Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Back to Macgregor Point Prrovincial Park.

Thursday October 23th 2014

Finally, a break from what seems likes weeks of rain.  We had considered pricing lumber to build an ark.  But, today with brilliant sunshine and nice warm temperatures we are on our way to Macgregor Point.

It was a good drive, even though we missed our turn on to County Road 40.  Went through Tara and neighbouring hamlets, and truthfully, we were glad we missed our turn.  It was a really nice drive.

Arrived at the park about lunch time and as luck would have it one of our favorite sites was still available.  #8.

We didn't go directly to our site but made our way to Lake Ridge Trail.  We enjoy this trail although it is a more difficult trail, as we start off on the dry bed of the Lake.  There are numerous large rocks and boulders so we  have to be careful where we walk. 

Today portions of the trail were still under water from the huge amount of rain which had fallen over the last little while.

From the bed of the lake we climbed to the top of the ridge. 

Now we have a good idea how deep the lake was originally.

Here is an idea of the depth the lake was originally.

As I have previously mentioned there are remnants of where families  had lived many years ago.

Including this hand dug well.

Once again we stopped at the huge quartzite rock, which is still extremely c0old to the touch.

From there we just wandered the rest of the trail.  The weather was perfect for hiking.   Made it to our site about 3.15 p.m. all ready for a very late lunch.

We did put our "dining tent" up again, as it was to be cold at night, and that gives us quite a bit of protection.

Got the camp fire going about 4.30 p.m. and we stayed out there  toasty warm until we had burnt the whole bag of wood,  about 8.p.m.  Then it was time for dinner.   Followed by our famous dominoes contest.
OK, Yes. you guessed it  - I won fair and square again!   Good ending for a good day.

Friday 24th October.
Yes, it was a cool night.  However, not too bad in the morning and sunny.

We didn't go rushing about to get walking today, just took our time and headed to the trail about 11.30 a.m.

The Turtle pond was very calm and quiet this morning.   Only saw a couple of crows and some little red squirrels. 

We wandered to the beach area.  Couldn't believe the lake was so clear.  Beautiful blue sky too.

However, it was very cool in the shade, and the breeze off the lake was almost cold.

We could see from the tracks that the Deer and Racoons had been to the lake for a drink.

From the beach we wandered along the trail towards Merganser Cove. 

This is another of our favorite walks.

The cove looked very different to what it was early in the year.

Looked very eerie  as there were no birds or Mergansers to be seen.  May be a little too cool.

 Next stop. the creek, getting towards Nippising
Camp ground.   Now empty of campers.  There is no hydro hook ups in this area.  This is a very pretty area. 

Then on to the Deer Run Trail to get back to our site.   There were no deer around this time.   Not really surprising as there were a huge amount of downed trees right along their trail, due to the high winds and heavy rains recently.

Made it back for late lunch about 2.30 p.m.

We spent the afternoon sitting in the sunshine reading and writing until it was time to visit The Sunset Point, although no where near time for the sunset.

It was quite incredible to see the lake so much higher than the last time we were here.   All the large boulders we were walking on were now submerged in Lake Huron, only the smaller ones near the shore were visible.

It doesn't matter how many times we come here there is always something new to see.

From Sunset Point across the Lake you can see Port Elgin.

There was quite a cool wind off the lake this afternoon, so we headed back to camp and relaxed around the fire for the rest of the evening.

Another great day.

Saturday 25th October 2014.

Yes - you got it, hope you're all ready - two months to Christmas day!  Now for the rest of the story.   As I am so far behind doing  this blog, it is only 2 days to Christmas day.  And apparently we are going to have a GREEN Christmas, along with rain.  I wonder!

Cloudy morning, but not quite so cool.

Time to return home this afternoon after a couple of fun filled camping days.  A really nice little break.

The park began to fill up a bit last night so not quiet so peaceful this morning.

After packing up we headed into Port Elgin, then Southampton.  Did a bit of shopping.  Then continued into Owen Sound before going home.

A great trip.  We had hoped to get another trip in before now, but the weather was not co-operating.  Now looking forward to the next camping season.
Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Still enjoying the sunny south

Monday 15th September 2014                                                            322328
Ready to leave Vince's for Calhoun Falls about 11.30 a.m. after stopping for supplies for the week.     Weather was good
It was a nice drive and Calhoun Falls really isn't very far from Simpsonville.

We just wandered through the small towns and villages taking our time.  We found this neat Railroad Station in Belton SC.

Arrived at Calhoun Falls and all set having lunch by 1.30.                      322430

The weather still good, quite warm, but overcast.

The site we took, #65, was terrific and extremely large,

We pulled in, bonus, all perfectly level.
We had a sunken patio area with fire pit and picnic tables,  then we found we had out own steps leading down to our own part of Lake Russell.

WOW, did we ever luck out here!

We were, once again greeted by the local ducks, along with Crows, Blue Jays, Cardinals and a lone squirrel.

