Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Well - Mike called The Brewery to let them know we were back and he was ready for work.  Guess what, they had hired someone else while we were away, and did not even give him the chance to change holiday plans to accommodate them, or allow us to stay longer with our friends and family while away.   We thought they were our friends too!

Oh well!   We will see how things go.  Did find out they posted his job on the Job Bank the day we left for USA.  Do wish they had told us their plans, we would probably still been down there right now.

As for the TRIP - FANTASTIC.

Highlights - too many to go through.
 Loved being with family, especially cooking pasta dinner with my Granddaughter.  
Scenery, unbelievable, can't wait to do it again.
Spending time with Alison and Norman, wonderful.  Look forward to returning, if they will have us.
San Antonio - that was so exciting - will definitely do all that again.
El Campista - did a great job.  Just got a bit tired.  After all we did put it through HECK.  It did 6240 miles in  three weeks, and climbed many mountains, went through snow, rain, winds, tornadoes and even some beautiful sunshine.


Will catch you all on next camping trip - may be sometime very soon after Easter.  Have to do a little more of the house renovations first.

TUESDAY MARCH 15th 2011 303381

Beware the ides of March!

Let's hope our "ides of March" was yesterday.

Left Washington PA  at 10.45 am.  Not too bad for the weather, but very cool.

We did see snow appearing along the roadside, and frozen ponds towards Grove City and through into Erie PA.

Did our usual supplies shopping around Fredonia.

Good ride into Buffalo NY.  Weather really not too bad around here.

No snow around this area.

Crossed the Border at 5.30 p.m.  We were the 6th vehicle in the 6th line, lets hope that is a good omen.

Yes it was, didn't take much more than 10 seconds to clear and be on our way towards Fergus to collect our "Killer Budgie".

There was a fair amount of snow around Guelph, but it was a good ride through. 

Stopped for a visit with Natalie while we collected "Joey" the Killer Budgie.

Then good ride to Durham..  Still lots of snow in our yard.   
10.00 pm.  304081.

MONDAY MARCH 14th 2011

Cool day.
Phoned few places to try to get camper repaired.  Finally got dealership, literally, across the road from the motel, and all booked in for 1 p.m.

Got it to the garage safely, then took off for lunch and a wander around the area.  Not to much to see, so headed back to garage waiting room and watched TV - not very exciting at all!

All finished, and back on the road at 5,15 p.m. and several hundred dollars out of pocket.

We had a good ride through to KOA in Washington PA.   8.15 p.m. 303381.

SUNDAY MARCH 13th 2011 302915

Quite a cool start to the day.  After breakfast called Natalie to wish her Happy Birthday.  Hope she has a good one, we will celebrate with her next weekend.  Got to chat with Danny too.

Yes, Kayleigh and her team did get a medal at the Science Fair.  Good for you Kayleigh!

                             Very pretty ride, as usual through the mounntains and tunnels.

We do seem to have a problem with our little Camper. The slight vibration we had previous to Charlotte was now getting to be a 'Good Vibration', and nothing to do with the Beach Boys.  This was a bigger problem than we needed..  So to be safe we stopped in Summersville to check it out.

Lucky we did.  The U.J. was about to break.  Small town, Sunday - no camp grounds around, no garages open, however Super 8 right next to Walmart and Auto Zone.

Yes, we checked into motel. Spent the afternoon doing some of the blog and watching TV.   Our room had microwave and fridge so we got our supper from the camper and ate it in our room.  Really not too bad at all.

Have no idea where or when this will be repaired.   Have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

Did e-mail Neustadt Brewery to let them know we may be a day late getting back.

I think we both need a drink right now!!

SATURDAY MARCH 12th 2011 302647

There was no rush to leave today as we had decided to just take our time as far as Wytheville, and not do as many miles in a day as we had been doing.

Spent some time with Vince before leaving.

Left Charlotte in brilliant sunshine about 10 a.m.

