Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 2010 - Pennsylvania.

Friday September 17th 2010 - 292010 - 8.45 am.
I had our little camper all packed up Thursday ready to get on the road Friday morning after breakfast.  Thanks, very much to Andrew and Val at Neustadt Springs Brewery, who kindly gave Mike the day off . 
 If you enjoy a good craft beer go to Neustadt Springs Brewery - well worth the trip. 
Check it out at:  

Left Durham about 8.45 in the sunshine, although a little cool.  
Roads were not too busy, so it was an easy drive.

Crossed the Sky way Bridge and as you can see there were Lakers and sailboats out in the sunshine.

Once again crossing the border was easy, and not at all busy.  The customs officer did ask the reason for our trip and was pleased with our answer.

"To celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary"

At that he said " you two have a great and safe trip, Happy Anniversary"   How nice is that?

We took the New York Thruway to Fredonia to get our usual camping "staples" of food and booze.  Met a nice couple there who were interested in knowing a bit about our little camper as they were thinking of getting one themselves.

Still a little cool, but not cold and still sunny.

From there we had an easy drive to Waterford PA.  We did stop at the Welcome Centre for info on the area.  Arrived at Sparrow Pond Camp at 4.00 p.m.   292433

It appeared that the rain was a head of us most of the way from the border.  When we stopped at Fredonia it was quite damp, but no rain then, the same at the Welcome Centre and the camp.  May be we should have bought a lottery ticket!

Sat outside with a snack before we headed off exploring the site.   Very comfortable place.   Quite damp on the trails due to a huge storm they had the previous day.  The hiking was not as good as we are used to, but no problem there as we had planned a tip to the Erie Zoo on Saturday.

This is to be a different type of camping weekend for us, as we usually get set up and just hike tails and stay at the camp until ready to head back home.  This time we have found quite a few tourist things to check out.  All around 6 - 12 miles from the camp.     

In the evening we just sat around the fire and planned what we would be doing  tomorrow.

Saturday September 18th 2010  - 292433
Our 45th Wedding Anniversary - and "they" said it wouldn't last.
Brilliant sunshine, but a cool breeze, which should be really good weather for the Zoo.   We had text messages from Natalie and Vince, which was nice.

Left camp at 11.00 a.m. and arrived at the Zoo at 11.15 a.m.   We had not been to a Zoo in years, so we were really looking forward to it.  And we were not at all disappointed.  It turned out to be a great Zoo.


Tiger Cub born May 11th 201

I did meet a nice man who wanted to take me to The Empire State Building.

 What a Guy!

Naturally we did take a whole lot more pictures,   It was approximately 2 miles around the zoo and we know we did it all and may be more.   The weather was perfect for walking around, nice sunny and a slight
breeze.   It was a very busy zoo. 

From there we headed through the downtown area, which really was not at all busy.  Very tidy looking downtown. 
Then on to the The Erie Maritime Museum and the home of the U.S. Brig Niagara., which is the Official Flagship of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Now a floating museum.   Then we just stayed around the lake and pier area for while , which was great fun.  Although a little blustery.  As you will see.Now our stomachs were telling us it really must be lunch time, and a very late lunch at that.  So we wandered over to The Smugglers Wharf for a glass of wine and Clam Chowder.  All we can say about that was "WOW" delicious.  Great place, very friendly and excellent service.Very enjoyable lunch.

While we were eating lunch three police cruisers slowly drove by and headed along the tiny lane next to the Smugglers Wharf right next to the dock.  When we left the Smugglers the cruisers had a van surrounded - no possible way of escape for those people.   No idea what was going on as Mike had left the scanner in the camper when we left for lunch, and we returned there was no mention on it about the dock area.

Next stop for us was to do a bit of shopping at Mill Creek Mall.   We had been to that mall before and it is a really good mall to wander around.  When all shopping complete for today, it was time to go back to camp.  6.00 p.m.  292480.  

Time for a relaxing drink and a great Anniversary Dinner, which I really enjoyed as I did not have to cook. Hiker Mike cooked for me.
Cheers, Happy Anniversary!

The rest of the evening was spent sitting around the fire and talking about what a fun day we had.
Guess it is worth doing 45 years to life!!!!

