Friday, July 5, 2013


May 26th 2013 Sunday.                                                                          312613

Well that good weather at the beginning of May did not last.  It snowed all day Mother's Day, May 12th.  Still had fun, regardless.  The following two weeks gave us some cold, some warm, some rain, and thunderstorms.  But today, Sunday 26th May, a little cool with north wind, but brilliant sunshine.  Not a cloud in the sky.

Ready to leave about 9 am, heading to Arrowhead, Huntsville.  We had forgotten how picturesque the drive North can be.

The Muskoka's were still unbelievably pretty.  Made us wonder why we hadn't been this way in such a long time.

It was a very easy drive, just kept to the two lane roads until we got to Highway 11 at Gravenhurst.  Very little traffic anywhere.

Checked in at Arrowhead Park and found our site #309, but couldn't set up right then as previous people still there.  In fact there were a lot of campers still there.

As we couldn't get on our site we drove to the beach area of Arrowhead Lake and had a picnic lunch.  Very pretty relaxing place.  I think we will enjoy this.

We had arranged previously to meet up with long lost friends, Wayne and Beth, through the afternoon.  They live in Kearney, about 20 minutes from the Park.

It, too, was a pretty ride to Wayne and Beth's.

We hadn't seen each other in about 8 years, so the afternoon was great fun.  So much to catch up on.  Lot's of stories to tell!

Although the weather was good the Black Flies were not, so we all sat inside.

Wayne showed us around his store,
West Algonquin Nature Store.  That was great. If you are ever in that area you should check it out.  He is such a talented man with his camera.  His pictures are excellent.  We already have several of his pictures from years ago, but right then I could have bought several more.  It truly was a great afternoon.  Thank you both Wayne and Beth - look forward to the next visit already!

Got back to camp about 6 p.m. after a fabulous afternoon and although not cold we did light the fire to deter the bugs.  It helped somewhat, but some were mighty hungry!

Spent the rest of the evening around the fire.  As dusk crept in the bugs thinned out.

Although not really too far north it was amazing to see how light it remained here.

We could hear the coyotes about 10.15 p.m. and still it was not completely dark, but decided it had been a really great day, and one filled with tons of fun, so may be time to go in for a night cap.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Monday 27th May 2013
Well the fresh air certainly made us sleep well. Awoke late to another brilliant sunny day.  And yes, the bugs were already knocking at the door.

We recently treated ourselves to a new BBQ and this was it's trial run.  it worked like a charm and breakfast was cooked in no time at all.  Just as well as it appears half the morning had slipped past us.   After breakfast we planned our hike over a nice cup of tea and around noon hour we were ready to hit the trails.

Headed for Stubb's Falls Trail.  

That lead directly to the falls, which was really great to see, but no good spot to do it justice with the camera.  This was the best we could do.

We then followed the river along a ravine in a loop.  It was a perfect day for this type of hiking, warm and sunny but not too hot.

The bugs liked it too, but our spray was working overtime.

Could not resist showing you this tree.
It was as if it had three legs wrapped around the original tree trunk.

 The Trillium were in bloom along the trail.
Also saw a lot of Robins and Blue Jays, a couple of Woodpeckers and one lone little Red Squirrel.

It turned out to be a very interesting hike, which took about 2 hours by the time we got back to our site.

So, time to relax for a while.

Sat around chatting then took off again, this time to Big Bend Lookout.

We thought the Stubbs Falls trail was interesting but Big Bed won hands down.

The trail was well laid out and easy to hike.

When we reached the Look Out it was .........

It showed you inside of a glacial delta.  The horizontal bands of sand going around the glacier were made by the river 12,000 years ago, and exactly where we stood . 12,000 years ago was completely covered with the water.  Now the water is 200 feet below us (or at least that is what is said, we did not check that out personally!)

It was incredible to see and at the same time fascinating to see.

However, almost 3.30 p.m. now and we still have not had lunch, so time to head back again for munchies.

Our site was good for the sunshine, although you could also get shade, so we relaxed for a while after munches, then just wandered around the road we camped on, where we found another small trail to follow.  Which took us  back to the main road way that led into our site.

Back for Happy Hour and a late Dinner.

The campfire was great, although a bit later than usual.  Turned out to be a very comfortable time of day as the bugs had all retired
Once again a very enjoyable day  It is really good to explore different places when you get the opportunity to do so.

Tuesday 28th May 2013
Lazy, hazy morning, not cold and the sun trying it's best to peak through the low cloud.
We BBQ'd breakfast but really did not want to share with the bugs or eat too much protein, so ate inside.  The forecast was for rain this afternoon, so have to hit the trails early today - well earlier that yesterday that is.
 The plan was to walk the Hemlock Trail to the Lake Trail then across the park to camp.

Well half hour into the Hemlock trail it completely disappeared, we could not tell which way it went.  It was a dense wooded area running along a high rocky cliff, excellent home for the BEARS!  Our intuition  told us the best thing we should do was to turn around and get back on the Stubbs Fall trail, which also took us to Arrowhead Lake.

We did that and wandered the trail along the lake for sometime.  Very pretty, quiet and relaxing.

                                                                 Arrowhead Lake

Apparently we were back late for lunch according to our friendly squirrel who was busy hunting for his own lunch.

Later in the afternoon we walked around the campsites we had not seen and made notes of the ones we liked ready for our return visit.

From there we went to Big Bend Lookout again, and on this trial to the Lookout we found a tree the Woodpecker's really liked.

It was very windy at the Look Out today so small sand storms were erupting along the steep sides of the glacier.  Once again fascinating to see.

OK, time to head back.  Still have forecast for rain, but this evening now.  So we lucked out.

Enjoyed a relaxing time around the fire, a little earlier than normal, and also BBQ'd a bit earlier.  The weather held out nicely.  The BBQ was almost finished when the wind picked up about 7.45 p.m.     Sat in with dinner tonight and the rain started about 8.15 p.m.

We declared it "movie night"  First one in a long time when camping.  Watched an old John Wayne Movie  - "The Falling of The Alamo"  Really enjoyed that, as you may recall we were at the Alamo for the re-enactment of the Falling of The Alamo in 2011.

This has been another really good day.

Wednesday 29th May 2013.                                               312916
Heavy rain and storms through the night, but not really too bad for us to pack up, just very hot, humid and "steamy".

All packed up and ready to get going by 11.00 am.

Still misty, hot and very damp.

Toured around Huntsville after leaving the Park but the rain was far too heavy to get out and enjoy the town, so we will have to return to walk around.

From there we tried the same thing in Gravenhurst, but had the same bad luck.  It was extremely hot in Gravenhurst and the rain was even heavier.

So onto our next destination.

At  Stayner we took the "Roller Coaster Road" into Creemore where the sun had taken over from the rain.

Had a really nice picnic lunch in the park, then wandered around the town.  That was very interesting too.

Yes, we really do have to get back to Durham so left Creemore about 2.30 pm and took a scenic drive all the way back.

This has been a fun break and looking forward to the next one - where will that be ????
Check back in a while and you will be the first to know after us.  Catch you then.

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