Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Sunday September 11th 2016
Today we are heading to Rock Point, on the 15th Anniversary of 9/11.
We haven't been to Rock Point in a couple of years.
The weather was great for travelling and the roads were all good.

Left home about 9 a.m. 

It was a clear day heading into Hamilton area.

Mother Nature was certainly being kind to us today, perfect travelling weather.

The roads were not even too busy. so it didn't take too long to reach our destination.

We took site #118 and all set up having lunch about 1 p.m.

We hung around our site, in the sunshine, listening to the Blue Jays Game.  A very exciting game - if it was at all possible,  it was one of those games where both teams needed to win.  Well, the final outcome of the game was not in our favour.  Hopefully that will change tomorrow.

And so after an afternoon of relaxing, it was time to go walking and exploring before dinner.

We made our way directly to the Lake, Lake Erie, and a very active Lake it was this afternoon.  It looked as if you could almost surf the waves.  As it was still a nice warm late afternoon there were still quite a few people enjoying the lake, and the waves.

I managed to find another interesting piece of driftwood.

One of our favorite spots in the park is the Fossil Beach, so that was our next place to explore.

So many different things to visualize when looking at fossils.

That made for a very busy camera time.


I could spend hours wandering through the fossil beach, with the camera, and may just have to do so tomorrow, but after a late start to our walk, and a good couple of hours past it was time to head back to our site and contemplate dinner.

It really is a beautiful park, so many great scenes to enjoy.

When we got back to our site Jeff and Janis, who were camping opposite us, stopped by for a visit.  Really nice couple.

My Chef did a great job with dinner.

It was a perfect night to sit around the campfire, not too breezy, and quite clear so we could see a good many stars.  It was very quiet and peaceful.

A great way to end a great day.

Monday September 12th 2016.

A wonderful bright sunny morning, warm, but not too hot.   Breakfast was good, then time to plan our walks for the day.

We decided we do really enjoy this park, so our first walk was to the office to book for another night.

From there we walked the "Blue Trail".  Not too far along we saw some movement just a head of us, in the bush.    

Low and Behold 8 -10 very huge Wild Turkeys walked out onto the trail, just a head of us.
Yes - they did have the right of way, they were 5 - 6 feet tall, so you can imagine the actual size of them.  They walked along quite quickly so we couldn't get a picture and we were not in any hurry to try to over take them.  It looked a lot safer to let them go ahead of us.

WOW - that didn't last too long, they just all wandered back into the bush.

We carried on along the trail towards the beach area.

It was a perfect morning for walking the beach.

Then we made our way back to our site.   It really is surprising how quickly 2 hours moves along when you are enjoying the area.

After lunch we relaxed for a while before we headed out on the Beach Trail.

The beach Trail runs along the cliff top of the beach and ends up at Look Out Point.

Which gives you a good view of the beach and Lake Erie.  Always another favorite spot of ours.

From the Look Out Point we made our way down to the beach and the Lake.

It was another clear day, so we could see The Mohawk Lighthouse very well this trip.

This is actually where The Fossil Beach begins (or ends, depending on where you start).

Yes, I took far too many pictures again, but found a few decent fossils, very fascinating.

And there were many more pictures.

 We walked a section of the "Shell Trail"  Yes, it is completely covered with pure white shells.
Always a shame to actually have to walk on them.

You wonder how a flower can grow through shells, but some how this one managed very well.

We could see the Look Out Point from where we were, way below on the beach.

Didn't really think we were so far up on the cliff when we were actually there.

Guess that makes for a good work out.

Lake Erie was exceptionally clear today.

There was evidence of some very hungry Sea Gulls along the beach.  Unless, of course, the Wild Turkeys made their way down to the beach!

After a fun afternoon of walking we decided we should head back to #118 before the evening was upon us.

Jeff and Janis stopped by for a visit after we had got back, and we all sat around chatting about all kinds of things, and places.   It was a pleasure to spend the time with them.  They have so many likes and dislikes that we have.
After dinner we walked to the beach to watch the sunset.  It was well worth it.

When we got back we stopped at Jeff and Janis's to exchange addresses etc.  It would be good to be able to meet up with them on our travels sometime in the future.  They are leaving tomorrow, and we are here for another night.

Back at #118 it was campfire time, and TO Blue Jays game.  

Another very close, exciting game, with the exact ending we were hoping for. A big W.

A great fire type night again.

Tuesday September 13th 2016.

We awoke to another beautiful day.  

Today's plans were organised before we left home.   We arranged to go to Ridgeway for a visit with Grant and Myrna, and we had certainly picked a good day for it.   The drive from the park to Ridgeway was a really pretty route.  A good portion of it was along the Lake Shore Roads, and all the small villages that were there.  The properties along the way were wonderful.

Arrived at Grant and Myrna's about 12. no0n.  They both looked great.  We sat and caught up on the past couple of years since our last visit.  Everything working out well with both our families.  Guess we are some of the lucky ones.

We have been friends since 1975 when we all moved into a new sub-division in Guelph, and although there have been moves and changes for all of us we have still managed to find time to catch up together with these visits.

Grant drove us into Fort Erie for lunch, which was delicious.  Although far too large for me. Not that it was a problem, as it meant my Chef would not have to work too much this evening.  We really had a great visit and a lot of fun times discussed - as usual.  Good friends are priceless.

After lunch Grant drove us back to their place via a very scenic route.   Along the river and through some ares where houses were not really houses, but huge mansions.   Oh well, it is nice to look and dream - right!     

By then it was late afternoon and we had to get back to our campsite.    So the end to another really great visit was upon us.  Truly wonderful friends.

The drive back to the park was good.  Got everything all set up again and relaxed for a while before taking a walk down to the Lake.

Once again the waves were quite a size and very loud as they hit the shoreline.

Slowly the sun began to get ready to set.
When we checked the radio on our return to our campsite it turned out the waves were said to be upto 4 metres high.  Guess that accounted for all the noise we could hear.

It was, again, a great evening to sit around the campfire, after such a very enjoyable day with great friends.

Tomorrow we are on our way to Port Burwell.   Please join us.

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