Sunday September 19th - 292480 - 10.30 a.m.
Not a bad morning, cloudy and not as cool as yesterday's start to the day.  Decided to move on to Cook's Forest State Park for today and tomorrow.   All ready to leave at 10.30 a.m. 

We travelled all two lane roads through small towns and villages, all extremely pretty.   A lot of the roads were lined with very large proud Golden Rod plants.   We took so many pictures.



Once we got into Cooksburg we had a problem locating the park entrance which was tucked along a tiny side road.   Slightly different set up to what we used to, but well worth it when we got all set up. 292619
2 p.m.
We used to rent a log cabin in Cooksburg in the 1980's.   It is still as scenic as it was way back then.   
Had a leisurely lunch .   Got texts from Vince and Natalie - always nice.

There were lots of chipmunks running around everywhere,
 It clouded over late afternoon so we lit the fire early.  It was a nice evening just relaxing.   We could hear owls, but could not see them.   Once again another great day.

Monday September 20th 2010 - 292619 - 10.45 a.m.
Fantastic morning, bright and sunny and the chipmunks were really enjoying it.  Decided we would do a bit more shopping before hiking some of the trails.  Headed into Clarion.

It was a very picturesque drive, but as it turned out it was a wasted shopping day. 
 The ride was well worth it though, through small villages, hills and dales.


Still nice and warm and sunny when we returned to camp so hiked some of the trails.  Didn't do any of the long trails this time, but do hope to return to do some of those.  The forest trails are quite dense,  Saw usual chipmunks, but didn't see or hear any birds.

Back at camp we lit the fire and just relaxed for the rest of the evening, deciding on the route back to Durham, and then managed to tell all kinds of silly stories.          


Tuesday September 21st 2010 - 292757 - 10.30 a.m.
Another brilliant sunny warm day.  Too bad we have to head home now.   All packed and ready to leave about 10.30 a.m. 

Really good ride through Leeper, north to Warren, then to Jamestown N.Y.  All along the Allegheny river, forest and mountains.          

Stopped in Dunkirk for lunch before getting to Buffalo to cross the border.
Took 1 minute to cross the border, very good. 

Then we just drove straight through to Durham, via Neustadt.  Not quite PA scenery, but still very pretty.  Good to be home - as always.    Got home at 7.00 p.m.   283277    ( Another 792 miles).

Really great trip and a perfect way to celebrate.

Wonder where we will go next.

Oh yes, for those of you who have been following this - the soup can is still in place and working very well.

Friday, September 10, 2010

August 2010 Saugeen Springs RV Park

Monday August 16th 2010 -
Got up Monday morning to nice cool but sunny day.  Our weekend had been good, but stupid things messing up, so corporate decision to pack up the camper and go to another of our local favorite camps for the night.

Headed to Saugeen Springs RV Park.  It was quite a distance to travel, approximately 10km.  But worth every kilometer of it.

Much to our surprise we could even get our favorite site, right on the river's edge.

After setting up we headed for the trails around the park, the ponds, and the river.

It is a very friendly, relaxing place to be.

Spent the rest of the afternoon, reading and writing and just chilling out.  It was a nice bright sunny day, no humidity, and a nice breeze.

While sitting at the edge of the river I managed to write a poem.  Not good at that, but do enjoy poetry.  So here goes.  Hope you enjoy it.

The River's Edge

It's peaceful
Here at the river's edge.
There is no reason
For word to be said.

The quiet, the peace.
The scenery so fine.
I feel so lucky
This moment is mine.

A host of birds
Begin to sing.
The sound of their choir
Through the air does ring.

The rhythm of the water
Lapping over the stones
Sends sensations of joy
All through my bones

As the evening sky changes
From blue to red
I could almost imagine a fire
In the river's bed.

Through the afternoon we did see two riders and horses wandering through the trails.  

After supper we sat around the campfire planning our next trips through the fall and the spring.  Not to mention any of the other great weekends we can manage to get away and enjoy.

Tuesday August 17th 2010.
Woke to brilliant sunshine and pleased to say we are both feeling much more relaxed now.   So back home to continue the work - nasty word WORK.

