Monday, August 4, 2014


Yes, here I am, finally.  It has been a while since I was last here.  Few problems getting Blog to continue working.  Hopefully I have managed it.
Only recently(in April) did Old Man Winter seem to give up.  Can honestly say we have never lived through a winter such as this one. 

As you can see the snow banks were getting close to 8 ft tall and were the same right across the yard.  

We managed o keep the driveway clear, meaning it was cleared two or three times a day.

Must admit the town did a great job doing the roads and sidewalks.

Yes the back yard was just as full of snow as the front.

El Campista not quite ready for a road trip.

May 5th was the first time this year we had a window with three not bad days, so we packed up El Campista and headed off to Mac Gregor Point.    It felt good to be going off camping even for a few days.      318070

Took site #13.  It is a good site for some sun, if it should show it's face.

It was still quite breezy and cool, so we did set up our dining tent.  Which proved to be a very good move.

After lunch we hit the trails for a while and we were lucky enough to see a rabbit with the biggest white feet, several turtles, squirrels,  mallards, sparrows, nuthatches and of course our friendly
chickadee's.  Who still appear to be in need of feeding.

We even saw a partridge on our way into the park.

Due to all the snow, ice and rain so far this year Lake Huron is a fair bit higher than it has been for a while.  Which is a good thing. 

You can see there is still a good deal of ice on the lake.

The breeze off the Lake made for a very brisk walk along the shoreline.     

 However, the trails through the sheltered areas were really nice, and not so cold.  That was until we came across a trail still covered with a good deal of snow.

Oh well, may be if we come back in July it will all be gone!

Really nice afternoon walk, but time to head back to camp and get the fire going.

Sitting around the campfire was great.  That was one part of camping we really missed for the last 6 months.  Guess we will have to camp a lot in the next 6 months to make up for lost time.

My Chef did an excellent BBQ supper, missed that too in the last 6 months

So, it was a really good day.  El Campista ran like a charm, the weather, although cool, was good.  the hiking was great and the birds and animals welcomed us back here.
Hope tomorrow turns out that good too.


Woke late to brilliant sunshine.  Nice BBQ breakfast, then planned the rest of the day.  Do not want to waste a minute of this wonderful sunshine.  Still a little cool.  It was a cold night last night -4c.

Had a really good hike.  Left our site about 10.45 am heading along the Old Shoreline Trail towards Merganser cove.

Quite a few of the trails were still water logged, but it didn't deter us any.  It was still fun.

Just before we reached Merganser Cove we came across a smaller cove to the right of the trail.  Here we saw  two Mergansers, but too far out for a good photo shot.

As we approached Merganser Cove we saw two Egrets just taking off and two more further along in the scrub along the shore.  Once again too far away for a picture.  Really neat to see though.

A short way back on the trail we saw a small Garter Snake who was not at all co-operative to having pictures taken.

The sunshine stayed with us all the way and it felt so good.  Can we really think that Spring really is finally here to stay?

That was a fun hike and a great way to spend a few hours,   Hiking through the trails certainly works up the appetite.

Time for a late lunch and enjoy a visit from the chickadees.

Relaxed with the Chickadees and this little visitor for a while after lunch.  

Did some reading and writing before it was time for another walk.

This time we headed towards Sunset Point.

We could not believe the difference in the way the ice was moving on the Lake.   You could see so much more ice and even see some of the ice burgs breaking away from the huge portion of ice. 

So very different to what we had seen 5 hours earlier - fascinating!

Wandered along the boardwalk of the Huron Trail and saw another Garter snake sunning itself.  This one moved quickly into the water, but not out of sight from my camera.

From there we walked to the Turtle pond.  

Although it was cooling off we did find some turtles braving the elements and finding a sunny spot to enjoy.

The turtle pond was calm and clear for the afternoon, making for a very relaxing walk.

Just past the pond, on the camp road way we saw a Three Toad Sloth up a tree.

Could not believe it.  We have only seen them in a zoo.

Then back to camp to sit around the fire and discuss what a great day we were lucky enough to have.

My Chef did another magnificent meal, so time to relax for the rest of the evening.
Listened to some of the Blue Jays game, but it faded right out before the end of the game.

WEDNESDAY MAY 7th      318132

Nice morning, a few clouds, slight breeze, but not as cool as it has been.

This morning we had a guest join us for breakfast.

After breakfast we packed up ready to head home.  There are storms rolling in again tonight.

 Before leaving our campsite we headed to the shoreline to check out the ice flow.   Once again it had changed a fair bit to what we had seen yesterday.

Then we had another wander around the Turtle pond, where we did see quite a few turtles enjoy the wonderful spring sunshine.

Then back to our site to get going.

However, we did not leave the park right then.   We headed to the Tower Trail, where we found some very friendly frogs.

A little further along the trail we could see a pair of swans and their nest, but could not get a good shot of them.

We carried on to the tower and checked out the water area from the tower.

Always an interesting place.  Sometimes you see many different types of birds and sometimes, as today, there are very few to be seen.

When we reached the Bird Blind there were not any birds to be seen there either.  But there were quite a few families of Canada Geese.

From the Bird Blind we just walked the trail heading back.  There we came across another snake enjoying the sunshine.  This time not a Garter Snake.

Not too much to comment on for the rest of the trail.

However, this is always a very interesting trail, and you never know what you will see.

Time to get back to El Campista for lunch.

This friendly Goose decided he would be our Tour Guide and led the way along the road.
He was not at all worried by El Campista following him.

Had lunch near the Turtle pond and ready to leave the park about 3 p.m.

Stopped in Port Elgin for a while.   Then on to Owen Sound for a few supplies, and a stop to our friendly Home Depot for a few more house goodies.

Good drive back to Durham.                       318250

Always fun to take off camping, back good to get home again as well.

One again, a great few days away, and so good to be camping again after "the Winter from 

Catch you all soon.

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