Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Nice bright sunny morning.   Kayleigh went off to school and Barb went off to work.   Vince had some work related items to contend with, so we had quiet relaxing morning, which was very welcome.   Mike checked a few things on the camper, we did have slight vibration on the right front, but he could not see anything out of order.   That gave me some free time to get some of the blog caught up.  It was so good to have proper WIFI hook up.

Later in the afternoon I went with Barb to meet Kayleigh from school.  I had not seen this school previously as Kayleigh started "Middle School" in September.  Very nice looking school.

Tomorrow Kayleigh will be attending a "Science Fair" at the Charlotte University.We all helped Kayleigh put together her "Construction Junk Box".   It all had to be packed into a specific size box, with specific items of specific sizes and amounts.  It was all quite intriguing.  Unfortunately we will not be able to go to the fair, as we will be leaving through the morning.  Mike has be back to be at work for Wednesday Morning.

After a good BBQ supper, we all sat around and chatted about everything and nothing, just another "family time" - heaven!

Unfortunately we will not see Kaayleigh or Barb in the morning as they have to leave home about 6.00 a.m. to be registered at the Science Fair.  Let's hope Kayleigh and her team do good.

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