Lake Norman as we leave the Charlotte area

Hope to be back next spring.

We had a good ride to Wytheville.  Did stop in town, and a very nice town too, for supplies. 

All set up at KOA Camp about 1.30 a.m.

Still nice bright and sunny.

After lunch, although now quite windy, we walked around the pond area, then hiked the mountain trail.

It felt so good to be camping like this, with time to spare to exlpore and enjoy the trails and camp.  This felt more like our type of camping.

Sat outside for a while before the wind got very cool.

Had BBQ supper, but there was still a fire ban here due to the high winds and dry bush, so once again no camp fire.   Too bad, the forecast for tomorrow, for the Pittsburg area, is for showers and cooler weather again.

Chatted with Natalie through the evening.  Did wonder how Kayleigh got on at the Science Fair, but they were not on Skype.

Played dominoes - I WON!!!  Then watched a great 50's/60's show on TV  before bed.   Night Night.


Nice bright sunny morning.   Kayleigh went off to school and Barb went off to work.   Vince had some work related items to contend with, so we had quiet relaxing morning, which was very welcome.   Mike checked a few things on the camper, we did have slight vibration on the right front, but he could not see anything out of order.   That gave me some free time to get some of the blog caught up.  It was so good to have proper WIFI hook up.

Later in the afternoon I went with Barb to meet Kayleigh from school.  I had not seen this school previously as Kayleigh started "Middle School" in September.  Very nice looking school.

Tomorrow Kayleigh will be attending a "Science Fair" at the Charlotte University.We all helped Kayleigh put together her "Construction Junk Box".   It all had to be packed into a specific size box, with specific items of specific sizes and amounts.  It was all quite intriguing.  Unfortunately we will not be able to go to the fair, as we will be leaving through the morning.  Mike has be back to be at work for Wednesday Morning.

After a good BBQ supper, we all sat around and chatted about everything and nothing, just another "family time" - heaven!

Unfortunately we will not see Kaayleigh or Barb in the morning as they have to leave home about 6.00 a.m. to be registered at the Science Fair.  Let's hope Kayleigh and her team do good.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

THURSDAY MARCH 10th 2011 302097

Very cool morning, but not raining.  There was some rain through the night, nothing like the previous night .

All ready to leave at 10.45am.  Neither of us wanted to leave,  It was such a beautiful park.

It was a good ride into the Atlanta area, not too busy.  But that all changed in Atlanta.  Traffic got very heavy and actually remained that way right through to Charlotte NC.

We did text Vince to let him know we we stuck on the "parking lot" on 485,  about 8 miles from
their house.

Arrived at their place about 5.45 p.m.. 302647

Had a nice chat catching up with the excitement of the past two weeks.

Then came one of my most exciting times of the trip.  Kayleigh and I got together and cooked pasta supper.

Pasta is one of Kyleigh's favorite meals, and to be able to spend that time, just my Grandaughter and I, cooking dinner, had to be one of my favorite times.   Can't wait to do that again!

Spent the rest of the evening chatting and having a fun family time.

Did get to chat with Natalie, Danny and also Andrew on Skype. 

WEDNESDAY MARCH 9th 2011 301533

What a night!   Torrential rain and very high winds for most of the night.  Then at 3.15 a.m. the thunderstorms started.  By 7.15 a.m. we didn't know if our little camper could survive these storms.  It felt as if the camper would be picked up in the wind and sent to places unknown.  No where to hide, and too wet to leave the shelter of our camper.  The rain got so heavy it actually began to seep in around the window area.  Nothing very bad,  just a lot of damp.  But still very disturbing.

Decided to have breakfast and get packed up ready to leave, if and when the weather allowed us to.   Kept up with all weather reports as best we could, via local radio and the scanner.  The campsite we had was about 10 minutes from Gulfport Airport, and a report from the local radio announced that at 7.20 am a Tornado had touched down at the airport.  Now that explains why it felt like our camper was about to be lifted up and carried away.

