Monday, November 20, 2017


Monday July 17th 2017.                                                                    165130

After an early appointment in Hanover we were all set ready to leave and had out to Earl Rowe Provincial Park.   The day started off cloudy but bot cold.   Once again it was a quiet, easy drive to the park.  Very little traffic around and most of the trip was through the countryside.

There was a line up at the park to check in, but luckily it didn't disappoint us, and we managed to get the site we really wanted, #274.                                        165227

As we had left home later than usual we enjoyed our late lunch sitting outside in the sunshine.   Yes,  all the clouds had disappeared.

Luckily you can follow the shade around this site, and that is what we did this afternoon, right up until about 6.30 p.m. when it had finally cooled down enough to take a nice walk.

We made our way to the river bridge area.  It is always so picturesque around that are, and also Earl Rowe Lake, which was very quiet and calm this evening.

Our plan was to head towards the beach area from there, but unfortunately we were out when it was time for the bugs to have supper!  They were very hungry tonight, so we decided to head back to our site while we still had some clear skin left.   We had hoped to have a longer walk, but at least it was a good hour of walking.

My Chef did another great supper, then changed hats and arranged the entertainment for the evening )Blue Jays vs Red Sox) and made a great campfire.   What a guy!   Even arranged for the Jays to win.

And so on to the close of another good day away camping.

Tuesday 18th July 2017

Cloudy, cool start to the day, but by the time breakfast was over. which was not early, the sun was out and most of the clouds had blown away.

We hoped it might stay a little cool this morning as our plan is to walk to the Look Out Tower, and it is a good climb to the Tower.

We were on our way to the Tower by 11 a.m.  The Look Out Trail is a 4km walk, with may be a 1-2 km walk from our site to the trail.  So, a  good mornings work out.   It was quite warm, but a good portion of the trail is through shady areas, which are very damp right now due to the heavy rains recently.   Consequently, there were a good many hungry mosquitoes.   However, today we came prepared, and had our bug spray done before we left.

There were quite a few flowers blooming along the start of the trail.

This is the up hill portion of the trail.

As usual we stopped before we reached the tower, to catch our breath and rest our legs.

The view is always worth the break too.

And so on to the Tower.

The view was as spectacular as usual'  It is never boring looking around here.

Today there was a slight haze on the horizon, so it was difficult to make out the CN Tower.

The rest of the trail was  "all down hill from here".

There were a good number of wild flowers and berries along this part of the trail.

Made it back to #274 by about 12.30 p.m., so time to relax before lunch.

After lunch we remained in relaxation mode.  Not entirely by choice, but due to the
hot humid afternoon.

I managed to keep busy reading!  I don't mind that at all.

We wandered around Earl Rowe Lake late in the afternoon., when it had cooled down a little.

It cooled down some more early evening, so we did light the campfire.  It always adds to the ambiance.

Wednesday July 19th 2017.                                                           165227

Time to head home again.  It's still warm and sunny, may be not quite as humid right now, but storms in the forecast for the afternoon.

Very easy quiet drive home, and made it back without getting any storms.

Home in time for a late relaxing lunch on the back deck - a great way to end a great trip.

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