Sunday, November 26, 2017


Sunday August 13th 2017                                                                165324

Today we are up and away at 9.15 a.m. heading to Rondeau Provincial Park.   It's been quite a while since we were there,   The weather this morning is really good for a nice drive through the countryside to the park.   There were a lot of very tidy colourful farms through Perth county.  As we have had a fairly wet summer so far everything looks so clean and bright.   The wheat fields show off all their gold, and everything that is green, is a really lush green, and any of the flower beds or plants that are filled with flowers are a blaze of colours.  All very impressive to look at.

By the time we reached South Middlesex county the countryside was certainly different looking,  It was obvious that the rain here was nothing like we have been having in Wellington or Grey county.  The lawns around here looked more like we were used to seeing in mid August,  a dry, almost brown straw shade.

It was a pleasant drive all the way into Rondeau Park.                                     165606

Luckily there were quite a few sites to pick from,  and we took #29.  A good sized site, with both sun and shade.

By the time we had set up and had lunch it was about 2.30 p.m..  Nice sunny and beautifully warm.

We listened to the Blue Jay's game.  Then it was Happy Hour! 

It seemed a shame to waste such a lovely day sitting around the camp site, but after a month of work around the house and gardens it felt so good to sit back and relax.

My Chef worked wonders with the Salmon Steaks for dinner.  Then we got the camp fire going and continued to enjoy a very relaxing evening.

Monday August 14th 2017.

It looks to be another really super day here on the shore of Lake Erie.  So today we will get exploring.  No more relaxing for hours.

First stop, The Rondeau Bay.

Which was very calm and quiet.

Then on to the Yacht Club.

It was quite busy.

From there we hit the trails.  Our goal is to do The Spice Bush Trail.  It is a Loop trail.  We really enjoy doing loop trails.   This one is only a 1.5 km trail, which really isn't too bad, as it is about 3-4 km from our
campsite.  So it will be a good mornings work out.  

Luckily the weather is co-operating, and it's nice and sunny, but not too humid.

We hope the wild life abide by this sign, and actually use the crossing right here!

No sign of any wild life at this time.

The trail was edged with many colourful flowers and blooms.

When we reached the Spice Bush Trail it appeared to be a very interesting and fairly easy trail to wander around.

Almost half of the trail was done in sections of board walks and the remaining areas were grass or gravel walkways.

There was a lot of vegetation and a numerous amount of small frogs.  So many frogs you had to watch every step you took.
May be it should be renamed "The Frog Trail"

When we completed that trail we decided we would take a different trail back to our campsite.   It turned out to be a very good trail and quite interesting.  We shared it a number of squirrels, Robins and Blue Jays.

After two hours we made it back to #29.   Time to stop for a while, relax and have a late lunch.

The weather was still beautiful this afternoon, so we sat around the campsite and read for a while before we headed off to
"Rondeau Joe's Pub".

Now this is good civilised camping.   A nice friendly "local" just outside the park entrance.

Joe was great, very polite, friendly and promoted a good selection of locally brewed beers and wines.   Which we were very willing to check out..  And yes, they were all good, at least the ones we tried.  We may just have to return here to try some more.

Joe had a really nice patio Right on the bay.

It was great to sit there and enjoy the view, sunshine and the brews.

Several boats entered the slipway to the pub area while we were there.

Joe had some interesting things inside the pub.

                                             It was fun spend time and wander around.

However, we did have to get back to our campsite.

It was a really nice evening.
Dinner was great.
The fire was very good
And the Blue Jays won!!
Could be classed as a perfect day.

Tuesday 15th August 2017.                                                                           165606

Woke up a bit late this morning.  It had been a very strange night,

Have no idea what was going on, but about 4.45 am we heard a large plane or helicopter coming close to the park, not only close to the park, but now extremely low and close.   All the lights of the aircraft lit up the whole area, and it was extremely loud.

We looked outside but could not see anything out of order anywhere.   Naturally it took a while to get back to sleep.   Then at 5,45 am it all started up again.   This time the lights were not switched on over the camp ground.   Managed to get back to sleep again.

After we woke up and had breakfast there appeared to be nothing strange going on, and everyone was just enjoying a really nice day.

