Monday, April 11, 2011


Really nice bright, sunny morning, but very cool.  
After breakfast we planned our route around San Antonio, as it looks to be a very busy day.  Lots to fit in a few hours.
Our first stop was EL MERCADO, The Market.   The weather was almost perfect for this now.  It did warm up quite a bit.

So much to see and buy, just not enough room to get it all back to Durham!  We managed to get a few gifts and just wander around in the sunshine.  We both really enjoyed it.

From there we headed back to the Alamo and River Walk area.

When we pulled into the parking lot another RV came in and pulled up next to us.  I did say to Mike that I knew these people.  How?  Why?  I did not know, I just felt I knew them.   So after a chat with them it turned out these people actually lived in Fergus before moving out East.  They owned the Boarding Kennels along Highway 6 South, and they used to frequent a really great little Pub in Fergus too.  Yes, you guessed it - our little Pub, The Old Copper Kettle.   Here we are in San Antonio TX, meeting people who used to come into our Pub.  How bizarre is that?  It is a small world, isn't it?

After our chat we wandered along the River Walk and stopped at the gift stalls along the path way.

Really very interesting artists along there.

From there we meandered around
Old San Antonio.  Very beautiful.

Then it became lunch time.  Guess where Mike took me?   You got it - Durty Nelly's.  Great Fish and Chips, if you should ever get there.   It was quiet when we arrived, but by the time lunch was over the guy who played the piano yesterday had arrived and was doing a great job entertaining everyone.  The music was fantastic, and it was becoming very difficult to leave.

However, we had another Destination to get to - The Alamo.   Today was the 175th Anniversary of the falling of the Alamo.
It really gave us goose bumps!

It was 175 years ago on Sunday March 6th 1836 that the Alamo was captured by the Mexicans.
And here we were Sunday March 6th 2011, standing on the exact ground the battle took place.
Can you imagine how that felt, and all the emotions that went with it?

The battle starts.

Jim Bowie was too sick to fight in the battle, but kept his knife at hand should it be needed.

Colonel Travis, commander of the Alamo didn't make it.

Davy Crockett relays many messages and continues to cover all aspects of the batte and finally gives his gun to Bowie for protection.

Davy Crockett was great, you could really imagine him being "the" Davy Crockett.

Santa Anna"s  Army finally breaks through and the Alamo falls.

The Bowie knife was taken and the Alamo had fallen, at 6.30 p.m. Sunday March 6th 1835, and Sunday March 6th 2011 (Fantastic re- enactment)

After the battle everything had to be packed away ready for the next battle.

Right at the end of the re enactment we were all handed "The Yellow Rose of Texas" followed by smaller yellow roses from the magnificent floral display encircling the whole of the Alamo.

                                  The Crockett Tavern - seems a good place to check out!

San Antonio, still as exciting as ever.

Had to take a picture of my mementos.

My Mardi Gras Beads and my Yellow Roses of Texas.

Some days should never end!

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