Wednesday, July 13, 2016

HOPE BAY June 13th 2016

Monday June 113th 2016.
Heading to Hope Bay this morning.  It was a little cool and a few clouds at the time we left. Good drive to Hope Bay except when the GPS Lady took us down a gravel road almost near Hope Bay and then politely said "You have reached your destination!"  Which was a BIG untruth.  We were on a dirt road lined with bushes.   No way out but to continue along this twisty dirt road.   All this was really silly as we did already know our way (and it wasn't this way).  The way we go, the scenery is magnificent as you drop down into Colpoys Bay.

Not to worry.  We made it back to a nice black top road and on to Hope Bay.

All looked good, except the office was closed. However there was a note saying "Please use intercom if office closed"  That sounded good.   But after about 6 minutes of trying to get someone to answer the intercom we flagged down a young guy who was working there.
He kindly ran to the main building and then ran back to let us know someone would be right with us.   About 10 minutes later another guy came sauntering across the play ground towards us,  as if he had all the time in the world.   He finally reached us and opened the office to get us checked in.  He was kind enough to give us a site right next to Danny and Lynne's.  They were there for the week.   Yes, we were here to surprise them again.   This time they have Emma, Sophie and Aaron with them.

Just setting up on #301 and the rain started!   Not so sure about this little trip.  Hopefully, that is "the three things" over.

The site is really pretty and set on the edge of a creek.  It's very quiet and peaceful.

It looked even better when the rain stopped And it stopped just after lunch, so we got ready for a walk.

Just as we were leaving Danny and Lynne arrived.   Yes - we had surprised them again, and they were pleased to see us.

We spent a little time with Danny and Lynne, Emma, Sophie and Aaron then we headed towards the bay while they got all set up.  It is a pretty area and actually on the Bruce Trail.   Today we walked the road section of the trail, with the bay on one side and some very impressive homes on the opposite side.

You could also see the cliffs along side the bay.    It really is quite picturesque. 

Also managed to see an Egret fishing on the shoreline.

The wind was quite cool still, but the clouds were certainly breaking up and blowing away.

Like a lot of places we go around the lakes we do come across many people very good at different types of art.

In this case a plaque of a skeleton of a fish made out of driftwood hanging on a door. 

Very clever!

It is a very pretty walk along the road side.

We walked for an hour or so then headed back for tea.

After tea the sun decided to show it's very welcome face, so we relaxed in the sunshine for a while.

We joined Danny and everyone for drinks and munchies before dinner.

It turns out wherever Danny camps he slips a Looney into a tree on that site.  Well, low and behold he took us straight to a tree on our site and showed us where he hid the Looney last year.   What a guy!

After a while we wandered back to our site and I managed to get my Chef to start work. He did a very good job too.

The fire pit on our site was quite elaborate, so once the fire was going good we asked the company to come and join us.

Would you believe "Sean Connery" actually stopped by with his little dog?

Emma, Mike and I sat out around the fire until about 1 a.m.   We had a few years of chatting to catch up on.   It was really fun evening.

Tuesday June 14th 2016

Woke late to a wonderful blue sky and lot's of sunshine.  

Breakfast worked well and the plan we have for us today is to walk the rugged part of the Bruce Trail.   Hopefully not getting lost.

We hit the trail about 10.30 a.m.

The beginning of the trail was very well laid out and quite an easy walk.

The cliffs to our right were getting quite steep and the trail started to ascend. 

The further along we went the climb got quite a bit steeper and very narrow.

Then the "Rock Climbing" became apparent,  In places you could only just balance half your foot between the rocks, which were covered with moss, making it quite slippery.

We continued to climb the rocks in this manner for may be another half an hour - which felt like half a day.   While the terrain kept getting steeper with larger rocks.

We stopped for a break and looked around and "up" the trail and we both came to the same conclusion - this section of The Bruce Trail had beat us.   We did not make it to the Lookout.   We know when we are defeated, so we turned around and retraced our steps (or rocks) and headed back before we did damage to ourselves.

Regardless, it was a good hike, but extremely  difficult.

The view of the bay at the end of the trail was worth the walk.

We made it back to 301 after about 2 hours or more, and both all in one piece.

We sat and relaxed in the sunshine for a while before lunch.   It felt so good to sit out and enjoy the great weather.

Later in the afternoon we took a stroll down to the bay.   There were even a few white caps on the water today, and a brilliant deep blue sky.

The Lilly Pond at the front entrance of the camp ground looked really good in the afternoon sunshine.

The Lilly's  were blooming in the sunshine.

 And the frogs were just relaxing in the sunshine.

A great way to pass the afternoon.

We relaxed for a while when we got back #301, then late afternoon we wandered over for a visit with Danny and the guys.

Later in the evening we all gathered around our campfire.   Once again it was a fantastic fire and we sat telling stories and just having fun.

A nice way to end the day.

Wednesday 15th June 2016

Good start to the day and even a little warmer.  However after breakfast some clouds rolled in and it began to feel a bit stormy.

Time for us to head home today.   Danny is here until tomorrow, so they will have a peaceful day without us.

Said  our good bye's and on the road by 11.45 a.m.

Stopped for one last wander along the bay shore where a friendly seagull stopped to say "hi"  or in this case "bye".

It was an easy drive home and we made it back in time for a nice relaxing late lunch.

Where to next?

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