By 10 a.m. the weather had cleared a little so we headed out, while we could.  There were still weather warnings for tornadoes, flash floods and damaging winds, but we were driving out of it.  So we just hoped it would remain that way.

A 11.30 a.m. we got off the I-10 in Alabama.  We had been on this interstate all the way from Tucson.

It turned out to be an uneventful ride through Georgia, past some beautiful Georgia Mansions, all the way to Pine Mountain GA, about 6.30 p.m.

The weather was a big improvement to what we had experienced this morning.

This was the view from our camp site.  Roosevelt State Park at Pine Mountain was gorgeous.  We wished we could have stayed here for a few days.   This is a definite place to return to, when time permits.   We had a walk around before dinner.
Then spent a relaxing evening watching movies.  It was a fairly cool evening, but not at all scary  ,like it was this morning.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

TUESDAY MARCH 8th 2011 301065

Rainy morning but not cold.

We stopped in Moss Bluff for some supplies and was actually ready to leave town about 11.30 a.m.

It was still a very dreary day, and quite wet.   Over the weekend there were tornadoes in New Orleans, and we hoped they had all blown away by now.

The rain got considerably heavier as the day  progressed, and at times it was almost impossible to see the vehicle in front of you.    It made for quite a nerve racking drive.

This section of the I-10 is a raised road over
swamps and bayous.  

On a good day it is very interesting.   However, not so today.  

The rain continued and we could see by the colour of the sky and the formation of the clouds that tornadoes were still around in this area.   Luckily not exactly where we were.

To make it even more interesting  we began to get some very high winds again, making it very difficult to keep our little camper straight.

We stopped at the Welcome Centre in Mississippi and found a lot of camping info.  Phoned The Magic River Resort (sounded interesting)  and luckily for us they had sites available, and not too far from where we were.   This is a busy time around here as it is very close to New Orleans and it is Mardi Gras week.

Found the campsite quite easily and took a a ride around and left!..Certainly not what we would call a resort.
I think we were still put off by last nights site.

So back on the road.  We knew a little of this area from our days trucking, so we headed towards Long Beach MS or Gulf Port MS.   Both really nice spots.  

As you can see the beach was really great, but not quite the right weather.

Managed to find a good camp ground with full hook ups and large sites, so settled in there for the night and all the rain that went with it.

6.15 p.m.  heavy rain, thunder storms, and high winds.                                            301533.

MONDAY MARCH 8th 2011 300483

Left San Antonio about 10 a.m., very cool and cloudy.  We felt sad leaving this city, we both really enjoyed our stay here.  Now making plans to return in five years for the 180th Anniversary of the Falling of The Alamo.

Really nothing too much to report along the I-10, until the rain's came.  Very heavy rain at that.

So all in all the drive to Sam Houston Jones State Park at Moss Bluff LA wasn't too bad.   Pulled in and paid for our site.  The park looked really quite nice as we drove through.   Then came the campsites!

Too bad we had already paid,  because we would not have stayed here.  The sites we so small and close together if your neighbour had their awning out you certainly could not put your own awning out.  And yes, our neighbour had their awning out.

Regardless we made the most of it.  WIFI wasn't too bad so got some e-emails done and skype chats.  After supper we watched a good movie. 

As we were pulling into the park we saw the Deer wandering along  not at all  bothered  by us.  But that was the only good thing about this park.  Not a place to recommend or go back to.  I didn't even get out of El Campista.

This is the first campsite we have ever found that we would not return to.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Really nice bright, sunny morning, but very cool.  
After breakfast we planned our route around San Antonio, as it looks to be a very busy day.  Lots to fit in a few hours.
Our first stop was EL MERCADO, The Market.   The weather was almost perfect for this now.  It did warm up quite a bit.

So much to see and buy, just not enough room to get it all back to Durham!  We managed to get a few gifts and just wander around in the sunshine.  We both really enjoyed it.

