Sunday, December 21, 2014

Time to head home.

Monday 22nd September 2014.                                                   322646

Up in time to see Kayleigh off to school and say our goodbyes,  then see Barb off to work and say our goodbyes, and thanks for a wonderful time.   That left us with packing our things and then saying goodbyes to Vince.

The time takes so long to get here (usually a year) and then when we are here it all goes by so quickly.  Really doesn't seem fair, does it?

Left Vince and headed to the stores to get   some supplies for the trip back.  Actually left Simpsonville about 11.00 a.m.

It wasn't too long before we could see the mountains in the distance again.

We cruised through the country lanes and a fair amount of farmland, then we could see Table Rock Mountain a head of us.

Yes, we made it back to Table Rock State Park.   We were even lucky enough to get the same site as last year, #43.               322713

Weather was great, sunny, little humidity and 77 F.  Very nice for September.

After lunch we  relaxed for a while before trying to decided where to  go next in the park.

It was so quiet and peaceful we hung around our site for quite a while, enjoying the tranquility.

Eventually we took a leisurely walk around the park, heading toward the camp store, which is the WI-FI hot spot.

Checked e-mails and Skype, but no one on Skype at that time.

Took slow walk back to our site, up hill almost all the way, as our site is half way up the mountain.

It turned out to be a really nice afternoon, still warm.

After dinner we had the camp fire going.   We really needed it this evening,  It is a lot cooler here in the mountains.

Tuesday 23rd September 2014.
There were a few clouds in the morning, windy and cool,  But certainly not cold.  By the time breakfast was over we had nothing but blue skies.

Today we decided we would hike from the camp ground to Lake Pinnacle, and take the trail around the lake.  The trail is on the eastern side of Lake Pinnacle.

Very pleasant walk from the camp ground to the lake, about 1/2 mile, mostly down hill.
Now, that's not so good when we start heading back.

The weather was perfect for walking, sunny, breezy and not too warm.

The scenery was incredible.  I think Table Rock Mountain looked better than last year.

Come to think of it, so did the cottages!  As you can see.

The Lake Side Trail was well named, as about 85% of the trail runs beside the lake, even at the high points.

Needless to say we took far too many pictures.  Too many to even try to show you.

But I will try.

Here you can see a tree came down, so a part of the tree was taken out, the size of the trail, and the remainder of the tree was left.

Table Rock Mountain in the distance.

The water fall looked magnificent this year,  Mainly due to the current weather, we would imagine.

The waterfall is close to halfway around the trail, and after this point the trail gets considerably more challenging.

The trail becomes a lot narrower, with a lot more climbing.  But the scenery remained great, with the river still in view.

We had to cross the stream going into the river using stepping stones, which was quite challenging, but we managed it, no problem.

Then, low and behold we had to master it all again about a hundred yards or so further along.

This time we were pros at it!

 At the end of the trail we sat and enjoyed a snack of cheese and crackers.   It was well earned and needed to hopefully help us climb the hills to get back to our camp site.

Once back, it was time to relax and enjoy a nice cuppa tea.   It was still sunny and so nice to sit and relax with a nice mountain breeze to keep us cool.

Later in the afternoon we wandered down to the store again to see if there were any e-mails or anyone on Skype, but NO on both counts.

The evening began to cool right down in the mountains, but thankfully the fire kept us toasty warm.  A super way to end a super day.

Wednesday 24th September 2014.                                  322713

Another cool morning although bright and sunny.

Had an early breakfast as we plan a lot longer trip for today.  It would be good if the weather held, but it really didn't sound too promising.

We left the park about 9.45 a.m.  It would have been nice to stay a bit longer, as we both really enjoy this park.

The road leaving the park, with the mountains in the distance always looked so good, it was a same to leave.

Just around the NC state line we saw a very large mountain with several magnificent homes/mansions way toward the top of the mountain.  Would be interesting to know who lives there.

Rode along the Donna Fargo Highway for a while.   The weather remained good right into Virginia,  where we had a few sprinkles of rain, but nothing to get concerned over.

Had to climb a fair way up the mountain to Fairy Stone State Park.

There were fairy stones for sale in the camp store.

We took site #1, as it was safest for us.  A lot of sites here are right on the edge of the mountain, with views of "a long way down".

All set up and small fire going before dinner.
But the rain did manage to break through so the fire didn't last too long.

We relaxed inside for the evening.  Cannot remember when we last spent an evening inside El Campista.  So far we have been very lucky with the weather this trip.  This was the first rain we have had camping this trip.

FAIRY STONES:   Word has it long ago the Fairies roamed freely at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, then they were told of Christ's Crucifixion and became very sad and wept.
Their tears crystallized into tiny stone crosses.  Today, the fairies are gone, but stone crosses can still be found in and around the park.
Stone Crosses, called "staurolite",   consist of iron, aluminum and silicate.

Thursday 25th September 2014.
Three months to Christmas Day, and as I am way behind trying to catch up with my blog, it is only 3 days to Christmas Day, right now.  Help!

