Sunday, September 5, 2010

May 2010 Hope Bay Ontario

Sunday May 16th 2010.  - 289297 - 10.15 a.m.
Time to hit the road again for a couple of days break.  Bright warm sunny day.  This time we are heading to Hope Bay on the Bruce Peninsula.
Stopped at Wiarton on the way,  Had a nice wander around the town.  Checked out the Emporium Store and liquor Store.  Emporium Store very interesting, will go back there.

Arrived at Hope Bay Camp Site at 12.35 p.m. 289405.   Took Site # 50.  Very nice site, will definitely go back again.

The owners were in the midst of resurfacing a lot of the sites, and making new sites.

The beach was literally across the road from the camp site.  Very nice beach to walk along, but not enough of it.  You will see from the pictures how clear the lake is.  It is incredible.

After getting all set up and had lunch we went off exploring the area.

Cliffs on the Bruce Trail from the beach.  Here you can see the clear water.

We walked the beach, which was not at all busy.  May be because it was still a little cool, although very bright and sunny.

I collected many tiny delicate shells.  I had never seen so many tiny shell and all in perfect condition.  These shells would be wonderful to make jewelry.  If only I was that talented.

There was a beautiful patio at the Camp entrance where you could sit and look out over the bay, but this afternoon it was just a little cool in the shade.

Still nice in the sun.

After our walk along the shore we headed back to camp and read a few chapters of our books while we could still sit in the sunshine.

Before dinner we explored some more of the camp site and headed back to the beach.

Beautiful clear Lake.

After dinner we lit the campfire and luckily it went very well.  Which was a good thing as it had turned very cool through the evening.   That did not deter several dogs from swimming in the lake, and even some of their owners went in.   Bit too cool for us to go in.

We stayed out around the fire until about
11.00 p.m.  and fell  into bed exhausted, hoping that tomorrow will be a nice sunny warm day.

Monday May 17th

It turned out to be lovely morning, nice bright, sunny, but still very cool.   After breakfast we headed out along the Bruce Trail to the right of the camp site.  The section of the Bruce Trail runs along the road which is along side Hope Bay.  It was very interesting and different to the trails we usually hike.  There were some gorgeous homes and docks all along the beach, but most of the beaches were private, so we could not walk those. 

          Hope Bay

Part of the beach we could walk on.  There were a lot of seagulls and ducks on the lake.

After about an hour and half along this part of the Bruce Trail we headed back for coffee, then lunch.

It began to get quite a bit warmer in the afternoon so we decided we would attempt the Bruce Trail to the left of the Camp Site. This time the trail was through woods and fields.  Far more like the hiking trails we are used to doing.  Very interesting trail which ran along the cliff area.  Certainly not an easy trail, but well worth the effort.  There was a lot of climbing.   We found huge Trillium Patches and many wild flowers blooming, also a lot of animal trails.

Trillium Patch

                       Wild Flowers

Part of the trail.

So far today we saw Rabbits, Swallows, Ducks, Sea Gulls, Chickadees, Robins, Sparrows, Blue Jays, Grackles, chipmunks and squirrels.  We did hear what we believe to be a Whip O Will.  Did not see it though, so will have to research that one.  Oh Yes and Frogs.

Wonder if it will turn into a  Prince if kissed!

On our return we stopped off at the beach again and I found even more tiny shells.

      After such a great afternoon we decided we needed to reward ourselves with a nice relaxing drink before dinner.  So Mike, forever being the best Bar Tender, went to get the drinks.  Then, here it comes, another "Hiker Mike" Story.
This time it was do or die for "Hiker Mike".  Mike was opening my wine and broke the cork screw!
Knew we should have bought the usual "cheap" stuff.   He got out his trusty knife (the one he keeps in case he is confronted by a bear).  After what seemed like hours he had managed to remove half the cork.  Now I was getting really thirsty and his beer was looking awfully good!  He managed to punch out the remaining cork and pour the wine perfectly.   Good Job "Hiker Mike" was with me I guess.  I may have had to go find
someone (big and strong) to help me and then join me for wine.  Yes camping has it's moments.  
We had another great camp fire and spent the evening relaxing there.

Tuesday May 18th - 289405 - 10.45 a.m.
Warm sunny morning in Hope Bay - shame we have to pack up and leave.
Had good ride back to Durham 12.15 p.m. 289511.
Very warm now.   Should have stayed CAMPING!

 Soup can still holding in.


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