From there we headed back to the Alamo and River Walk area.

When we pulled into the parking lot another RV came in and pulled up next to us.  I did say to Mike that I knew these people.  How?  Why?  I did not know, I just felt I knew them.   So after a chat with them it turned out these people actually lived in Fergus before moving out East.  They owned the Boarding Kennels along Highway 6 South, and they used to frequent a really great little Pub in Fergus too.  Yes, you guessed it - our little Pub, The Old Copper Kettle.   Here we are in San Antonio TX, meeting people who used to come into our Pub.  How bizarre is that?  It is a small world, isn't it?

After our chat we wandered along the River Walk and stopped at the gift stalls along the path way.

Really very interesting artists along there.

From there we meandered around
Old San Antonio.  Very beautiful.

Then it became lunch time.  Guess where Mike took me?   You got it - Durty Nelly's.  Great Fish and Chips, if you should ever get there.   It was quiet when we arrived, but by the time lunch was over the guy who played the piano yesterday had arrived and was doing a great job entertaining everyone.  The music was fantastic, and it was becoming very difficult to leave.

However, we had another Destination to get to - The Alamo.   Today was the 175th Anniversary of the falling of the Alamo.
It really gave us goose bumps!

It was 175 years ago on Sunday March 6th 1836 that the Alamo was captured by the Mexicans.
And here we were Sunday March 6th 2011, standing on the exact ground the battle took place.
Can you imagine how that felt, and all the emotions that went with it?

The battle starts.

Jim Bowie was too sick to fight in the battle, but kept his knife at hand should it be needed.

Colonel Travis, commander of the Alamo didn't make it.

Davy Crockett relays many messages and continues to cover all aspects of the batte and finally gives his gun to Bowie for protection.

Davy Crockett was great, you could really imagine him being "the" Davy Crockett.

Santa Anna"s  Army finally breaks through and the Alamo falls.

The Bowie knife was taken and the Alamo had fallen, at 6.30 p.m. Sunday March 6th 1835, and Sunday March 6th 2011 (Fantastic re- enactment)

After the battle everything had to be packed away ready for the next battle.

Right at the end of the re enactment we were all handed "The Yellow Rose of Texas" followed by smaller yellow roses from the magnificent floral display encircling the whole of the Alamo.

                                  The Crockett Tavern - seems a good place to check out!

San Antonio, still as exciting as ever.

Had to take a picture of my mementos.

My Mardi Gras Beads and my Yellow Roses of Texas.

Some days should never end!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

SATURDAY MARCH 5 th 2011 300285

We had really high winds and heavy rain through the night, but it was sunny when we got up.  However it was still windy and quite cool.

About 8.30 a.m. we could hear the park rangers out with chainsaws.  Oh NO!  Not chainsaws in Texas.  We were lucky, it was just the fact the winds bought down quite a few trees through the night.

     All packed ready to leave for San Antonio 10.30 a.m.

The Guadalupe river, which also ran through the park, was really quite pretty.

It was still very windy, but didn't make the drive into San Antonio too bad.

San Antonio looked as good as it did 20 years ago.

We checked into Days Inn to allow us WIFI hookup and good access to Down Town.  3004458

Down Town was great - WIFI not so good.

Spent a fanstic afternoon along the River Walk.  Weather was perfect here too.

I do wonder how Hiker Mike managed to remember where "Durty Nelly's Irish Pub" was, so quickly,  when he has trouble remembering yesterday.  It was 20 years ago when we were last here.  

Very glad he did remember, we stopped in for a beer and wine (go figure), and there was quite a party going on.  The army and the marines were challenging each other to singing along with the piano player.   We were in no hurry to leave!

It is quite a special weekend in San Antonio this weekend.

But then I have never been to San Antonio when it was not a special weekend.

It was "Fiesta" Day today.  Which is San Antonio's Mardi Gras.

