Saturday, March 19, 2011


Brilliant sunshine greeted us this morning, but still a little cool.

After breakfast Alison headed off to her class in town and Norman took us on a tour of their grounds.

WOW!   Every turn you make you see mountains.   The scenery was so different to our part of the world, but extremely beautiful.

You can see how tall the cacti grow in their gardens

So many different types of cacti grow around the property, also a lot of different wild life.

Last night we heard the coyotes, but didn't see them.

Norman told us of the rattle snakes and wild boar that frequent his grounds.  The coyotes do visit as well.

We bundled into Norman's " truck - The Hyiatt Express, and took a drive into town.  The boys had a thrilling hour exploring The Hot Rod Store (toy's for big boys!!).   OK - so I didn't mind it either.

When Alison's class was over we all met for lunch, in a 50's type diner.  Great place, and delicious food.

After lunch Norman and Alison headed back to the house and we took Norman.s van up the mountains, exploring.   Thanks for the loan of the wheels Norman.

Once again fantastic scenery, and weather.

We headed to Desert Mountain, which was so busy with tour buses we didn't hang around to go through the zoo area.   Well worth the drive though, even if the road did seem to disappear.

From there we headed to the Old Tucson Studio's, where many of the old Western Movies were made.  It was very interesting, but a little expensive to actually wander through.   Still a lot of fun regardless.

Then we headed to the International Wild Life Museum.   This turned out to be a great place.  We spent a few hours wandering around there, and took too many pictures.

One for You Sandy!

 And for Mike.

  After that we headed "home".  Just in time for Happy Hour.   Sat outside for a while until it cooled off.  Then sat around the fire again.    Once again our hosts served fabulous food, beer and wine.  We feel like Royalty.  Thank you so much guys!

None of us were late to bed, as we were all tired.   Night Night!

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