Monday, November 26, 2012

Guess where we are?

Fabulous weather for the next few days, so I am sure you all know where we are.  Three guesses, and the first two don't count.  Now I doubt that didn't tax your brain too much.
Yes we are at Mac Gregor.  It is about the only year round park that is open and that we enjoy.
November 20th 2012                                           311272

Weather is really good for this time of the year and sounds even better tomorrow, but rain by Friday evening, and then the inevitable happens - or so we have been told.  Snow to start Friday evening.

So this may be the last camping trip for 2012.  Not sure I am  up to real "Winter Camping"


Took site # 65, never had this site before, but will certainly take it again.  Far better than a couple of weeks ago when we had #83, which we were not very happy with.

There was no one around, even though there were a good amount of "seasonal winter" trailers set up.  It was extremely quiet and relaxing.

Temps in the low teens.

After lunch we got ready for a hike.

As you can see the Chickadees were very happy to see us return.

 It looks as if the lake is even lower than it was a couple of weeks ago, as you can see from the picture  of the beach. 

 We have never seen it look like this. 

On the marine forecast it was mentioned that Lake Huron is down 1.5 metres, and yes we could see the difference to previous years.

As you are aware we have some fantastic friends and family, if we didn't you wouldn't be reading this.

Anyway, Heather and Martin were away on a tour of the canyons in Arizona.  They also stopped in Vegas and while there they couldn't resist buying me a gift.   Knowing my passion for Elvis, they bought me an Elvis doll/teddy bear, who is accompanying us on this trip.

Let me introduce you to
"Elvis Campista"


He takes care of things for me.

Thank you guys.  He is great.

Now when I get back from this trip I will be the proud owner of two Elvis discs that I do not have.  And I must Thank You - Tony -
for those.  It won't matter if is it a snowy weekend I can listen to Elvis.

Thank you to all my friends.

 Had a great hike along the beach, Huron Fringe Trail and Turtle Pond, where this little squirrel decided he needed feeding as well.

You can see what a gorgeous fall day it is.

Headed back to camp to light the campfire before dark, and time to settle in for "Happy Hour".

Once again our little tent/add-a-room worked like a charm.   It did cool off about 8.30 p.m. so went in and played dominoes.  That was fun.  I won (again)!
Night Night.

Wednesday 21st November
Another beautiful day and not at all cold.  BBQ breakfast then ready for hiking.

Hiked some of the Deer Trail, up to Huron Campsite then on to the Old Shorline Trail.

We actually met another Human Being on this trail walking her 11 month old puppy.

The water still very low, but must admit it does still  look pretty here.

From there we hiked some more of the Fringe Trail, turtle pond and back to camp for a couple of hours .  It was a great hike, but time for lunch and a little time to relax and catch up on some reading, Patrica
Cornwell this time, very good.

 Later in the afternoon we took off along the remaining part of the Old Shoreline Trail that we did not do this morning.  We met another couple there walking there dog.  Had a nice chat with them, and they told us of another good park to try next year, Arrowhead, near Huntsville.  Looking forward to that.

The turtle pond was extremely calm this afternoon.  Did not see any turtles, frogs, raccoons, or deer, but the birds were as happy to see us as they were yesterday.

As you can see this Nuthatch was extremely happy to see us.

Walked to the Point to watch a beautiful sunset, before heading back to camp for a nice fire, BBQ, and another game of dominoes.

Oh yes, I did it again - I won.

What can I tell you?

Thursday 22nd November 2012.                                                         311352

Unfortunately we are heading home today.  Weather is still good and very warm for November, +20c.  Forecast for rain, changing to snow tomorrow for the weekend, and who knows how much longer.

The Chickadees came visiting and begging me not to leave.

Looks like this could really be the last trip this year unless I get talked into this "winter camping" thing.

All packed and ready to leave about 11.30. 

Headed to Port Elgin and Owen Sound to do some shopping  before going home.

This has been a really good trip, it feels as if we have been away for a week, not a few days.

Anyway, we will catch you again when out and about next.                                    311458

Saturday 23rd November.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"  here in Old Durham Town.

                            This is what we woke up to this morning - yes it's pretty!  BUT!!!!!


Monday, November 12, 2012


NOVEMBER 7TH 2012                        311103                   11 a.m.
Although quite cool out the sun was nice and bright so packed up El Campista and headed to Mac Gregor (our winter camping place).

Very quiet drive through the country to the park.  Now it is beginning to look rather wintry along the road side.

Due to the "seasonal winter" trailers we did not have much choice of sites, but took #83.  It was an OK site but not a lot of shelter from the trees and a long way from the hydro hook up.  Guess all the "winter" campers took the good sites.  That's not so good for campers like us.