It was so quiet and peaceful sitting beside the lake we didn't even want to go exploring for well over an hour.

It was nice to wander around this part of the Park.  The camp ground we were in was #2.  There were many sites with great views of the lake.

Lake Russell is a large lake and a very well fished lake, with a good number of boat ramps and fishing docks.

Back at our site we enjoyed sitting down by the lake for a while before BBQ time.

The fire was great, and our site looked good with the lights.

So glad we found this place.

Tuesday 16th September 2014.

Very nice morning, the clouds disappeared very quickly and the sun took over.

The crows and ducks let us know quite early it was time to get up and not miss the day.

We sat down at the edge of the lake with our tea before breakfast.  It was already getting very hot here.  This may be a day when our walking is done at dusk.

The lone squirrel came for a visit.  He was very much at home here and not at all shy.

Spent a good part of the morning keeping cool by wandering along the edge of the lake right at our site.  It was really quite beautiful.

Some of the local fish came to explore the lake edge and catch some shade too.

The vegetation was extremely lush along the edge of the lake. 

After lunch we sat enjoying the peace, quiet and tranquility of the lake, and admiring the deep blue sky.

The occasional bird would entertain us with its song.

This has been a very lazy day.  Definitely holiday mode.

Got a lot of reading and writing done, and the breeze off the lake kept us comfortable.  It was very hot and humid.

Just before supper I wandered around to catch some sunset shots.

Well worth the walk around, don't you think?

Excellent BBQ once again.

Although still warm we did light the fire.  It is always a good back drop for stories, and we have so many stories to tell.

I cannot remember when we have sat and relaxed for almost the whole day.  But it did feel good.

To prove I did not waste the whole day doing nothing, here is the result of my sitting at the edge of the lake through the afternoon, in Calhoun Falls State Park SC.

                                                                  LAKE RUSSELL.

                                                           Sitting here on the shore
                                                           Of Lake Russell,
                                                           You have no idea of a  world
                                                           Full of hustle and bustle.

                                                           The Lake's so calm
                                                           Until a boat motors by,
                                                           And sends tiny ripples
                                                           To the edge with a sigh.

                                                           The smaller fish 
                                                           In their schools swim by.
                                                           While the larger ones
                                                           Leap out to the sky.

                                                           The sun comes up,
                                                           And the sun goes down.
                                                           Most of the day
                                                           There's hardly a sound.

                                                           The scenery,
                                                           So placid and serene
                                                           Makes you wonder
                                                           Are you living in a dream? 

                                                           There is no anger.
                                                           There is no war.
                                                           Not while you sit here
                                                           At the edge of the shore.

                                                           I feel so lucky
                                                          To have found Lake Russell.
                                                          A place where
                                                          There is no hustle, no bustle.

And so another wonderful day comes to an end.

Wednesday 17th September 2014                                                        322430

There was a lot of heat lightening through the night.  Not sure if that was why it was cooler this morning.  Still a few clouds around too.

After breakfast some of the ducks returned to say good bye, as we are heading out to Hartwell Lake State Park today.  Hope it turns out to be as good as this park has been.

Just getting ready to leave the park and a deer wandered out right in front of us.  NO - I didn't have the camera ready.  However,  we did capture it on the dash cam.

Took a nice leisurely drive into Georgia for a few miles,  as that was to be the easiest way to Harwell Lake.

Then back into South Carolina to the State Park.

Again a really good park, and again, lucky enough to take site #6, which backed onto the Lake.

There was a small bank to climb down to edge of the lake.  All very pretty again.   However, I personally did prefer Calhoun Falls S.P.   Mike seems to like this one.  It is more rustic.

After lunch we wandered down the bank at the back of our site to the lake.

It is quite a large lake, not as big as Lake Russell, and very interesting to wander around.

We found a few treasures, some shells, very different to the shells we find in our Ontario Parks, and also some very interesting Granite Rocks.

Naturally took lots of pictures

Another view of the lake.

 It was a very  warm afternoon so we headed back to our site and relaxed in the shade, until supper time.

It didn't cool off very much through the evening either.

However, it was still great to sit out and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Thursday 18th September 2014.

Believe it or not we have been married 49 years today.  Yes, that makes us feel old, but remember we were kids when we married!  And were told we were too young and this wouldn't last.  Oh my, the things you have to do to prove some people wrong.

It was a beautiful morning, and no humidity, at this point

A Blue Heron was walking the shore this morning,  but refused to have his picture taken.  Let's hope he returns later.

We decided we would walk before it got too hot today, so we walked around the whole camping area, which gave us a completely different view of the lake. 

All very pretty.

Found more vegetation on the small trail we found.

There is a regular walking trail but it is quite a distance from the camping area.  If time permits we may try to do that tomorrow before we head out.

We relaxed for a while after lunch, then strolled the shore.  As you can see  we were not the only ones doing that this afternoon.
A racoon had been to the lake for a drink.

My Chef managed to do an excellent steak dinner.

