Sunday, December 21, 2014

Time for The Southern Trip

September 6th 2014.                320627 
Excitement is bubbling here in Durham,  this morning as we are to leave for our Trip South to our family and catch up on what has been going on in that part of the world.  Quite a lot since we left last year.  New jobs, new house, new friends, new car.  Vince got his BMW.  He is as happy camper!

So time to get going.

Hoped to be on the road by 9.00 a.m.  Oh well, 15 minutes late isn't really too bad.  So on the road by 9.15 a.m.  As you can see the weather was OK, some clouds, some sun and no Humidity, right now.  There were huge storms yesterday, but that did rid us of the high humidity we had on Friday.  It was 40c yesterday afternoon, making packing of El Campista quite the chore.  Very high winds through the night,  and once again tree limbs were down again in the morning.   This time they stayed there!

Easy drive to USA Border, and for once the bridge to New York State was good.  No huge line ups on the bridge today.  The Customs Office, fantastic!  We had a good laugh with him.  The whole crossing from entering the bridge to getting onto the Interstate took 6 minutes - not bad at all.

There was a regatta on the lake, and the yacht sails of many colours painted a very pretty picture.

Buffalo Harbour was very busy.  If we had known this was going on we would have made plans to spend some time there and enjoy it.  Hopefully we can do that next time.
Have to check out events before we leave next time.

Hooked onto Highway 5,  Stopped in Evans and then Fredonia for supplies before heading to Lake Erie State Park NY.  Our usual stop over.

Our favorite site was not available so we took #53.  It was good too.

Relaxed for a while, then time to check the place out.  It's always fun here.  This is a great park, and very convenient for our first night away.

Headed to the beach area.  Still a big mix of sun and clouds, but not at all cold.

The clouds started looking quite ominous, so we slowly made our way back to our site.

There was no need to rush as the wind blew the clouds away.   Giving way to a very nice evening and a wonderful night sky.

My Chauffer changed hats and became my Chef. 

He did a good job at everything - what a Guy!

Sunset was quite pretty, but the campfire was already working very well so we didn't get back to the lake to watch the sun set.

However, all was not lost, as the night sky produced some magnificent sights.

Including the Halo around the moon.

No need for outside lights tonight.  The full moon was doing a fabulous job.

This has been a great start to the trip and hopefully it will remain that way.

Sunday 7th September 2014                                               320973
Woke to sun and clouds again, but it didn't take long for the sun to win the battle.

After breakfast we were ready to resume our journey and see what was in store for us today.  Met up with a gentleman from Ridgeway ON. That is where we often make a detour to visit with Myrna and Grant.  May be able to do that on the way back.   

Left the park about 11.00 a.m.   Took the Seaway Trail for quite a few miles.  It has always been a very pleasant,  scenic and relaxing drive.

Once again we drove through Mayville NY, and once again we did not go exploring as is was Sunday and before noon, so most places were still closed up.  We will get the timing right one of these trips.  It always seems to have so much going on in Mayville, we are sure it would great to go exploring there.

Lake Chautauqua was calm and beautiful.

In fact the whole drive was like that so far.

Pennsylvania countryside looking as pretty as ever, and just as hilly and twisty as always.

We stayed away from the Interstate and enjoyed all the towns and villages we went through.

Oil City was an interesting looking town.

Could not resist a picture of the Oil City Bank.

Today we decided we would just let our GPS "Lady" lead the way for us.  Now sometimes you do wonder if it is a good thing to do, especially when the road gets narrower, twisty and starts climbing upwards.

Then, no problem , we reached our destination of Tomlinson Run, WV.  Certainly appeared to be a good looking park.            321287

The Park Office was closed so we road around, found a site we liked, #26, and settled in there.

After dinner the Park Security Officer came to check us in and take our money.

Sonny (Security Officer) sat at the picnic table with us for about an hour, telling us first hand all about the area.  He had held that job at the park for the last 15 years, and was getting ready to retire. 