Set up our little tent/add a room, which did a great job sheltering us from the wind.

Quite cozy really.

Here is the sitting room in the tent.  Just enough room to relax with a "cuppa" tea, or something a little stronger to beat off the cold.

Here is the cooking and dining area.

After lunch we walked around the turtle pond, where there was far more water than the last time we were there.  Did not see any turtles or frogs.  May be a little too cool for them.

The Chickadees were, once again, happy to see us.

From there we walked along the shore to the beach are, where the tide was way out.  We had never seen it like that in all the times we have been here.

Then we wandered along the shore trail to the Point, where the wind was almost at howling point, and we felt as if our ears had fallen off.  We knew that hadn't happened because our hat was still on our head, and we could still see!

So time to head inland a little, into the treed area of the trail, where it was considerably more comfortable.  Then back to our site for a nice "cuppa".

It appeared the wind chill was -3c, so yes, it was on the cool side.  Got the campfire going where we stayed for some time in the warm, before we had BBQ supper.

Then relaxed in the cozy warmth of El Campista..

All in all it's been a really good day.

Thursday 8th November.

Very cool morning -5c.  Luckily no wind and lots of sunshine.

After breakfast we hiked the Deer Run Trail.  Still a little cool but bright and sunny, so comfortable to walk.  We didn't see many birds or animals and certainly no people or deer.

Along the trail we could see the damage that the remnants of Sandy had left.  So many trees broken and downed.  This is the second time we have camped here after a big storm and the devastation is very visible.


If you look closely you may be able to see the ice on the water along this part of the trail.

It was a great walk and a super way to spend an hour or so before lunch.

Hope the weather holds out like this for this afternoon.

Yes - the weather was perfect for an afternoon hike, so we walked the Old Shore Trail to the point, and this time we were in no hurry to leave.  There was no wind at all, just brilliant sunshine.

It was so clear out here that we could just see The Lighthouse in Southampton from the Point.  Hope you can see it too.

From the Point we headed along the trail towards the Turtle Pond and back to our site.

It was a fabulous afternoon.

Got campfire going and spent the next couple of hours there before BBQ sausage - always soooo good.

Decided it would be "movie" night. Cannot remember when we  last did that.  Watched "The Deadliest Sea", based on a true story.  Very good.  But I don 't think we will be going anywhere on the water for some time after watching that.

Friday November 9th 2012.  311184

Bit cloudy, but also quite a bit warmer.  Time to head back home today.  It's been a good few days, and hope to be able to get back before the end of the year, Mother Nature allowing, that is.                                               311190

Stopped in at Port Elgin on the way home, found a few bargains - now that is fun too!

Catch you all again soon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Wednesday September 26th 2012                                    310802   11 a.m.

Been working in the house too long so time for a break from pulling walls down and rebuilding walls.

Left Durham about 11 a.m.  Stopped in Hanover for supplies then on to Point Farms.

Very quiet in the park, so had the pick of many good sites, took #145.  All set up by 1.30 p.m. just in time for lunch.

Sat around the site for a while after lunch then took the trail to the beach.

Quite windy along the beach but brilliant sunshine, and as you can see, no one in sight for miles.  May be everyone knew we were heading here so they stayed away.

Took the usual 131 steps up from the beach.
Getting used to it now.   Still really pretty to look around from the steps.

Wandered the trails from the beach.  The Hare's Trail, Tortoise's Trail then onto the Old Farms Trail.

Great weather for walking.

Saw the Group fire pit.   Not an inviting looking place really.  I certainly would not like to be there after dark!

Carried on along the trails back to our site and just in time for Happy Hour.

Then my Chef appeared to BBQ supper.

He's a good Guy!

Campfire was excellent, which was a good thing as the evening was quite cool.  We sat outside until about 9.30 p.m. when we could hear a pack of Coyotes howling and barking. 
 OK, they are very loud, there sounds like there could be quite a large pack of them and they are getting louder.  Does that mean they are getting closer?  Me - I am not waiting to find out.  I am heading into El Campista, right now.   Guess what - Mike was right there too.
Nite Nite.

Thursday 27th September.

Cool, sunny morning so looking forward to hitting the trails.

First headed to the stairs to take us down to the beach.

Really pleasant along the beach.  Quite a bit calmer than yesterday and certainly a fair bit warmer in the sunshine.

We actually saw someone walking their dog.

From there we headed through the trail to the northern end of the park towards the Ravine Trail.

Yes we are here to do that trail again, and yes it is still very pretty and still a little scary.  You could  walk  off the ravine/bluff very easily.

Once again took too many pictures, but it quite fascinating walking in the tree tops.

