Monday, October 24, 2016

MacGregor Point Provincial Park

Tuesday August 30th 2016

Early evening, last night, we checked the weather forecast and what sites were available at MacGregor Point, and immediately started packing El Campista.  It all sounded good.

So about 10 a.m. we were on our way, and then all set up by 11.30 a.m. on our favorite #8 site.  Warm, bright and sunny.  

We had been doing some catching up on our yard work at home for a while, so it was good to be out in the park again.

After lunch we took a slow stroll around the Turtle Pond.  The vegetation had grown up a lot around there.

We did manage to see one lone Turtle, but it was on a mission so no pictures.

Surprisingly enough we didn't see any birds, or wildlife around the pond.  May be a little too warm at 33 c.

Then we wandered the Huron Fringe Trail, where the vegetation was equally as large, much more than we have ever seen.  Once again no wildlife.

From there we headed towards Sunset Point.  We stayed right along the actual shore line rather than the trail, as the breeze off the lake was wonderful. 

The Sunset Point was, once again "Pointless" as the Lake was still very high.

Managed to find some blooms along the beach trail.

It was a really nice walk and quite shady and comfortable in most areas.

Everything looked really good.

Back to #8 after a couple of hours, and time to relax for a while.

After supper, although still warm, we did light the fire.  It had probably been going about half an hour when we felt the rain drops.  Far too nice to go in so we moved a few feet away and sat under the cedar tree, shaded from the rain.

We couldn't get the ball game on the radio, so Elijah text the scores to us.  The final score didn't work the way we had wanted. TO lost 5-3.

The rain did get quite a bit heavier, the fire died and we spent the rest of the evening relaxing under the awning until it was bed time.

Wednesday 31st August 2016.

Very nice morning after the rain last night.  Still warm, but really comfortable and no humidity right now.  A good day to plan a nice hike.

That having been suggested. after breakfast we headed off towards the Old Shoreline Trail.

Today Lake Huron had a threatening look to it.  It was very choppy and the waves were really crashing the rocky shore.

There were a few people on the beach enjoying the comfortable weather.

We continued on our way.  We had decided it would be a good day to wander to Merganser Cove.

The pond along the way was, like other ponds yesterday, high with vegetation.
Consequently all the logs and rocks, where we usually see 8-10 turtles, were completely submerged in either water or grasses.   So no turtles to be seen today.

Next stop, Merganser Cove.  Where the water was extremely high.

And also laden with large crashing waves.
So not so much of a cove, really.

Today the cove could have been called "Frogs Cove".  You could not take two steps without frogs jumping off the trail.  

No Mergansers or any other wild life around today.

Regardless it was still very pretty.

There were a good number of people out enjoying the trails and the great weather.

On our way back to #8 we found a few perfect looking toadstools.

Now, we don't know where  The Hobbits live, but we could imagine them living in such a place.

From "Hobbit Land"  we made one more stop on the way back, to give ourselves a reward for such a fun walk.

Yes, we stopped at the Park Store and treated ourselves to a wonderful Ice Cream Cone.  PERFECT.

As usual we made it back after about 2 1/2 hours walking, and after getting full up with the Ice Cream we sat and relaxed in the sunshine before we were ready for a very late lunch.

Later in the afternoon we had another wander to the Turtle Pond and Huron Fringe Trail.   Still no sign of wildlife, birds or turtles.  So back to #8.   Where we stayed for the remainder of the day.

It was a perfect night sitting around the campfire.  Quite a bit cooler than last night, and no rain.

Thursday September 1st.  2016
 Cloudy start to the day.  Heading home today.

We took our time packing up, then took a leisurely drive into Kincardine to The Erie Belle for lunch.

It was good to chat with our favorite waitress there, Nancy.  Nancy had also been away camping recently, and now back to work for her.

Then came the inevitable - home.   It was a good,  easy drive back, and the weather was perfect.

Another great trip.  Already looking forward to wherever we go next.  

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