After Sonny left we settled ourselves around the camp fire discussing the road plan for tomorrow.  Then low and behold, Sonny turned up again, this time with his wife, Jane.  She was lovely, and after about 5 minutes we felt like we had been friends forever.  They asked if they could join us around our camp fire for a while.  Now that was different for us, we are usually by ourselves around the fire.  Anyway it was a nice change, and naturally, there were many stories to be told, all extremely interesting, and some quite humorous.  The fire was kept going real good, as Sonny knew where "the good wood" was.

Could not believe the time when Jane said she was getting really tired.  So hugs all around and the end of a very pleasant evening had arrived.

We turned in for a night cap before bed.   This had been one fun day.  Looking forward to tomorrow now.

Monday 8th September 2014.                                       321287

It appeared the sun had no one to battle with this morning, and was proud to show it's face.
The breeze was a little cool, but not enough to interrupt our BBQ breakfast routine.

Then clean up, pack up and ready for the next leg of the journey.  This was a good park, and we do look forward to coming back and staying longer next time.  All ready to leave about 10.45 a.m.   Heading to Cedar Creek State Park WV today.   We had one night there last year and really enjoyed it, so this time we will stay two nights and do some exploring.

The drive took us along " the banks of the Ol' 'Hio" again.  This time on the WV side of the river.

Every day the terrain seems to change a  little.   Now the hills are getting considerably taller.

Quite an interesting bridge over the Ohio River from West Virginia to Ohio.

It gave the impression of tight lines of wire.

Very artistic for a bridge.

Stopped in New Martinsville for a while and some lunch, then on our way again.  Still staying on the two lane roads.

The further along we got, the narrower the road got and then a series of "S' bends, where we ended up behind  a row of cars going along at a snail's pace, due to a truck with "Wide Load" up ahead.

This is the truck with the wide load.

It had already taken one of the "S" bend's while we were still travelling along very slowly.

Not too far from here we came upon another truck with quite the problem.  It had a ruptured fuel tank, and left approximately 100 gallons of diesel fuel along the road.

Up until then we were making good time, but these two obstacles made the trip last a lot longer.  Not that it was a problem we had no time limit and the road was very interesting meandering through may small villages and a good number of huge farms.

We made it into the Park and all set up by 4.30 p.m.   Took site #38. same as we had last year, right at the foot of the mountain.  Few clouds rolled in, but it was still very hot and humid.

Time for a nice cup of tea!

When I came out with the tea Mike was chatting to Charlie.  He and his wife had site #36, next to us.  Although, quite a way from us as the creek ran between the two sites, and it was here that the deer stopped to drink last year.

Charlie had been to England during WWII.  Then he proceeded to tell us he had also served in WWI.  Now Charlie looked to be about 70, just a little older than us, but it turns out he will be 90 on Feb 14th 2015.   Still find it hard to believe.

The Park Ranger came to collect our camping fees and bought us  some wood.  Then believe it or not,  Charlie returned.   This time he came with a big bundle of kindling for our fire.  He had chopped too much.  What a Guy!
The rest of the evening was spent around the campfire, enjoying the wonderful "summer" weather, and discussing all the events of the day.

Amazing thing happened later in the evening.  Tiny lights started appearing on the ground.  They didn't last long each time, but they kept appearing for the remainder of the night.

So, Hiker Mike, decided he would find out what they were.  He took his brand new, trusty flash light and discovered what was making the lights. Yes - you got it - he discovered The Glow Worm!

Far too much excitement for one day - Night, Night.

Tuesday 9th September 2015

We were camped at the base of a treed mountain, so woke to what we thought was a cloudy morning.   Wrong,  nice sunshine, blue sky and a decent temperature.

So far we hadn't seen any deer, unlike last year.  Guessing food is more abundant for them this year.

After a good breakfast we planned our day.  We are looking forward to  wandering the trails and grounds here.

First stop was The Park Office for a map of the trails.  There were many trails here, the shortest one being a mere 15 minute walk, then different areas and distances up to three and a half hours.


This morning we walked to the one room School House.

School built in 1909.

Came complete with outhouse!

Central heating takes on a whole new meaning here.

Very well preserved school house.

From the school we wandered to the General Store.  Unfortunately it was closed, but certainly a good looking building.