It was a cloudy morning, not cold and the rain had stopped.  As long as the weather permits we will explore  some of the trails around here.  And yes, we were blessed with sunshine before lunch.

We headed towards site 26, where there was an entrance to several of the trails.  We chose the one to the beach,

It was a good walk to the beach, mainly down hill.   Once, again not sure how bad it will be on the return trip.

Quite a rugged trail, but not too difficult.

It was very mossy in places and the moss grew along the side of the wall along the trail.

When we reached the beach area we had entered the HI-FI area, so tried to check for e-mails, but there was no service here on my phone. 

Fairy Stone Lake is very deep and really quite picturesque.

Of course, once again, far too many pictures.
Will try some for you.


So came the inevitable - the walk back to our site. 

Yes it was a good workout, but must admit it was enjoyable.   We just took out own sweet time, enjoying the terrain and the weather.

It was a late lunch day.  After such an energetic couple of hours.  We relaxed with some cheese, crackers and glass of wine.  Now that made the hike well worth while, don't you think?

It was a real nice sunny afternoon, just made for relaxing with a good book.

We still had a lot of wood to burn due to the rain delay last night, so lit the fire a bit earlier than usual. 

It turned out to be a great fire and good way to end an enjoyable day.

Friday 26th September 2014                                                            323107

Another early start to the day, well early for us that is.  Still warm, slight breeze and few fluffy clouds.   After breakfast got all packed up and ready to hit the road to try to find Black Water Falls State Park VA.

From the park we passed over Philpot Lake, which turned out to be another very nice looking area.

And yes, we can see some clouds building up again.

We got into the clouds and some rain heading towards Roanoke.  But still it looked good.

Even looked good when we getting towards the top of the mountains in the clouds.

Just past the town of Fincastle the scenery changed and there were a lot of rock cuts, which personally I do like to see.  Why?  I don't really know - I just like them.

There were some pretty decent mountains to climb around this area.  But El Campista didn't complain at all.   Just motored along like a charm.

But I do think the lunch break was a blessing to all of us.  More so Mike and I.  We stopped almost at the top of the mountain lookout area of Falling Springs Falls, elevation 3996 ft.

We were told by a gentlemen, also visiting the Falls, that there had already been several snow falls in the area this month.   Guess that explains how come the leaves have such magnificent colours.   However, today it is 73f, sunny and NO snow.

Yes, the Falls were unbelievable.

Ok - you know it - so many pictures!

So far this is turning into a day of three words.  "WOW that's pretty!"    It seems we have been saying that for most of the day.  No complaints, we love it.


We decided we had better get moving or we would never get a site at Black Water Falls.

Heading into West Virginia, 

Almost Heaven - that is.

Another scenic view to stop at.

This is too much.  We have found so much to stop and enjoy we may never make our destination tonight.

When we got out at this scenic view the buzzards were flying below us.  It felt as if we had stepped out into space.

The view could never have been described - hence, another ton of pictures.  
Followed by
WOW That's pretty.  At least every ten seconds.


OK.  It is time to move on and head to our destination of the day.
Drove past Seneca Rock and The Rocky Top Mountain (very aptly named, as you can see). 
Elevation. 3295ft.

A good number of the towns in this area were really geared for tourists.  You felt like you wanted to stay a while in every town.  They were all so inviting.    Regardless we just kept on going to Black Water Falls.
When we arrived, about 5.30 p.m. there were no sites with any hook ups.   No problem - we have done that before, right.    Not only no hook ups, there was only 4 sites left.  We took the first one in line, #31.  It was a good sized site.
All set and relaxing when another family with a large pick up and large trailer stopped to see the site next to us.  A site much smaller than ours, and we could see there was no way they could park their vehicle and trailer there.  So we told them we would move to #32 and they could have #31 where there was plenty of room for them all.  They were thrilled, Dad couldn't thank us enough.  He had his family along with his kids friends and really didn't want to start driving any further to try to find another camp ground.
All set up again.  This time on #32, all good..  Happy neighbours.  Nice fire, nice BBQ and a very pleasant evening after such a wonderful day of travelling through the mountains.
Saturday 27th September 2014.
Sunny and cool morning.   Ready to get on the road by 10.15 a.m.
Very pretty drive.
We found a wind turbine farm built on top of a mountain.

Once again we were on top of the mountain.

The leaves in Pennsylvania were equally as colourful as in VA.

We were heading towards Altoona, at the top of a mountain.   It was like being on a plane, the road we were on appeared to be glued to the edge of the mountain.

The whole drive was fabulous, and once again there were many small towns to go through.  All very interesting.  

We arrived at Parker Dam State Park PA about 4 p.m.  And, guess what?  We took the last site available again.  Site #37.  Bonus!   We even got to have hydro this time.

It was extremely busy, more like a city than a camp ground.  But that was OK too.  A lot of them would be leaving tomorrow and we are here until Monday.  The weather was so good for the time of year, many people were out enjoying their camping while they still could.  It was 78f and sunny.

It appeared we had non-flammable wood again, so went in earlier than usual, but still managed to find lots of time to tell each other all kinds of stories.