Now looking forward to our next trip, which may just be to Cooksburg Pennsylvania.

August 2010 Macgregor Point

Saturday August 7th 2010 - 291361 - 1.p.m.
Left Durham in bright sunshine heading for MacGregor Point, once again.  Great ride to camp, roads not very busy.  Arrived about 2.00 p.m. to find out there were no electrical sites available for today.  So this will be "real" camping for us tonight.  Found a real good "tenting" site #157.  Large site with both sun and shade.   Lucky for us there was a great couple camping opposite us.

After setting up, which took no time at all as there was nothing to do but pull out the awning, we had a late lunch.  Relaxed for a while.  Then hiked to Merganser Cove.   Met up with our neighbours.  Had a good chat with them, then on our way again.   Still sunny and warm when we got back to site, but didn't sound too promising for tomorrow.   Had nice BBQ supper then relaxed around the camp fire.

Sunday August 8th 2010
Woke early to heavy rain and thunder.   By 8.00 a.m. it was really not too bad, still windy but no rain.  After BBQ breakfast. which was very good, we relaxed until 11.00 a.m.  Then we headed to the office to get an electrical site for tonight.   Lucky for us our favorite site (#57) was coming available.  So we got all that sorted and then decided to take a walk along the Huron Fringe Trail and Turtle Pond while waiting to get onto our site.   We did see small turtles and another large Snapping Turtle.

We stopped in at the Fringe Store/Visitors Centre
They have some excellent nature displays there and we did manage to find a very good Bird Book in the store.

From there we headed to our site and got all set up.   Had a very relaxing afternoon reading, and Mike programmed his scanner, well some of it! 

Before supper we headed to the Shore Line Trail to watch the sunset.   Always so beautiful and always so different from the previous time.


Back to camp to cook sausages over the camp fire for supper.   Ready or not, here comes another Hiker Mike Story.

We were just sitting around the fire waiting for the coals to get hot enough to cook the sausages on.  Relaxing with a drink, discussing what a great day we had.  Then, heavens, what is that noise just behind us?    Just three feet from us on the picnic table is - or was - the new packet of sausage buns.   Now GONE!

Along side, in the bush, was a very happy raccoon trying to retrieve the sausage buns from the bag.   Hiker Mike to the rescue.  He grabbed his flashlight and headed into the bush, completely unarmed other than the flash flight, to fight off the raccoon and bring back the sausage buns.  What a Guy, now we can have supper. The raccoon was not so happy.  He kept trying to get back to reclaim his supper.  After Hiker Mike took aim at him with a rock Mr Raccoon gave up.  So, although four buns short, we now settled in, cooked our sausages, had a fabulous supper and a lovely evening around the fire.  Once again Hiker Mike saved the day - or at least the night.

Sunday August 9th 2010
Quite a nice morning, some sun, some cloud, but very warm.   After BBQ breakfast we took off for a hike along the Deer Run Trail Loop.  It's approximately a 10 km easy hike, but always very interesting.  The only draw back was the fact that the mosquitoes were extremely hungry this morning.

We came across a very interesting section of the trail.  Where there were many very small frogs.

We also found an area which used to be a large orchard many years ago.  There were still a lot of apple trees there all with fruit on.

Headed back to site for late lunch and a relaxing afternoon.  Through the afternoon there was, once again, a very heavy thunderstorm.   When the storm had cleared and the sun returned we headed out along the Old Shore Line Trail to Sunset Point.   Then around the Turtle Pond again and back to camp.  It was a very pretty and interesting walk.  We never tire of this place.

So far today we have seen far too many tiny green frogs to count, red squirrels, Blue Jays, Chickadees, Robins, Nut Hatches, Gulls and Geese (busy sunning themselves on the rocks just of shore).   One very large skeleton head of a fish, left by one of the many Turkey Vultures found in this area.  A few small turtles and another Snapping Turtle, this time in the pond.  An abundance of bees in the area where the wild flowers were blooming.

Back at camp the rain started again so we ate supper under the awning.  Still very warm out.  It was a short lived rain shower, so we spent the evening around the camp fire, once again.

