Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Monday August 18th 2014.                                       320327

It appeared to be a great day for a drive, so packed up El Campista ready to leave for Bass Lake Provincial Park, about 10.a.m.   Never been to Bass Lake so looking forward to it.

It was a good and pretty drive.  Past a lot of ski hills, where, thankfully, there was no snow to be seen. 

Once again we managed to stay off highways, and just took out time through the country lanes.

The park looked good, but when riding around to find a site (and there were quite a few available) we were not too sure about it.  Many of the sites had no shade and were right on the roadway.  We do prefer a site with some sun and some shade and definitely off the roadway.

Well, there it was, site 38.  We couldn't have a site any better even if we had wanted to.  It was exactly what we wanted and a very large site too.  So this is were we set us camp.

Lunch over, now time to explore.

The trail leading down to the lake and the beach area was quite wooded, but well groomed.

The lake was well worth the visit.

We were welcomed by one of the local residents.

I did mention that this was a very pretty lake.

Now if I won the lottery, would I move to a property like this?

OK. Let me give this a LITTLE thought!

Due to the fantastic weather the beach was very busy, and a lot of people were making the most of the lake, swimming, fishing, boating and kayaking.

We made our way to the Water View Trail, which was very well made and laid out.  A lot of it was boardwalk style.  Very pretty layout.

Could not resist taking a picture of the tree,
looking like a dish of spaghetti.

Further along the trail we came upon an old cottage.  Quite small, but probably a fair size at the time it was built.

Inside the cottage.

As you can see the cottage was made of really thick stone.

I think we had managed approximately half the trail, and it had taken a couple of hours.

It was so well laid out and pretty we look forward to completing it tomorrow.

El Campista suited this site.

When the sun moved around it cooled off quite quickly. so time to get the campfire going.  Where we ate dinner, and spent the rest of the evening.

Tuesday August 19th 2014.

Bright, sunny, warm morning.  Can't wait to get going to see what else we might find along the trail.  Ready to walk about 11 a.m.  Headed to the park perimeter near the beach first.  The lake was calm today, hardly any breeze, just hot and sunny,  The trail was quite busy too.
We were anxious to return to the cottage we found yesterday, unless of course we find another one, or something else of great interest.

This morning the edge of the boardwalk was alive with flowers in bloom.  In fact there were so many flowers in full bloom, I just didn't know which ones to photograph.

Then there it was - the cottage!

From this shot you can see that over the years the nearby trees got so large they had to be sawn down.
The fieldstone for the walls were extremely thick and we couldn't help but wonder if they actually came right  from this area.  I would imagine they did, as along the trail you could see many huge rocks that would not have been shipped into here.

The inside walls were all white washed, giving a good sense of light.  The ceiling was all wood.   The door was very thick wood.

Not sure about the bars at the windows.  However, that would definitely keep unwanted wildlife out.

If only the walls could talk we would know why it was there and by whom.

Ok time to press on along the trail and see what else we may find.

We hadn't gone far along the trail when we found evidence of a near by Wood Pecker.

However, we never did find the Wood Pecker.

The trail had some fairly steep slopes in some areas, although very well groomed.

We could see we were coming to the end of the trail and nearing our campsite.  Before we actually returned we wandered around the camp grounds to check out other sites we may like when we return.

The park is very well looked after and worth a return visit.

Back to our site for a late lunch, about
1.30 p.m.

Followed by a relaxing afternoon, reading, or writing and moving from the sun to the shade, then back to sun.  The weather was great.

We did have guests through the afternoon.

Here is the first.  Alvin!

Followed shortly after by the young Robin.

We didn't waste the whole afternoon relaxing.  In fact it turned out to be quite exciting.  We started planning the route for our next trip.  Yes, it's coming up to the time for our trip South to see Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.

Once again, another really fun day and the next trip is beginning to look quite exciting.

Wednesday August 20th 2014.                                         320471

It rained through the night but this morning was good.  Quite warm and the clouds were beginning to fade away.

Today is pack up and head home day.  It has really been fun here, and we are looking forward to returning in the near future.

All packed and ready to leave about
11.15 a.m.

Headed into Orillia for a look around as it had been many years since we were there.

Managed to stay out of trouble there, so just wandered our way towards home.  It was perfect weather for a nice drive.

Stopped in at Flesherton Community Park for a picnic lunch.  Turned out to be a really nice park.  It was quite hot by then.  Good spot to stop and relax for a while.

Then time for the inevitable,  the remainder of the drive home.

This has been fun!

Catch you all VERY soon.

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