Thursday, August 14, 2014

Point Farms Provincial Park

May 26th 2014                                              318501                                      10.30 a.m.

Decided it was time to be "on the road again".   This time heading to Point Farms. Fabulous start to the day, but the forecast is for rain to roll in by midnight.  Hopefully if it does rain it is around that time.

It was a very quiet ride through the country side from Durham to Goderich.   It seemed like no one wanted to be on the road with us.

It was mainly farm land and there were some really interesting barns and farm buildings.

We drove straight into Goderich for gas, as it was much cheaper there, and every little bit helps with the price of gas these days.

Then onto the Park, which was really quiet.

Took site #207.  This site is one of the first to go, so we really lucked out.

Drove into the site, and low and behold El Campista was completely level.  That was terrific.  So all set and having lunch by 1 p.m.  before hitting the trails.

We walked the trail to the beach rather than descend the stairs.  It is still rather steep, but quite pretty. 

It was fun to watch Ma and Pa take the babies for a swim in the lake, and enjoy the nice weather.

Seagulls also enjoyed the sunshine and the breeze on the lake.

We were lucky enough to have the beach to

However, there was evidence of some very clever person  on the beach.  And they had built a Sand Castle Village.

From the beach we walked the wooded trail to the 121 steps to the top of the road way.

Now that is really a good work out!

Back at 207 where we relaxed for a while before taking a "SLOW" walk along the Tortoise trail.

Stopped at "Stirling Barn" built in 1889.

Very interesting and well preserved.

Stirling Barn

From the barn we got on the Hare Trail and back to our site.  Just a short walk this time and still wonderful sunshine.

Mike got really busy putting up the patio lights.   Me - I just relaxed and read my book.
Then my Chef did a very tasty meal ad we spent the rest of the evening relaxing around the fire.  So far no rain yet today, and a great day it has been.

TUESDAY 27th May

It did rain through the night, but the morning was warm and sunny.  Hopefully it will remain that way then we can enjoy a few hours hiking the trails.

After breakfast we decided we would hike the Old Farms Trail.  That trail goes all around the park, so we should be back to our site in time for a late lunch.

For the most part the weather was good for walking, sunny but not too hot.

A good amount of the trail wandered through apple orchards and the trees were loaded with blossoms.   Naturally there were a lot of bees around there too.

You never know what you will find while wandering the trails.

This time is was a Caterpillar nest.

To get back to our site  we had to get on the Tommy Wright Trail for a while.

Then back onto Old Farms Trail.

We made it back after a couple of hours hiking, and as you can see, the park is really quiet.  In fact we have only seen 4 people since we arrived yesterday.

Now time for lunch and then relax in the sunshine.

Just finishing lunch and a fog rolled in from the lake dropping the temperature by 10c, making it cool enough to find a jacket.   The fog didn't last too long, but it did remain cool.

Later in the afternoon we did our walk to the beach.  The fog was still quite thick over the lake and at times it rolled onto the beach keeping it very cool.   Once again very different to yesterday's weather.

It remained very cool, certainly not too cold, but cool enough to light the campfire early.
We did still have lots of wood left to burn, and that was a good thing.

So another good day and relaxing evening.


Woke to full sunshine this morning. Had a good breakfast, then time to plan our route home.

All packed and ready to lave about 11.30 am. A perfect day for a drive too.

First stop along the way was Port Albert. Only minutes from the park, and a really picturesque area.  Some very nice properties around Port Albert.

We found a quiet little beach to stop for a while.  It was fun.

From there we headed into Kincardine and decided , as it was such a lovely day, we would have a very civilized picnic - sitting on the patio at the Erie Belle.  They serve the best Fish Chips in the area, or at least we think so.  And is always complimented by a pint of Tetley and a white wine.  Now how good is that?   If you have never been to The Erie Belle in Kincardine we would highly recommend it.

After a relaxing lunch it was time to hit the road again.

We took a short detour into Formosa.  We had never been there before, and to tell the truth we are not in a hurry to return.

So from there we just meandered along the countryside back to good "Ol' Durham Town"

It has been a great few days, and we are already looking forward to the next adventure.

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