So back to our plans for today.   We planned to leave Rondeau and head to Selkirk Provincial park, near Port Dover.    After the plane incident maybe it's a good thing to be leaving - who knows.   Will have to check internet when we go home, if we do not hear what was going on.

All packed an on the road by 11.15 am.   It's about 21/2 hour trip, so not too bad.
There were about 10 raindrops when we were packing up, but nothing came of it, and the sun came out and chased the clouds away;

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

JULY 23rd 2017


It has the makings  of a gorgeous summer day.  Or so the weather forecast tells us.    Today we have been in Canada for 44 years, and with a great looking day we decided we would celebrate.

We took a drive to Georgian Bay.  

First stop was Meaford Marina.  It was great to wander around and enjoy the area.

Then we headed to Thornbury.  The  bay looked wonderful.

As did the Thornbury Marina.

It really was a great summer day.

It was getting to be time for a late lunch then, so we headed to "The Dam Pub" in Thornbury.

That is always GOOD.

As it was such a great day, we sat outside on the Patio.

It was so relaxing we were in no hurry to get going.

Then time to get going and drive through the countryside back to Durham.

It was certainly a wonder celebration.   Which wasn't about to end at home, as Natalie, Elijah and Mario were joining us for a BBQ.

Monday, November 20, 2017


Monday July 17th 2017.                                                                    165130

After an early appointment in Hanover we were all set ready to leave and had out to Earl Rowe Provincial Park.   The day started off cloudy but bot cold.   Once again it was a quiet, easy drive to the park.  Very little traffic around and most of the trip was through the countryside.

There was a line up at the park to check in, but luckily it didn't disappoint us, and we managed to get the site we really wanted, #274.                                        165227

As we had left home later than usual we enjoyed our late lunch sitting outside in the sunshine.   Yes,  all the clouds had disappeared.

Luckily you can follow the shade around this site, and that is what we did this afternoon, right up until about 6.30 p.m. when it had finally cooled down enough to take a nice walk.

We made our way to the river bridge area.  It is always so picturesque around that are, and also Earl Rowe Lake, which was very quiet and calm this evening.

Our plan was to head towards the beach area from there, but unfortunately we were out when it was time for the bugs to have supper!  They were very hungry tonight, so we decided to head back to our site while we still had some clear skin left.   We had hoped to have a longer walk, but at least it was a good hour of walking.

My Chef did another great supper, then changed hats and arranged the entertainment for the evening )Blue Jays vs Red Sox) and made a great campfire.   What a guy!   Even arranged for the Jays to win.

And so on to the close of another good day away camping.

Tuesday 18th July 2017

Cloudy, cool start to the day, but by the time breakfast was over. which was not early, the sun was out and most of the clouds had blown away.

We hoped it might stay a little cool this morning as our plan is to walk to the Look Out Tower, and it is a good climb to the Tower.

We were on our way to the Tower by 11 a.m.  The Look Out Trail is a 4km walk, with may be a 1-2 km walk from our site to the trail.  So, a  good mornings work out.   It was quite warm, but a good portion of the trail is through shady areas, which are very damp right now due to the heavy rains recently.   Consequently, there were a good many hungry mosquitoes.   However, today we came prepared, and had our bug spray done before we left.

There were quite a few flowers blooming along the start of the trail.

This is the up hill portion of the trail.

As usual we stopped before we reached the tower, to catch our breath and rest our legs.

The view is always worth the break too.

And so on to the Tower.

The view was as spectacular as usual'  It is never boring looking around here.

Today there was a slight haze on the horizon, so it was difficult to make out the CN Tower.

The rest of the trail was  "all down hill from here".

There were a good number of wild flowers and berries along this part of the trail.

Made it back to #274 by about 12.30 p.m., so time to relax before lunch.

After lunch we remained in relaxation mode.  Not entirely by choice, but due to the
hot humid afternoon.

I managed to keep busy reading!  I don't mind that at all.

We wandered around Earl Rowe Lake late in the afternoon., when it had cooled down a little.

It cooled down some more early evening, so we did light the campfire.  It always adds to the ambiance.

Wednesday July 19th 2017.                                                           165227

Time to head home again.  It's still warm and sunny, may be not quite as humid right now, but storms in the forecast for the afternoon.

