Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Return to EARL ROWE August 12th 2015.

Wednesday 12th August 2015                   152371

It has felt as if we haven't been camping for months, but in fact it has only been a couple of weeks.   It has been a very busy couple of weeks at home, I must admit.  So with a few good weather days ahead of us we are now on our way to Earl Rowe Provincial Park.

Left Durham about 10.15 a.m. and it was a drizzly rainy morning.  It remained that way all through Mount Forest, then once on to Highway 89 the wind got up and gradually the clouds diminished and thankfully the sun took over.

It was a quiet drive to Alliston and Earl Rowe Park.  In fact we were all set up and enjoying lunch by 12.15 p.m.

We took site # 272.  A good sized site.

Although sunny there was a very cool breeze - guess I could say cool wind.  But this actually worked in our favour as we had planned walking the Look Out Loop Trail again.  It should prove to be very good today, as the sky is clear.  Unlike our last trip here, when it was hot, hazy and humid.

With lunch over we started our walk to The Look Out. 

First we had to get to the Rainbow Run Trail to gain access to the Look Out Trail.
Rainbow Run is an 11 km trail, which goes all around Earl Rowe Lake.  Today we will only do a portion of that trail.

Then we started our ascent to the top of the Look Out Trail.

Yes, it was just as steep, but I think we must have had good training for it this time around, as it didn't seem as difficult. However, it was far more picturesque as there was no haze soaking up the scenery.

This time we remembered to take our fancy compass that Vince and Barb had bought for us.  It is very handy as it also gives us altitude.  So we now know that the Look Out Tower is 758 ft above sea level.  At the top of the tower it almost felt as if we had climber the whole 758 ft.  However, that was not true.  We probably climbed about 475 ft on our 5 km hike, so far.  

The scenery was amazing.


Yes you could see for miles.

And yes, on a clear day you really can see the CN Tower from here.  Too bad my picture didn't do the scenery justice.

The CN Tower is 91.6 km from Alliston via the road.

Next came the easy part of this hike.  It's all down hill from here!

Again we stopped to check out the Ghost Train area, and no I would not like to be on a train in this terrain, regardless of the scenery.  It felt good to have the ground solid under foot.

Th remainder of the trail was equally as pretty, and still very comfortable with the nice breeze.

Back at #272 it felt good to sit back in the sunshine and spend a little time reading our books, with the breeze keeping us cool.

Some time later we decided it was, once again, time to take a walk.   This time we headed to The Earl Rowe Lake.   It was really quiet and peaceful around there.
In fact we were amazed to see so many campsites still available.  This is a really great, interesting park, and very well laid out.  Bonus - the weather is perfect right now.  We are really enjoying it here.

My Chef did his usual magic and dinner was great.  Unfortunately we had to eat inside as there was a very cool wind.

However, the camp fire was really good, and we had a very enjoyable evening sitting around the fire, listening to, and getting excited with the results of the Toronto Blue Jays Game.  They were playing really good ball and just won 10 in a row.  Then bonus - The New York Yankees lost.  Looks like the weekend could prove to be very interesting when TO plays NY at home.   Too bad it is a sell out.  That would be a good time to go to The Rogers Centre.

And that bought an end to another wonderful day of camping.

Thursday 13th August  2015.
Oh Dear!  Woke up late.  Guess the climb wore us out yesterday.  So far today looks good - I did peek out the window, and it's brilliant sunshine, not a cloud anywhere.

Better get going and do my famous BBQ breakfast and plan the rest of the day, before we are eating breakfast at lunch time!

It didn't take long for us to be ready for a walk along the part of the Rainbow Run Trail that we have not yet done.

We did come across quite a few very colourful wild flowers.

Next we wandered towards Fletcher's Pond, which also allowed us to view part of Earl Rowe Lake.

Then we had to cross the water via the two bridges.

Always a very pretty spot.

This was followed by a walk along the regular trail.

Earl Rowe has it's own one acre swimming pool in addition to the beach areas of the Lake.

The swimming pool was very busy.

While the beach was very quiet.

The weather was indeed, ideal for a swimming "hole" of some sort.


There were more flowers along the trail.                    

And an area with many large, fern like "trees".

Now that was pretty.

Followed by another extensive view of the lake - also very pretty.

There were quite a few campers out on their bicycles enjoying the weather.

Also, a very interesting group of dogs busy walking a young man and young lady.  

All of whom were very well behaved, and enjoying the wonder weather.

More Flowers.

Further along the trail we came upon another area of very tall pine trees.

We were wishing there was a little more of this type trail as it was very shady, and right then the sun was getting quite warm.

We came across another bridge over the river, but this one was actually outside the Park grounds.

The trail took us over the dam and fish ladder area.   Once again there were no fish there.

Guess we are not getting there at the correct time.

From there we crossed the Boyne River, then continued along the way to our campsite.

We got back in time to listen to the Toronto Blue Jays win their 11th straight game.  That was great!

We spent the afternoon listening to the game, relaxing in the sun and the shade, catching up on some reading -

and enjoying a visit from a lone chipmunk.

There really had not been much wild life or even birds to see this trip.

After a lazy afternoon it was time to use up the extra stored up energy we had.  Yes - time for the Washer Toss Championship Play Off Game.

OK - So I didn't do so good this time.
Mike 30 - Me 26.  I must start practicing throwing washers around.

Guess I needn't tell you all how the remainder of the evening progressed.

Yes - another wonderful campfire and stories about our couple of days here, which have been fun.

Friday August 14th 2015   

We had a good down pour of rain through the night and although very humid and cloudy Mother Nature was kind enough to allow us to cook and eat breakfast outside.

Heading home again today.  All packed up and ready to leave the park about 11.30 a.m.

Took a drive through the town of Alliston and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Then just meandered along our way back to Durham.

For a Friday in August the roads were really very good, not at all busy.  We made it home in time for a late lunch.                              1.30 p.m.                                         152579

Still very hot and humid in Durham too.  Storms predicted for the remainder of the day, and it feels like they will hit any time.

SO, where to next?  You will be the first to know when we know.


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