We made our way to the shore to see the sunset.  It was a very calm lake at that time, and really pretty.

 Spent the evening enjoying the company and the campfire.

A really relaxing evening, a wonderful day and a great anniversary.

Wonder where we will be for our 50th?

Friday 19th September 2014.                                                            322530
Cooler morning, which is OK as we are packing up and heading back to Vince's for the weekend.

Left camp about 11.30 a.m.

Just wandered slowly towards Simpsonville SC,  Checked out Seneca SC.  The set up of this town indicated it could have been, or even was a while ago, a  busy, well laid out town, but like  a lot of towns these days there were very few businesses still open in the downtown core.
From there we made our way to Clemson SC.  That showed a very different down town.  Clemson is a University Town.  Quite a large town and extremely busy.  Very interesting buildings, and a great many "e-machines" for student transportation.

Then we just made our way to Vince's.  

It was a great evening.  Jeff and Elijah were on Skype so we all enjoyed chatting with them.   Elijah managed to get Fuzzy (the cat that adopted us) to come and sit with them, so even Fuzzy Cat was on Skype.

Kayleigh played some tunes for us on her keyboard and then her guitar.  WOW! That was great.  I didn't know she was so musically inclined.   She was very good.

Naturally it turned into another late night.  But well worth it - all good fun family stuff.

Saturday 20th September 2014.
Nice warm morning, and guess what?  Everyone was up before we were.  And they had a great day all planned for us.

After breakfast we headed a little out of town to a huge farm. where there were all kinds of vendors set up with foods , crafts, antiques, collectibles and a lot of fabulous music playing.

Once again it was a sin we could not buy all the items we would have liked, but we still have to travel back home yet.

There were still a few of the original farm buildings left on the property.

After that we wandered back to Vince's for lunch.

Kayleigh had weekend homework to get through, so Vince suggested we went exploring with him.

Vince took us to Hagood Mill.  Not very far from the house.

We didn't know at the time but the annual fiddler's contest was on that afternoon.   The mill was extremely busy, and the music was excellent.

The whole of the mill area was very interesting, with all kinds of exhibits to wander around.

Another of the buildings - this shows the making of the corn brooms.

We were inside one of the buildings and out on the back porch was a group of musicians playing some good Ol' Country Music.

That was fantastic.

I think the part I enjoyed the most, along with the music, was the big Old Water Wheel.

Fascinating to wander through and see how it all works.

All so pretty to see.  I am so glad Vince found this place.

Mike's favorite building was the Old Still.

Apparently "still" being used!

Not only was it a great place to visit, it was also a very pretty drive.

We headed back to the house for "refreshments" and a delicious BBQ supper.

Barb, Kayleigh and I sat around the table chatting and generally being silly after dinner, while the guys enjoyed their conversation while sitting at the breakfast bar, and keeping some good music flowing for us all.

All in all it had been another really super fun day.

Sunday 21st September.

Another bright sunny morning, and believe it or not, we were the first up.

No big plans for today.  Well there wasn't,  until Mike and Vince suggested they took me for a drive to get a new Laptop.   WOW! What did I do?    Anyway, why look a gift horse in the mouth?   So off we went.   It didn't take too long.  The deals were good and I found one that suited me just fine.

Back to Vince's where I set it all up (with help).   Oh yes,  it will take a bit of getting used too.
It is Windows 8.1.   I am used to that on the cellphone,  and now I will have to master it on the PC.   Now that will be fun!

After lunch we all took a drive to Mr. Kay's Used Book Store.   Wished I had known that was there before now.   I could have spent days in that place.

Kayleigh found the book she was looking for, and I found at least 50.  But settled for two.

Then we drove to another Old Mill, but this one was all boarded up.   However, all was not lost as there was a series of walking trails along the river adjacent to the Mill.

So we headed out on one of the trails, through the wooded areas and along the side of the river.   We  did see a turtle sunning itself, but it was not being social and refused to have it's picture taken.

But, bonus, I did manage to get a picture of my family members together.   Believe me, it is near impossible to catch all three of them together in the same place, at the same time.

Turned into a longer walk than we thought it would as somehow we had wandered off our trail, so had to retrace a few steps to get back on track again.

Regardless, it was a very enjoyable walk, and we rewarded ourselves with a stop at the Ice Cream Station in Simpsonville.

What a fabulous idea, an old railroad station, all painted up and serving ice cream.    To make it more complete, there was 50's music being played.   Just my "cuppa Tea".    I am so glad Barb suggested this.

Vince was Chef of the evening and treated us to a really good fish 'n chip dinner.  He made his own beer batter for the fish, which was so good.

We were all so full after that we all relaxed with the usual stories about good family times.

And so, once again our visit to South Carolina is getting near to closing.   It has been such a good time it is sad to think that tomorrow we will heading out again and this time heading North.

Must admit I had a great day, new laptop, books, hiking with family, 50's style Ice Cream, Fish 'n Chips and family all around.

Going to be a tough one to beat.