Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lucky enough to be camping again.

Monday November 14th 2016                                                     160323

Guess where we are?   Yes - MacGreg0or Point.  We are lucky enough to have another few days of sunny, Fall weather.  It  is not going to be as good as last week, but still plenty warm enough for another Fall camping trip.

Our Dining Tent and El Campista all set up on site #8 (yes, lucky again) by 12.45.

After lunch it was time to go find the Chickadees.

They were waiting for us when we reached The Turtle Pond.

They were even trying to stop each other from getting to the seeds.

There were no other birds around at this time.

The pond was looking very low today, although there was still a lot of vegetation  around.

As we neared Lake Huron we could tell from the sound of the Lake it was not going to be calm like last week   There were some good sized waves there today, especially around Sunset Point.

It was a really good walk and still quite warm in the sunshine.

We made our way back to our site and got the campfire ready to light.

By 7.30 p.m.,   although the fire was really good,  it was feeling quite cold.   So we headed inside for dinner.

Followed by another Dominoes Championship.  And yes - Mike won again!

Tuesday November 15th 2016
Looks to be another good day.  Very cool start but we managed to BBQ breakfast.   The dining tent was toasty warm, so we ate in there.  It was really good.

As we didn't head towards Merganser Cove last week we decided we would do that this morning.

The Chickadees were already waiting for us as we got to the Turtle Pond.  Just as hungry as they were yesterday.

Today the lake was a lot calmer than we saw yesterday, and very quiet.

There was still a morning mist over the lake.

The trees along the trail were looking quite bare now.

Once again there was not much of a cove at Merganser, due to the high water.   Still   a slight mist here too.

When we reached the bridge over the brook, which had no water there today, just a few downed trees, we took the right fork    Our usual route is to take the left fork.

It made for a really great walk.

About 15 minutes along this trail Mike saw a Pileated Woodpecker land in a tree quite close to us.

Luckily enough this Wood Pecker was in no hurry, and not at all shy of a camera.

Then half an hour or so further along we came across a Ruffed Grouse.   However, this guy was in no mood for hanging around for picture taking - too bad.

From there we  got on to the Deer Run trail which eventually led us back to our campsite.   No deer to be seen today, just a couple of squirrels.

By the time we got back to camp it was time to relax, after a three hour walk.  And a very interesting walk.  The weather was perfect too.  In fact, it was still  perfect and we sat outside in the sunshine.  Not bad for the middle of November.

After a late lunch and a lazy start to the afternoon we decided we'd better go see if the Chickadees needed more food.

Of course they did, along with the Blue Jays and Nuthatches.

They all followed us around the Turtle Pond and just as we were heading to the Huron Fringe Trail we noticed what appeared to be two swans on the Lake, near the beach area.

Not only did it appear to be two swans - it really was two swans.

We have seen swans here previously, but only in the spring and summer. never this late in the year.

A very interesting site for the Fall.

And so back to our campsite to get the campfire going before the cool evening takes over.

It was certainly a very interesting and surprising day.

Wednesday November 16th 2016.

It rained quite heavy through the night, but was OK to BBQ breakfast and eat in the "Tent" again.  It was very cloudy, but not too cold.

Time to head back to Durham today.  Not sure if we'll be back again in 2016 as the forecast is for flurries over the weekend.  

I guess we'll have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in store for us.  It's been a great camping season.

December 21st 2016.

Sorry for the delay in catching up with this Blog, but finally, I made it.

Mother Natured supplied me with a beautiful scene to look at as I finished this Blog.  

This what I see of my back yard when I look out of the window where my desk sits.  

No wonder it takes me so long to complete a Blog Post.

Here is our deck, taken from the other window.

No BBQ'ing for a while.

This where Fuzzy , the cat that adopted us, sits most of the days.   She enjoys watching the birds on the feeder.

As you can see the snow was not so thick at this time.

Yes - we have some interesting gifts under the tree.

Merry Christmas to you all, and a very Happy New Year.   

Catch you in 2017 -  Counting the days!!!!

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