Then we took our time and wandered around the pond area, which was very picturesque.

We felt quite at home here with the Canada Geese.  

We had been exploring for a good couple of hours and lunch time was creeping up to us, so we slowly made our way back to our campsite.

 Relaxed for a while before lunch and had lots of "Fuzzy" caterpillars descending upon us.

After lunch we decided we'd try our luck hiking the Stone Trough Trail.  Named for the old hand made stone trough along the trail.  It was a loop trail, which we really like, and the nearest point to enter was quite close to our site.

The butterflies were enjoying the gorgeous weather.

The start to the trail seemed easy and comfortable for a nice afternoon hike.  According to the trail map the whole trail should take about 2 hours to complete.  Not too bad.

A short way along the trail it started climbing quickly.  Then the edge of the trail got extremely close to the edge of the mountain.  Now this was becoming quite stressful.  I didn't wish to slip over the edge, and must admit it was very slippery due to a lot of rain a few days previous.   However, I kept going, very slowly.   Hiker Mike was a few feet a head of me.   Suddenly the trail made a turn to the left and rose directly upwards and disappeared along a mountain ledge.

OK.  I had to make a corporate discussion.   This was far enough up the mountain for me.   I didn't need to see the hand made trough that badly.   I wasn't sure if Hike Mike was disappointed but he quickly turned around to join me.  I think that gave me the answer I needed.  He was not happy with this hike  either.

I started to explain to Mike how I felt about the trail when something caught my eye, and all I could say was "keep quite and don't move".

Just a few feet ahead of Mike was a magnificent looking deer.  It stood completely still and looked at us as if to say  "You humans are crazy to try this".

The deer remained there while we turned around to retrace our steps back down the mountain.

As you can tell we made it back unscathed and were happy to wander slowly back along the campground  road to our little homestead.

Now time for a nice cuppa to calm the nerves.    Spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and reading in the glorious sunshine.  Yes, it was hot but the breeze from the mountain kept us very cool and comfortable.

Another nice campfire, stories and glow worms.

Back on the road tomorrow. heading to Claytor Lake VA.

Wednesday 10th September 2014                             321563
Woke to the pitter patter of raindrops on the roof this morning.  That lasted about 10 seconds and 80 raindrops.  The sunshine had won the battle again.

Ready to leave about 10.30 a.m.  Managed to stay on two lane roads for some time, then 19S joined I-79, but it was a good part of the interstate, and we only had to about 25 miles there.

Stopped at a lookout point in WV with elevation of 2276 feet.

Back on 19S for a few miles then we stopped at  the New River Gorge.

Always a favorite stop for us, and a good place to put together a nice picnic lunch and take in the magnificent scenery.

The bridge over the New River is 875 feet above the river.

From there we just wandered on towards Claytor Lake.

The scenery was changing once again and a good any more mountains were became visible.

We had no idea Claytor Lake was going to be so nice.  We would have stayed much longer than our plan of one night.

The trails were very good and well laid out.

A pleasure to be out walking again.

The Marina was fun too.

We enjoyed just sitting at the edge of the lake, and thinking  - that Gazebo looks interesting!

So what did we do?  We made our way through the trails to find the Gazebo.   And yes we made it with no problems.


The Gazebo was part of the old Stately Howie Haus Historical Building, Museum and grand grounds.  Well worth the visit.

There were a lot of flowers along the edge of the trail making for a very pleasant walk back to our campsite.


Back at our site a friendly bunny stopped by for a visit, as did Jim, the camp host.  He was a good guy and very informative.

We collected a load of wood from the bush behind our site and spent the evening relaxing around the fire.

Thursday 11th September 2014                                                 321896
Today is the historic 9/11 day.   Out of respect every USA Flag , and there were far too many to try to count, were flying at half mast.

This was a very large site, and like the park, was very well groomed.

The friendly bunny stopped by for a very quick visit this morning, but did not stay long enough for pictures.

Left the park about 10.30 a.m. and stayed on the two lane road.  This was called Wilderness Road.   The Interstate was built over the Wilderness road, as you can see.

As you can see the scenery changed again around Fancy Gap VA area.  There was a lot of farmland around here.

