Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Unexpected Trip - always fun!

June 22nd 2016  Wednesday MacGregor Point.

Sitting at home this morning, just finished a nice cuppa tea, checked e-mails, phone rang.   It was Jamie at the garage, had to cancel our appointment there.   So Mike looked at me and said "Let's pack up and go to MacGregor for my birthday."    Birthday tomorrow, and who am I to disagree?  I believe it was 11.30 a.m.

At 3.15 p.m. we were all  set up on site #8, having a late lunch.   Weather perfect and one of our favorite sites.    Not a bad day after all.

We sat in the sunshine for a while then wandered to the Turtle Pond.  It was really calm around the pond area.  There were no turtles sunning themselves, just a couple way out in the pond swimming.

As you can see the wild flowers enjoy this place as much as we do.

Lake Huron was even higher than the last time we were here.   In fact Sunset Point was almost "pointless".     The large boulders we usually stand on were completely covered with the water.

Very cold, clear water.

From the Point we made our way along The Huron Fringe Trail, where we met up with some dragon flies. 

This time we could hear the frogs but could not see any.   So we meandered back along the trail to our site.

Mike got the campfire going - and a very good it was too.   So that is where we remained until bedtime.

At 7.15 a.m. this morning we had no idea, or intention, of being here sitting around a campfire tonight.   What a great way to live!  

Thursday June 23rd 2016.  Happy Birthday Mike!
Very nice comfortable morning here today at MacGregor  Point.  Quite a special day, as it's Mike's birthday.

Breakfast was quite the celebration shared with many guests.   Chipmunks, squirrels, robins, blue jays,  chickadees and even a lone hummingbird.

One very good looking squirrel had no problem posing for a picture.

All morning chores over and time to hit the trails.   The weather was good for walking, a little overcast and a slight breeze.

Headed onto the Old Shoreline Trail and it was surprising to see how far in land the lake had reached right now.

This duck was actually standing in the water on what used to be a section of the trail.

                                        The wild flowers were all blooming in this area too.

We saw an Egret around the Merganser Cove area.  Not that it was a cove any longer.  It was all part of Lake Huron.

The rocks where we always walked over from the cove to the lake were now completely emerged in water.  We could see the trees where we usually walked.

Amazing to see it all so different.

Although it is quite a way off across the lake to Southampton Lighthouse, we could see it in the distance.

From there we walked the trail through Nippising Camp Ground onto the Deer Run Trail.   Once again no Deer in sight,

Then time for a major stop at the Camp Store.

A treat for the Birthday Boy - a large Cheery Cheesecake Ice Cream Cone.  How lucky is that?   And very delicious.

It wasn't too far back from the store to our site.  It had been another couple of hours of enjoyable walking.

It cooled off a little after lunch, but it didn't deter all our guests from joining us.

The birds were enjoying a late lunch.

By 2.30 p.m. all the clouds had drifted away and we had deep blue sky and sunshine.   Still a slight breeze, but a lot warmer.

About 4 p.m. we decided it was time to wander off around the Turtle Pond again.   Once again the only Turtles we saw were the ones swimming.

This afternoon the lake looked completely different to how it looked on this mornings walk.   It was very choppy, even had white caps on it and was quite noisy.

Then we headed back to our site for the evening.

It was a good evening, weather perfect and the camp fire equally as good as last night.

And so another great camping day and good Birthday comes to an end.

Friday June 24th 2016.

Very pleasant morning, bright, sunny and warm.

Heading back to Durham today.  This has been fun.  Especially as it was not at all planned.

After packing up and leaving the park I suggested to Mike we should go on to Kincardine for a Birthday lunch at the Erie Bell.  Naturally, he did not argue that.  Fish N Chips and a pint of Tetley, who wouldn't want to go?

It was a quiet, easy drive into Kincardine 

We did sit inside for lunch as the breeze off the lake was a bit cool for eating outside.

After lunch we wandered around the marina, which was really nice.

This has been a perfect way to end a great unplanned trip.

We must do silly things like this again.

The remainder of the drive back to Durham was equally as good.

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