Thursday, September 9, 2010

June 2010 - Rockwood Conservation Area. Ontario

Sunday June 20th 2010 - 290026 - 11.15 a.m.
Today we decided to get packed up and head into Rockwood for a few days.  It was a lovely bright sunny day with no humidity.  We hadn't been to Rockwood for many years so we were really looking forward to it.  Also we were celebrating Mike's Birthday.  Should be a good trip.

All packed ready to leave at 11.15 a.m.  It took a while to get gas as everywhere was very busy.  Guess the good weather bought everyone out.  Good ride into Rockwood via country roads,  Arrived at 1.00 p.m.   Very nice sites.  Quite busy at the park.  Got all set up (took about 3 minutes), had lunch then sat around reading.  Didn't go exploring as Natalie was coming to spend the afternoon with her Dad for Father's Day.

Natalie arrived early afternoon, so we all sat around in the sunshine, chatting, before Natalie and I took of for a walk.   Rockwood really is a beautiful park to walk around.  There are cliffs, caves, pot holes, beach area and fabulous trails.

We had a good time with Natalie and after dinner she headed back to Fergus and we went for a walk around the park.   Unfortunately we did not take the camera with us in the evening.  We did see a magnificent Great Blue Heron sitting on a rock on the edge of the river.  Would have been a great picture.  Look forward to taking pictures tomorrow.   The rest of the evening we just sat around the campfire.  Nice warm evening too,

Monday June 20th 2010. - Camp Day
Woke to the sound of a train heading through town at 7.15 a.m.   Wondered where we were!   It was a wonderful bright, sunny, warm morning so good to get up early.   After BBQ breakfast we headed out to the hiking trails, this time to the cave area.    You have to wonder how many and what animals reside in there.  Could be interesting.

The hiking trails at Rockwood are so pretty and quite different to a lot of the parks we have been to.   Many rugged cliffs along the river.

Headed back to camp for lunch after a good 2 hour hike through the trails and hills.  Very pretty park.  We had forgotten how beautiful it was here, and almost on our door step.   How lucky is that?

After lunch we sat around the campsite relaxing in the brilliant sunshine.  Saving our energy for our hike in the evening. 

Early evening we headed back to the hiking trails, along the Pot Hole Trail.  This is a very rugged trail and you must watch your step all the way, or fall into the pot holes.

From there we headed to the river and the cliffs.  We had hoped to see the Great Blue Heron again, but no luck.  It was very quiet and peaceful along the river.  Could stay here for ages just admiring the scenery.  I will let you see if it was worth it.

Too bad we had to go back for BBQ supper, so very picturesque.

After a delicious supper we relaxed around the campfire.   Still a warm calm night, but the forecast is for storms in the morning.  Right now it doesn't seem possible.

Tuesday June 22nd 2010 - 209122 - 1.30 p.m.
Weather people were correct.   We were woke up by the sound of the tiny rain drops pattering on the roof of the camper - how soothing is that?  Very relaxing.  Sometimes rain is a good thing.

Took our time packing up as we were in no hurry today.  Plans were to head to Guelph, do a bit of running around there before meeting Natalie for dinner to celebrate Mike's 65th Birthday.  Helen, Don, Janet, John and Elena also meeting us at Delaineys for dinner, then we would stay for the Tuesday Music Jam, which used to be held at our little Pub in Fergus.

Poured with rain just as we were getting ready to finish the packing, so waited for a while.  (1.30 p.m.)
Not so sure rain is a good thing now.  The rain made it very hot and humid.   Did all our running around, then to Natalie's for the night.   290182

Joined all the folks at Delaineys for dinner, which was excellent.  It was so good to be able to catch up with everyone again.  Hope we can do this again soon.  The music was as good as ever and everyone was great.
Terry had arranged for a huge Birthday Cake for Mike - that was a wonderful surprise too.  Great end to a perfect trip.

Wednesday June 23rd - Happy Birthday Mike!  -  290182.
Another hot humid day.  After a bit of running around the Fergus area we headed home. 

There was an earthquake in Quebec at the Ottawa Ontario/ Quebec border at 1.30 p.m.  We were on the road then so did not feel it, but Natalie felt it in Fergus.

Then in the evening there was a Tornado in Midland - quite the busy weather day.   Durham was good though.   No Tornado for us this time - that's a good thing!

Where shall we go next?

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