We did travel along the Andy Griffith Parkway.

Today we managed to stay on all two lane roads right into Lake Norman State Park NC, where we had to "rough camp" as there were no hook ups at all.

This is "rough camping" NC style.  Once again a well groomed park, with large sites.

Don't mind this at all.

It was very hot and humid.

Storm rolled in about 4.30 p.m. but as we were under the trees we didn't get wet, so stayed outside, cooling off just a little.

It rained quite heavy about 5.30 so we had to go in for a while, but luckily it didn't last too long.   So back outside ready for BBQ.

We did light the fire, and sat outside until quite late.

It was extremely dark, as no hydro, meant no street lights along the camp road.   Other than the huge amount of frogs in chorus it was also very quiet.

Friday 12th September 2014.                                                           322110

Very nice morning after the couple of showers yesterday, and the humidity was not so bad.  Not sure what the forecast for the day has in store for us.

Today we will be going to Vince, Barb and Kayleigh's place in Simpsonville, SC.  Not far from Greenville SC.

Lake Norman looked good as we headed out about 11.a.m. 

 Still on the usual two lane roads, through many interesting small towns.   We had to do some Interstate as we got nearer to Greenville.

Road Construction here does show we are in Southern Red Dirt Country.

We arrived at Vince's in Simpsonville about 3.30 p.m.

It had turned into another very hot humid day and it felt so good to sit Vince's air conditioned house.

Great to catch up on all the happenings of the last year.

We did manage to Skype with Andrew in Australia and Natalie and Elijah in Durham ON.
Then we all sat around chatting until the wee hours of the morning.  There were a few thunderstorms rolling through the area during the evening but nothing to get excited about.

It has been an excellent week of travelling, and now we are very excited to spend the whole weekend with some precious family time.

Saturday 13th September 2014
After our late night we all woke late this morning.  Still very hot and humid with the threat of thunderstorms through out the day.

Kayleigh has a soccer game this afternoon, weather permitting, so we all relaxed around the house until after lunch when we headed out to a very hot, humid soccer game.  Temperature at game time was a steamy 95F.   Naturally all team members were trying to keep in the shade when not actually playing.

Here is our girl ready for action.  Looking quite cool at this time.

Granddad, Dad and Mom, sitting on the side lines  cheering the girls on.

What a Girl!

Another perfect save.

It was a real good game, but you could see the girls wilting half way through, and no wonder at it at that temperature.

Storm clouds did roll in and presented us with a nice breeze, which was much appreciated.  Although stormy all around us we did not get any of the rain.

Back to the house in time for Happy Hour.  Vince cooked a great supper on the BBQ before the rain did actually make it to Simpsonville.

The rest of the evening was filled with stories, music and tons of laughter.    We love these family days.

Sunday 14th September 2014.

Do not know what happened to the summer heat this morning.  The storms really bought in the cooler air.  It did manage to reach 67F, which was a lot different to yesterday's 95F.

As it happened that all worked in our favour, as Vince and Barb had planned to take us to Greenville zoo, and the animals would be much happier with the cooler weather.

It was a very well laid out zoo and it goes without saying I took far too many pictures.

I am not a fan of snakes, but this one looked good, although rather large.

This is one of my favorites.

                                                The Lion King - he looks so majestic!

                                                       Another of my favorites.

From the Zoo we headed to the Mast General Store.  We all love that place, although we didn't find anything to buy this time,  it was a lot of fun wandering around and browsing.

Time for a  late lunch and the very place appeared right before us.  The Carolina Ale House.
It was excellent.  I doubt we will need a big dinner tonight.

After that we went to Uncle Mike's Junkatiques.   WOW, what a place.  Too bad we are so far away from home.   The prices are excellent and so much "stuff" to see.   The "Pickers" would love it.  We did manage to find a few treasures there.

So back to the house in time for The Sprint Cup Race before dinner.   After which we had our usual family fun time, full of music, stories and laughter  - as usual.

What a great end to a great day.  We will be heading out tomorrow for another week of camping then return to Vince's place next weekend.  Catch you all in the morning.

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