Saturday, March 19, 2011

SUNDAY FEBRAURY 27th 2011. 298466

Quite sunny when we woke up, but by the time we went for breakfast the storm had arrived and it was snowing and extremely windy.  We decided it would be best to hang around for a while to see if the weather improved a little, as we did not know the roads or the mountains in this area.

By noon hour the weather had improved a little so we got ready to head out.   A lot of the mountain tops were still snow covered, although there was not much snow on the roadways. Some of the mountains  actually were white stone.  It was still very windy.  It did seem weird to see palm trees and snow together.

Crossed over The Continental Divide.   We haven't done that since our trucking days.

The section of the Rio Grande we went over showed the width of the river, but the river bed was almost dry.

A little further along we saw lots of tumbleweeds rolling along.  Neither of us started singing!

Crossed into Arizona about 1.30 pm.  This is the twelfth state we have entered since leaving.

It did get quite sunny, but still the wind hung in.

There was so much fantastic scenery to see we couldn't possible show it all in this blog.

Tell you what - go check it out for yourselves.  You would not be disappointed.

We made it to Tucson by about 4.00 p.m. and even found Alison and Norman's house with no problem at all.

It was a really lovely home, and the scenery was superb.

Still nice and sunny, but it was the coldest day of the year, so a little cool to sit outside.

Not a problem we sat around a lovely fire, catching up on all that had gone on in our lives in the last two years of not seeing each other.

Truly a wonderful way to spend a cool evening.

Must thank you both, Alison and Norman.  The beer and very tasty ribs were perfect.

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