Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Wednesday October 18th 2017.                                                      166807

Fabulous looking day, although very windy.  Yes, it is that time of year when MacGregor Point is the place we camp, as there are not many parks open for camping at this time of year.

Due to our cool, wet summer,  and warm sunny fall, the leaves are falling from the trees, but not as colourful as usual.

Once again we were lucky enough to get our favorite #8 site.

All set up and having lunch by 12.15 p.m.

Luckily. although windy, the sun made it possible to sit outside and enjoy a wonderful fall day.    And that was where we stayed until about 2 p.m.   Then time to explore.

First stop, the Turtle Pond.    This time there was far more vegetation growing in the pond.    We do notice the pond looks different almost every visit.

There we no turtles or chickadees to be seen today.

Then on towards the Lake,  which,  due to the high wind,  was extremely choppy.

From there on to Sun Set Point.

The waves at Sun Set Point were so large, when they happened to break over one of the many rocks there it left a misty spray over the rock.   The wind was now blowing at
65 KPH.


                                                    The waves crashing on the rocks.

To get out of the wind we got on to The Old Shore Road Trail, which led us in to Nippising
Camp Ground, then on to the Deer Run Trail.   There were no deer today, just a few squirrels and a lone snake sunning itself.  The snake took off real quick when we arrived.   Not that I mind!

That lead us back to our camp ground, and that was where we spent the remainder of the day and night.

It was very windy all evening, but it did make for a very good campfire.

Thursday 19th October 2017

Nice bright sunny morning and not quite so windy.

This morning we decided to wander another section of The Deer Run Trail.

We could really see some of the fall colours here today.

Now the trail was covered in leaves.

There were not any deer,  but we did see two Grouse, a few squirrels and 4 humans.

This part of the trail takes us along what could have been a large farmland area many years ago.   You could see the remains of a stone wall, a large cedar fence and a huge apple orchard.  There were still apples there on the trees.

The weather was perfect for a hike like this,  and two hours went by real quick.

Made it back to #8 in time for a late lunch.  Then like yesterday we sat outside relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.

But the inevitable happened - itchy feet - time to walk again.

This time we did a shorter walk, starting  at, yes you guessed it - The Turtle Pond. 

The Chickadees were waiting for us today.

Along with the Nuthatch.

There were no Turtles.

From there we walked the Boardwalk around The Huron Fringe Trail. 

Usually this area is almost a swamp and water, and where we can hear and see lots of frogs.   Today, however, there was a tiny amount of water and a huge amount of vegetation, which was growing very thick.    So different to what we are used to seeing here.

And so we made our way back to our campsite.

As the sun began to set it got quite chilly.   Luckily the campfire worked as well as it did yesterday, so we were toasty warm sitting out around the fire all evening.

Another really great day.

Friday 20th October 2017.

Well, it's another great looking day, although quite cool this morning.   Not cold enough to eat inside, so breakfast was enjoyed outside again.

Today we head home.  We do have a lot left to finish around the house this weekend, as the weather forecast is for a very wet week ahead.

I know the yard will be covered with leaves, as it was bad enough when we left.

And so the Birthday Celebration draw to a close.  It's all been great.


As you all know it has taken me a while to get caught up with this blog, but unfortunately that was the last camping trip Mother Nature allowed us in 2017.

We have got a good deal of the work down around the house.  Including installing two new windows in the living room.   

So glad we managed to get that done (and we did it all ourselves)  as it kept us a lot warmer when the temps dropped to -33c and lower.
Now we are planning on this year, 2018, camping trips.   2017 gave us a lot of camping adventures, who knows what is in store for us in the coming year.   Fingers crossed it is all good.

Catch you then!

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