About half way along the trail we met up with another lady.  This one had two dogs.  Both very well behaved.  The lady also!

From the end of the Ravine Trail we got onto the Old Farms Trail.  We had never done this part of the trail.  It runs the perimeter of the park and is very well groomed and signed.  It made a very easy walk after the ups and downs of the Ravine

 It had got quite sunny and warm so the shady areas of the trail were very welcome.

Back to our site after about2 1/2 hour hike, very enjoyable too.

Leisurely lunch and relaxing afternoon moving around the sit to stay in the sunshine.

Walked around the camp ground trails early evening.  Then lit the fire, as it had cooled off again.

I did walk to the look out point to take a picture of the sunset, while my Chef did supper.

All in all a really great day. 

Friday 28th September

Time to get back to building walls, even though it is . one again, brilliant sunshine.  A little cool right now but still really nice.

All packed and ready to leave 12 p.m.               310880

Took different route back as we stopped in St. Jacobs to get another wheel cover for El Campista, as we had lost one on the trip out.

Got back home about 4 p.m.  311098.

All unpacked and sitting around our own camp fire by 5 p.m.

Catch you all very soon - hopefully!


Tuesday September 11th 2012              310283                        9.00 a.m.

Packed El Campista up yesterday between house chores and hiking our park, all ready for an early start today.    Cool start to the day but forecast sounds good for us and camping.  We have never been to Rock Point so both of us looking forward to it.  This time we will be able to stop in and visit with Grant and Myrna  on our way home.  Looking forward to that too.

Excellent drive to the park, stayed on Highway 6 until we could hit the country roads around #5 highway.
Managed to get a really good site, #122. Lots of sun and shade and no one anywhere near us.    310507               1.00 p.m.

All set up, then lunch and plan the rest of the day.

Always exciting when you go to a completely new Park to you.

Our site was only a minute from the beach along the trail.  The lake was quite rough when we arrived at the beach, but although it was windy it was warm and sunny.

We wandered this part of the beach for quite a way.


Then we came across "the Fossil" beach.

We had never seen so many fossils, and so many different types of fossils.  It was quite fascinating.    Some of these fossils are said to be 11-12 thousand years old.


There were parts of the beach and trail that were completely covered with tiny shells.  Unfortunately you really did have to walk over them or you were stuck there. 


No, this is not snow.  It is a trail of shells again.

Very fascinating.

There were very few people around.

Guess we hiked that area for a couple of hours.  A lot of the trail was just off the shore line and very pretty.   Quite a lot of it actually followed along the cliff of Lake Erie.

We will definitely do this park again, and that is only after a few hours here.

Relaxed for a while, both of us reading and then I did my writing before it was declared
"Happy Hour"

Guess Hiker Mike was very happy at that!

Nothing like a Wellington Ale after a few hours hiking.

Such a pretty night, we walked the beach and watched the sun set over Lake Erie.

Then back for dinner and our usual story telling around the fire.

Wednesday September 12th 2012.
Fabulous morning,warm, sunny and not a cloud in the sky.   Far too nice to rush around, so late breakfast. 
Walked towards the south perimeter of the park, through the trails and then along the beach.   Although warm, it was very windy, and the lake quite choppy.  Still very few people around.
This area of the beach had some really pretty shells, and a good size too.
A great way to spend a morning.


It appears that the fishing must be good in Lake Erie.  The Gulls and Turkey Vultures really enjoyed this meal.

We spent time enjoying the scenery from the lookout tower, where Lake Erie did look a little rough today.

Then back on the trail to our site.

Another good 3 hour hike.

After lunch we relaxed around the site for a while, enjoying the beautiful "summer" weather.

Did another tour of the beach later in the afternoon.  The lake was much calmer then.
Still nice and warm.

Cooked dinner over the fire then relaxed right there enjoying the warm clear evening.

Thursday 13th September.
WOW! Another great day.  However, we have to pack up today and head back to "Old Durham Town"

On our way back we stopped off at Port Colbourne.  Never been there before, and we found it a very interesting place.  In some ways it reminded us of Elora.

From there we went to Ridgeway to visit with Grant and Myrna.  We hadn't see them for years, so there was such a lot to catch up on.  What a fantastic visit.  We had such fun, but then the four us together always did have a lot, or even too much, fun.

Grant very kindly showed us around the area and was extremely informative about the area, making it even more fun.  Thank you so much Grant.  We are really looking forward to the next visit to see more of the area.

The four of us had a lovely meal at a Restaurant on the beach.  It was just like old times sitting around with Grant and Myrna, must do it again very soon.

Headed home some time after 7 .p.m.  It was a good drive back, not too busy.

Pulled into our driveway about 11 p.m.                310802.

Another Great trip!