesque.

From there we drove through Horseshoe Valley, which was great.

We couldn't have found a nicer fall drive even if we had planned it.

Arrived home safe and sound, hoping that Mother Nature will be kind to us and allow us to have another little camping trip before Ol' Man Winter Takes over.

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