Tuesday August 10th 2010 - 291455 - 10.45 a.m.
A littlee cloudy and foggy, but still hot and humid this morning,  Too bad for us, we have to head home today. Just sitting around after breakfast we had seven Robins in and around the bush area, four Blue Jays enjoying the bird seed we bought with us, several Chickadees, sharing the bird seed, and a Swainson's Thrush. Good job we bought that new bird book.  There were Red Squirrels running around all the time.  So far our friendly Raccoon did not return, so we did not go hungry.

 Unfortunately we now have to pack up and hit the Road.

It has been a fantastic few days, and we look forward to returning very soon.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

July 2010 - Point Farms, Goderich Ontario

Sunday July 11th 2010 - 290505 - 10.30 a.m.
Woke to a great day for camping, hot and sunny.  So packed up camper and hit the road, heading first to Goderich, then to Point Farms Provincial Park.   We hadn't been to Goderich for some time and it was a gorgeous day to wander around the town.  We had no idea that there was an Arts and Craft Fair in the town square.  It was so interesting to wander through the town square and see some many intriguing arts.  It was very difficult not to buy everything in sight.

After checking all the booths we headed 10 minutes north to Point Farms Park. - 1 p.m. 290630.

It was extremely busy, so we took site 143 without even going to look at it, because it would probably be gone by the time we got back to the office.  It looked like a real good site when we found it, but the people who were to leave were still there.    So we walked along some of the beach waiting for the "actual" check out time of 2.p.m.

There were two areas of beach, the one in this picture was the one that you can just hike around and get onto the other hiking trails.  Extremely pretty area.  From what we could see all the trails looked great.  We were looking forward to getting back to them when all hooked up.

Headed back to site at 2.15 p.m. and it still  was not vacant.  So we went to the parking area and had our lunch.  3 p.m. we headed back to the site, but still unable to get in.  This time we pulled into a vacant site opposite and waited until everyone left site 143.  Finally 3.30 p.m. we got into the site and all hooked up.

Sat outside enjoying the sunshine for a while, then decided to walk to the beach through one of the trails.

It began to cloud over quite quickly and we could hear thunder in the distance.  The walk to the beach was really pretty through the trails and then down 110 stairs down to the shore line.

Guess what!  That meant we would have 110 stairs to climb back up to the top.

The beach was getting empty as the clouds were boiling up now and the thunder still rumbling over the lake.  The wind got very gusty and a few spots of rain began to fall.  Well that meant we really should consider going back to our camp site.  To do that we would have to climb 110 stairs!  Surprisingly enough it was not too bad for either of us.  Guess we are a little healthier than we figured.

Got back to the site just a little damp as the rain was not too bad right then.  It was still very warm so we sat out under the awning.   We did move the picnic table to the edge of the awning to allow us to BBQ if the rain kept on. To allow the rain to drain off the awning Mike lowered one side of the awning slightly.  It rained quite heavy for while, then began to ease up some.

So wait for it, we now have a "Blond" Hiker Mike story.

Hiker Mike decided he needed to know how much rain was on the awing.  So he tapped the awning from underneath. Go Figure!  All the rain fell on the picnic table.
You gotta Love him, haven't you?

After fits of laughter we managed to BBQ a magnificent meal.

The evening cleared up quite a bit so we were able to sit around the camp fire and relax.

Monday July 12th 2010.
The heavy rain and thunder woke us up early.  After breakfast we did some reading and writing but it was far too wet to go outside and do anything. 

We had monsoon type rain and a lot of thunder and by 11.00 a.m. the camp was flooded.  So we decided to pack up and leave.  It was far too wet and the roadways were inches under water.  It would be impossible to walk any of the trails today or tomorrow.

290630 - 1.45 p.m.  All packed up and ready to leave.  Very lucky that our camper really is waterproof.  We have no idea how such heavy rain did not get into the camper anywhere.  At least that was a good test.

Had good ride home, and the skies were clear in Durham.    290746.

This was the first trip we had to leave the camp earlier than planned.  We do look forward to going back there as the trails really did look very inviting.

First time we have had to leave camp earlier than planned.  