There were many "Mardi Gras" river boats going along.  Lots of great music coming from the boats, and lots of Mardi Gras Beads beng thrown from the boats.

I did get two strings of beads - we won't go into the reasoning of the Mardi Gras beads!!

There was a great Band playing at the stage along the River Walk.

Always so much going on, so much to see and do.

We wandered the river walk and the stores before heading back to our room.

It began to cool off some, but still nice and bright.

Wifi still not good, so just left note on blog, and finally, some time later, here I am reliving that fabulous weekend.

We both agree that San Antonio is just as exciting as it was 20 years ago.

What a great day!,  

Can't wait for tomorrow.  That is to be another special day, as it is the 175th Anniversay of the Falling of the Alamo, and there is to be a re-enactment of that day.

FRIDAY MARCH 4TH 2011 299780

Bright and sunny start to the day, with a nice breeze to keep us comfortable.  Took a walk around the trails before breakfast.   Then all packed ready to leave 11.00 a.m.   The plan for today is to be just outside San Antonio, and then into San Antonio tomorrow for the weekend.

Once again the terrain changed a lot and quite quickly.  We were out of the mountains and it was extremely flat for quite a distance before we reached the Fort Stockton area.  It also got very windy.  The cross winds were not only "cross" they were plain angry!  At one point it blew up across the interstate and almost put us onto the shoulder.  However, the temperature was good.   We stopped to fill up with gas at Fort Stockton and it was 79f / 26c.  Not too hard to take as it was -6c in Durham On. this morning.

By the time we reached mile marker 278 we were in the hills again.  It was very pretty and thankfully not quite so windy.

When we stopped for lunch we saw a good many birds, probably waiting to help us eat our lunch.  There were sparrows, of course, and many grey coloured birds with light coloured wings.  Will check the bird book to see what they are.  Could be they were Sage Thrashers.  Also saw Hawks, Eagles and Summer Tanagers, which are beautiful red birds.

It was a good ride into Kerrville Texas, and a real good park.

BONUS FOR US.   There was no fire ban here, so finally we could light the camp fire and sit out and relax.
Great way to end the day.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

THURSDAY MARCH 3rd 2011 299214

Once again another brilliant sunny morning.   The plan for the day was to get going and reach Balmorhea State Park again this evening.  So all packed up and ready to hit the road about 10.00 a.m.

We stopped at Continental Divide Trading Post, where Mike found a good "project" vehicle.

NO. He was not allowed to bring it home.  Same as I was not allowed to buy everything I wanted in the trading post!

Oh well, its nice to dream, isn't it?

The Continental Divide was 4545 feet above sea level. 

Outside the Trading Post we saw these "chickens" wandering around the parking lot.   It looked so "Mexican" we had to take the picture.

We had a good and fairly easy drive through the mountains and highways, and crossed into Texas about 12.40 p.m.

It was very busy around Las Cruzes, that "Murder Capitol of the World".   Shame about the title, as it looks an OK place really.

El Paso  was very busy also.

We did see several eagles and quite  few wild horses,  and naturally took another load of photos.

We stopped for a nice picnic lunch and as you can see we finally found a tree.  It seemed like weeks since we actually saw a tree.   Didn't wander far from the tree as the terrain looked like the rattle snakes owned the whole area.

Back on the road after a nice lunch and again the scenery began to change.  Still very impressive, especially around the Quitman and Eagle Mountain ranges.

The two lane road leading to the State Park was fantastic.  Too bad we couldn't take the time to travel all the two lane roads.

All settled in the park at 5.15 p.m.    299780

 Pleased to say it was still hot and sunny, so we sat outside enjoying the weather.

Our camping neighbours from both sides came for visit.  It is always fun meeting camping neighbours.
Brian was from B.C. and Hugh was from Southern California.  We had a great hour or so all telling silly stories.

Nice BBQ supper, and once again the stars looked as if you could pick them from the sky.

It was another fun filled day.  And if you are interested - the soup can is doing good!