Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Inverhuron Provincial Park.

Wednesday June 19th 2013.                                                          313242
Weather is really gearing up for the first day of summer, which is Friday.  Day by day the forecast suggests it is getting warmer by the hour. Nice!  So here we are off camping  for a few days.

It was a very easy drive to the Park.  Took site #62 and all set up by 12.30 p.m.

After lunch we relaxed for a while before taking a walk.

About 3.00 p.m. we headed along the rocky shoreline towards the Northern edge of the Park.  The breeze off Lake Huron kept us comfortably cool.

There were quite a few very interesting plants growing in the rocks.

We could hear a good number of song birds, but unfortunately they did not want to show themselves, so not at all sure what they were.  However, they sounded wonderful.

We headed back along the Scenic Drive Trail, which is very well named.  The trail runs along he shore line on the wooded side.
Very pretty!

Back at our camp we relaxed and caught up on some reading.  The weather was almost perfect, very relaxing.

We sat around the fire a bit later and  cooked our supper there, while we listened to The Toronto Blue Jays win another game.  Finally they managed to get on a winning streak.

It was so good to sit out in the open to see the millions of stars and almost full moon.
Great Life - been a super day - so Good Night.

Thursday June 20th 2013

Brilliant sunshine streaming in the windows this morning.  Makes you feel real good.

Breakfast outside was  delicious.  By 10 am it was already quite warm.  Now looking forward to walking the trails along the beach area to the South perimeter of the park.

As you can see Lake Huron has very clean clear water.                                                    

The "Pitcher's Thistle was in bloom in the dunes, classed as a "sensitive area", where the endangered species grow.  A board walk was made  through the dunes to protect the area.

Further along, past the actual sandy beach, back onto the stony shore line there were many spring flowers in bloom, including the Wild Iris.

The walk along the beach and the shore line was wonderful and getting quite warm even with the breeze off he lake, so we headed to the Scenic Trail again, where it was a lot more sheltered and cooler.  Then onto our campsite for lunch.

After lunch we stayed around our site reading and writing for a time, before a nice afternoon stroll all round the entire campsite.

It was a really nice afternoon just being lazy.  Made a change for us.

That was followed by a relaxing evening under the stars and that almost full moon again.  So good to sit out around the fire.
Night, night.

Friday June 21st 2013.
Once again a wonderful day, deep blue sky, no clouds and just a sight breeze.

This morning Mike had to put on his "mechanic's" hat on and change the right rear tire.  It looked a bit soggy yesterday afternoon, and very flat this morning.   Only flat on the bottom though!  Not too much of a problem.

Then it was getting close to our time to check out, so got all packed up again.

On the way home we stopped in Tiverton at the King's Pearl for a late lunch.

Very nice place, unfortunately the patio was full so we went inside.  That was really nice and probably a good move as it was nice and cool in there.  We really enjoyed that and look forward to going back there again.

OK - now we do have to return to the homestead.

Been a relaxing few days, feels like e have been gone for weeks.


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