Tuesday, September 7, 2010

May 2010 - MacGregor Point Provincial Park

Friday May 28th - 289656 - 10.30 a.m.
Left warm, sunny Durham heading to MacGregor Point.   Stopped in Port Elgin for a while to collect necessary "staples" for a good camping trip.  Did not wish to dehydrate in the gorgeous summer heat.   Arrived to be able to get one of our favorite sites at MacGregor # 57.
1 p.m. - 289742.  It is a large treed site, but there is plenty of sunshine to get through as well.

Had light lunch then headed off hiking.  First to the Turtle Pond.  Did not expect to see too much around there, but much to our surprise there was a lot going on.   We saw as many as ten turtles.  One very young "painted turtle".  Also saw several different types of dragonflies.  Did not see any deer around the pond, quite often we are lucky enough to see the deer around this area.
Black And White Dragonfly


                                                                                  Walked along some of the Old Shore Line Trail from there.  This area is so picturesque we never tire of it.  Today there were even small white caps on the lake.

From there we headed to the Swamp Trail along the boardwalk.  Heard lots of frogs, but did not see any.   It was very still and murky today. 

That led us back to the Turtle Pond then to our site.  Where it was time to relax in the sunshine until supper time.  It had been a very enjoyable afternoon.

After BBQ supper we just sat around the camp fire.  We saw a great many fireflies, like diamonds hanging in the trees.  What a great way to spend an evening - very warm evening too.

Saturday May 29 2010
Could not believe how late we woke up so had a leisurely breakfast in the brilliant sunshine.  Already comfortably warm and no humidity.   The camper was parked way in the shade so that was very cool under the awning.

After coffee we were ready for our hike around the Lake Ridge Trail.  For us this is the hardest trail there.  There are huge boulders to manoeuvre yourself around.  You walk to the bottom of the dead Lake Algonquin, which is 1500 years old.  Climb the stairs to the lake ridge.  Hike the ridge through areas where farming used to be, as late as the 1970's.
Past an historic well, which belonged to the farm.  Up and down rocky trails, past a very large quartzite rock which stands 3 feet high and close to 5 feet in diameter, just gleaming with Quartz.  It is very cold to the touch and estimated at being 200,000 million years old. 

  Not far from the rock is the end of the trail.  From there we headed to the camp store and rewarded ourselves with Ice Cream.   Ice Cream always tastes so good after that hike.  Now we had to finish the hike and get back to camp, rather weary too.  We had hiked approximately 15 km from 12 noon to 3.30 p.m.

Relaxed in the sun for the rest of the afternoon.  Resting up for our hike to Sunset Point.  Won't tell you why we went there, will leave that to your imagination.

To get to Sunset Point we had to go around the Turtle Pond again and this time it was so calm it was like a mirror image.  And still a lot of turtles swimming around.

The Calm Turtle Pond.

When we reached the point the sun was not yet set and there was no one around.  Very quiet and calming, just the lap of the water over the rocks.  The gulls were busy fishing.  

We did see a Merganser on the rocks too.

About 8 p.m. the Point began to get quite busy with campers all out to see the sun set.
As we like the quiet we decided to take a very slow walk along the shore line to watch the sun set.

All we can say is MAGNIFICENT.

Will let you see for yourself.


On the way back to the to the site we saw a fairly large Snapping Turtle on the side of the road.
Luckily it was not interested in us.
So back to site and supper.  Sirloin Burgers never tasked so good after such an active day.

Fantastic evening, the fire was great.  Sat around until 11.30                                              


Sunday May 30th  2010 - 289511 - 2.35                                                                                           

 Awoke late again.  It is far too relaxing here.    After breakfast we started packing up.  Do not wish to leave, but things have to get done at home. 

Once again it was a beautiful, sunny warm day.  Enough so it made us completely forget about the six feet of snow we had piled around the yards and driveway three months ago.                   

One more walk around the Turtle Pond and onto Huron Shore Line, then Finished packing and ready for the road again.                                                                                                                    

Good ride home to Durham.  The roads were very quiet.

Really super weekend.

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