June 2010 - Rockwood Conservation Area. Ontario

Sunday June 20th 2010 - 290026 - 11.15 a.m.
Today we decided to get packed up and head into Rockwood for a few days.  It was a lovely bright sunny day with no humidity.  We hadn't been to Rockwood for many years so we were really looking forward to it.  Also we were celebrating Mike's Birthday.  Should be a good trip.

All packed ready to leave at 11.15 a.m.  It took a while to get gas as everywhere was very busy.  Guess the good weather bought everyone out.  Good ride into Rockwood via country roads,  Arrived at 1.00 p.m.   Very nice sites.  Quite busy at the park.  Got all set up (took about 3 minutes), had lunch then sat around reading.  Didn't go exploring as Natalie was coming to spend the afternoon with her Dad for Father's Day.

Natalie arrived early afternoon, so we all sat around in the sunshine, chatting, before Natalie and I took of for a walk.   Rockwood really is a beautiful park to walk around.  There are cliffs, caves, pot holes, beach area and fabulous trails.

We had a good time with Natalie and after dinner she headed back to Fergus and we went for a walk around the park.   Unfortunately we did not take the camera with us in the evening.  We did see a magnificent Great Blue Heron sitting on a rock on the edge of the river.  Would have been a great picture.  Look forward to taking pictures tomorrow.   The rest of the evening we just sat around the campfire.  Nice warm evening too,

Monday June 20th 2010. - Camp Day
Woke to the sound of a train heading through town at 7.15 a.m.   Wondered where we were!   It was a wonderful bright, sunny, warm morning so good to get up early.   After BBQ breakfast we headed out to the hiking trails, this time to the cave area.    You have to wonder how many and what animals reside in there.  Could be interesting.

The hiking trails at Rockwood are so pretty and quite different to a lot of the parks we have been to.   Many rugged cliffs along the river.

Headed back to camp for lunch after a good 2 hour hike through the trails and hills.  Very pretty park.  We had forgotten how beautiful it was here, and almost on our door step.   How lucky is that?

After lunch we sat around the campsite relaxing in the brilliant sunshine.  Saving our energy for our hike in the evening. 

Early evening we headed back to the hiking trails, along the Pot Hole Trail.  This is a very rugged trail and you must watch your step all the way, or fall into the pot holes.

From there we headed to the river and the cliffs.  We had hoped to see the Great Blue Heron again, but no luck.  It was very quiet and peaceful along the river.  Could stay here for ages just admiring the scenery.  I will let you see if it was worth it.

Too bad we had to go back for BBQ supper, so very picturesque.

After a delicious supper we relaxed around the campfire.   Still a warm calm night, but the forecast is for storms in the morning.  Right now it doesn't seem possible.

Tuesday June 22nd 2010 - 209122 - 1.30 p.m.
Weather people were correct.   We were woke up by the sound of the tiny rain drops pattering on the roof of the camper - how soothing is that?  Very relaxing.  Sometimes rain is a good thing.

Took our time packing up as we were in no hurry today.  Plans were to head to Guelph, do a bit of running around there before meeting Natalie for dinner to celebrate Mike's 65th Birthday.  Helen, Don, Janet, John and Elena also meeting us at Delaineys for dinner, then we would stay for the Tuesday Music Jam, which used to be held at our little Pub in Fergus.

Poured with rain just as we were getting ready to finish the packing, so waited for a while.  (1.30 p.m.)
Not so sure rain is a good thing now.  The rain made it very hot and humid.   Did all our running around, then to Natalie's for the night.   290182

Joined all the folks at Delaineys for dinner, which was excellent.  It was so good to be able to catch up with everyone again.  Hope we can do this again soon.  The music was as good as ever and everyone was great.
Terry had arranged for a huge Birthday Cake for Mike - that was a wonderful surprise too.  Great end to a perfect trip.

Wednesday June 23rd - Happy Birthday Mike!  -  290182.
Another hot humid day.  After a bit of running around the Fergus area we headed home. 

There was an earthquake in Quebec at the Ottawa Ontario/ Quebec border at 1.30 p.m.  We were on the road then so did not feel it, but Natalie felt it in Fergus.

Then in the evening there was a Tornado in Midland - quite the busy weather day.   Durham was good though.   No Tornado for us this time - that's a good thing!

Where shall we go next?