Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sibbold Point Provincial Park

June 18th 2014                                           318968

Cannot believe a whole week has gone by and we are on the road again.   However this will be real fun.

Yesterday was quite the "weather" day here in Durham.  Rain, storms, high humidity, high winds, power outages, all followed by rain we have never seen in our life, non stop thunder, and guess what?   We were in the midst of tornado watches and warnings.

It all got really loud and a lot scary about 5 pm.  Then, once again, no power.  So took our drinks to the front porch, where it got too damp, due to the deluge of rain hitting us.  Time to retreat to our bar until it all subsided.

It did - then we took a look out the kitchen window.  Where do we begin?

A section of a tree in our yard did not survive the storm.

Would you believe that huge piece of tree fell right between the steps of our deck and caused no damage to the deck whatsoever?

We really had to get this tree removed quickly, as we had to leave early Wednesday morning.

So Mike chopped and sawed, and I stacked wood as quick as I could.

The yard was clean enough for is to leave by 8 pm, so time for supper.

There was still some rain left hanging around in the morning, but nothing too bad.  We were all ready to leave about 9.45 am - a little later than we had anticipated                     318968

It was a really nice drive to the park, along the Niagara Escarpment and through the countryside.

Hope to check out this Dufferin County Museum and Archives one day soon.

Arrived at the Park about 12.15 pm   319150

Took site #909. Large site with some shade and some sun - perfect for us.

After lunch we wandered to the beach area. I had never been to Lake Simcoe before, so found it quite interesting.  It was still a bit misty, but not cold and no rain at this point.

Found a nice dock to check out, still misty over the lake.

Walked along the trail for a while and found this very interesting pool.  Over run with Tadpoles.

Stopped along the edge of the lake.

Scenery not too bad at all!

More scenery.  

As you an see the lake was not immune to the storm either.  A tree down over the rocks.

We saw a friendly raccoon out for a stroll trying to see if there may be anything exciting to retrieve for dinner.

We headed to Eildon Hall, which would have been great to go through, but it was only opened weekends, right now.

The well area at the Hall looked more like a Gazebo.  And as you can see the grounds of the Hall were magnificent and went on for miles.                                            

Back to the beach area, and you can see Georgina Island sitting comfortably in the Lake.

Took the trail back to our site.  We found these flowers blooming in the stream along the way.
                                              Nice quiet evening around the camp fire.

Thursday 19th June 2014.

Awoke to sunshine, which was really nice, as we are heading to Ruth and Brian's today for a celebration lunch, about 45 km away.   We are getting together for Aunt Patricia and Uncle Len's 60th Wedding Anniversary.  We are surprising them.  Let's hope it is a good surprise.

The weather was perfect and we arrived at Ruth's at noon, as planned.  Chris followed us in. It was so good to see everyone again - it has been a while since we were all together.

It was a good surprise and we all had a lot of fun.  Lunch was wonderful, thank you Ruth and Brian.

Lots of pictures taken, and so good to catch up again, especially on such a special day.

 Aunt Patricia and Uncle Len.

                                                  Patricia,  Len, Ruth and Chris.

                                                          Brian and Chris

                                                         Ruth and Chris.

A very special gift, for a special day. Letter of congratulations from Queen Elizabeth .
Patricia and Len received many similar letters from dignitaries, and of course many more cards.

We were very honoured to be a part of such a special day.

Time to head out and return to our camp site.  We left about 4.45 pm.  It was a good drive back through the country, not too busy for the time of day.

                 After such a fantastic lunch we had a light supper around the camp fire.
                                    Certainly a special day to chalk up in the memories.

As you can see, once again this site is not liking me.  I cannot place the pictures and text where I wish to.  I will try again, but if it still does the same - well so be it!!!!

Friday June 20th 2014.                                                319250  

Another bright sunny day, and this Woodpecker came for a visit before we were all packed up ready to head home.  Have to see about the rest of the tree clean up when we get back.

Left about 11 am.  We stopped at The Antique Store on Highway 48,  Very good, but a little expensive.  However, it was fun to wandered all around the store and grounds.

The weather was so good we stopped near Shelburne for a nice picnic lunch, and arrived home just in time for Happy Hour.

Fantastic few days again - special days.

Where next ?

Will try again to reset the pictures and text - this is not funny anymore!

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