So not a bad day again in the end.

Sunday 28th September.

The day started off cool, but bright and sunny.  By the time breakfast was done, the sun was working overtime and no jackets required.  Time to plan a hike.  There were many trails, all sounding very interesting.  it was difficult to know which one to choose.

The Stump Field Trail was the easiest to get to from our site, so we started there.   It was a good trial and easy to follow.

The Stump Field trail ran directly into the Log Slide Trail.    Which was very aptly named.    Mind you it could also have been called "The Rock Slide Trail" as there were rock of all sizes to maneuver around and over.

This trail was a little more difficult, but well worth while.

Then we came across the historical portion of the trail.

Info on the area.

The rock was enormous and showed a series of cracks made by wedges.

The wedges were made with a pick like the one in the picture.

Then we found where the log slide was, and how the logs were moved, and also how they were put together.

 Logs chained ready for moving.

Logs all put together.

History lesson not yet finished.

We found a board with info on how the tools were made and used, along with the tools that were made there.

Also pictures of "back in the day".

Not far from there we connected with The Quehanna Trail and Quehanna Trailhead which bought us to the Boardwalk - not "Under the Boardwalk".


The Boardwalk took us onto the road for about a minute.

Then down to the beach and boat launch area.

Abundant fall colours to be viewed from this side of the lake.

From there we reached the museum.   Unfortunately it was closed.

The building was both interesting and magnificent.  All wooden logs from the immediate area.

There were some antiques on the front porch of the museum.

 Also a collection of antiques on the front grounds of the museum.

Quite interesting!

 Then, we had finally made it to Parker Dam.

We had to take the stairs down to the dam to be able to cross it to reach the other side and make it back to our camp.

To get to the other side we had to traverse all the huge rocks around the dam.

Not too difficult, so long as you don't loose your footing.

WOW!   We made it to the other side with out incident.

Then on to Laurel Run Trail which bought us back to our camp.

It had taken a few hours and was well worth it.   Also gave us a good appetite for a late lunch.

The weather had been perfect for hiking, nice breeze to keep us cool, but also nice and sunny.  A perfect mornings workout.

When we got back our neighbours had packed up and moved and a new neighbour had moved in.   He was on a motorcycle and tenting.   Now that is tenting - a lean to with a hammock.  Temps fall to low 40's F right now at night.   Personally I think, no I know, I prefer our El Campista.

We called the neighbour "Harry Hammock".  He was a retired General and heading to Mexico for the winter.

After lunch we relaxed outside and later Mike chopped some wood ready for the fire.
I prepared some dinner for later.

A few clouds moved in, but it remained quite warm for the rest of the afternoon.

The leaves were falling constantly all day and  it made me wonder what our garden looked like.  Hope we hadn't missed all the fall colours at home.   This is my favorite time of the year.

Pleased to say the fire worked very well this time, so we sat  there for the rest of the day.

Monday 29th September 2014.

Another bright sunny, cool morning.   Definitely fall season.

This is becoming the final leg of our journey.   We are heading to Darien Lake State Park NY today, then on to Durham On. tomorrow.

Ready to leave about 9.15 a.m. 

We were in the mountains and had to drive through clouds and fog.   However, it was still amazing.

I think we will be Collingwood, Beaver Valley and Talisman to get our "mountain fix" when we get back.

We were still in the hills and the fall colours around Ridgeway PA were superb.

Not too far from the PA/NY State line we came across a very interesting road sign.

"Bears for the next 3 miles"

We didn't see any.

Gradually the hills got smaller.

We stopped in Batavia for last minute goodies.  Then onto Darien Lake State Park, about 3.30 p.m.

No idea of the mileage as the speedometer decided it was overworked and went on strike.  I think we did approx. 220km.

Took site #44.  It's a nice park, sites are quite open, not many trees.

We  had to collect our own wood from the treed areas, but I think this was the best fire we have had in 23 days.

It was a good evening around the fire.   No other people anywhere near us.

Not a bad place at all.

Tuesday 30th September 2014.

Guess what? Another beautiful morning, and no rush today.

We would like to cross the border about noon hour, but if not, no worries.

Did a bit more shopping got to the border  about 12.15 p.m.   The crossing took only minutes.   No line ups at the bridge and no one at customs.   How lucky was that?

Went to our favorite park in Fort Erie for a picnic lunch.  The weather was still very good.

We stopped a few times on the way back as we were in no rush because we had plans  to meet up with Marin and Heather at Shakespeare Arms in Guelph about 5 p.m.

We arrived  a little early so relaxed with a drink before dinner.   Had a great dinner and good visit.   Then time to head to the homestead.

Got home about 8 p.m.

Our Fuzzy Cat was very happy to have us home again.   I think he purred non-stop for an hour.

Natalie and Elijah came around for a visit.  Had a great time with them.  Good to see them again.

This has been a fabulous trip.   Met some interesting people, had excellent weather and found some great State Parks.

Plus, there is nothing like spending time with family.

Thanks for such a great time Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.

Done approx. 2708 miles or 3295 km for the whole trip.

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