Very easy quiet drive home, and made it back without getting any storms.

Home in time for a late relaxing lunch on the back deck - a great way to end a great trip.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

JULY 1st 2017 - DURHAM . ON.

   Canada's 150th Birthday -  July 1st 2017

There are year long celebrations throughout Canada this year.

We did decorate the house with red and white flowers and lots of flags, and went to the towns firework display.  Which was really beautiful.






It was a great show. 

I spent a lot more time looking than I did taking pictures.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

MAC GREGOR POINT June 27th 2017

Tuesday June 27th 2017                                                                164929

Left Durham in the rain.  Forecast promised clearing by noon.  Hope this isn't a big washout, we have had so many flooded areas in the past 10 days.  Far too many heavy rains.

Skies began to clear as we made our way out of Hanover about 10.30 a.m. and by the time we arrived at Mac Gregor it was already sunny.                                     165012

We managed to get our favorite #8 site.  Although there was sunshine, there was a cool breeze.

After lunch, still sunny, we made our way to the Turtle pond.  We could hear the Chickadees all around us, but didn't see one.  Too bad,  we had bought the sunflower seeds with us.

All around us we could hear the frogs, and managed to get one picture.

Then a lone Turtle surfaced and posed for pictures.

Not to be out done, another turtle decided to get in on the act.

We could hear the raging lake waters before we got to see it.  It really was raging.  We had never seen it like this in all the times we have been coming here.

Sunset Point was , once again, not even a point.  Just an area with a lot of huge white caps.
Still very pretty though.

Managed to find some different driftwood.

And even a piece of "Canadian Rock".

Someone had a good sense of humour.

We could not see any frogs around the Huron Fringe Trail.  Although we could hear them near by.

However, there were several flowering plants on the ponds.

It all made for a great couple of hours walk.

We sat and relaxed in the sunshine when we got back.

One of the many squirrels joined us and enjoyed the sunflower seeds.

After dinner we struggled  to get the campfire going.  The firewood we bought from the park store was very damp.

It cooled down very quickly this evening when the sun was gone.  It felt more like a fall evening.

Never the less , another really good day.

Wednesday 28th June.

Woke to sunshine.  Still quite breezy but not as cool as yesterday.

After breakfast we got ready to hit the trails.  Decided to do some of the Deer Run Trail this time.

We really hadn't done much of the trail before we had to turn back and blaze our own trail, due to some flooding along the trail.

Luckily it didn't prove to be too difficult.

Once on the park roadway we continued until we could get back onto the Deer Run Trail.

Once again,  a little way along the trail we came up on a very flooded area. so we had to retreat back to the park roadway,  where we were able to hook up on to The Old Shoreline Trail.  Hoping that will be a little less flooded.

We did stop at one point and wander to the lake, which was much calmer than yesterday.

The beach was very quiet.

The lake looked so different to what we were looking at yesterday.  It hardly seemed like the same place.

There was a fair amount of water in the brook near the beach.  Usually this brook is completely dry.

The wild Lilly's were growing in abundance along the trail.

Then on to the Turtle Pond.  No turtles there today.

Right near Algonquin Camp Ground, which is where we are camped, we found a new Look Out Point which had recently been built.

From the Look Out Point we wandered to the Pitchers Merle 
Always an interesting area to look around.

Then back to #8 ready for lunch.
It had been a great mornings hike.

After lunch we decided to relax in the afternoon sunshine.

About 3.45 p.m. we decided we would walk to the Sunset Point.

It had got quite cloudy now, but not at all cold.

It was getting a bit more windy, so the waves were returning, but nothing like yesterday.

From the Point we walked around the turtle Pond.  No turtles again.

Then back to our site.

The camp fire worked much better than last night.  In fact it even started raining about 9 p.m. and the fire was so good, we just moved a little under the trees and stayed there until it got really heavy and the fire was almost out.

So time to retire!

Thursday 29th June.
It rained all night and was still raining when it was time for breakfast.

Luckily we could cook and sit out under the awning, so all was good.

After breakfast we packed up and were ready to leave about noon hour.    We decided we would head into Kincardine for Lunch at the Erie Bell.

As you can see the lake was a little angry again.

However, lunch was really good, and as always a good way to close a great camping trip.