Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Tuesday 15th August                                                             165606

It was another really pleasant drive through small towns and the countryside to get to Selkirk from Rondeau.   However, we did manage to get stuck in a traffic jam when the yellow lines  were being painted in the middle of the road.  In fact it added at least 34 minutes to our trip.

No problem we were all set up on site #143 and enjoying a late lunch by 3.15 pm.   156819.

It was a really nice site and we can just see the lake  through the trees from our site.

The clouds rolled in shortly after lunch.  Then the rain really started, and it looked as if exploring might not happen at all today.

However, about an hour or so later the rain stopped and it appeared we would be able to take a walk before dinner after all.

We made our way to the Lake, which looked 
quite nice as the sky began to clear.

There were a few other people enjoying the peace and quiet of the late afternoon, early evening lake shore.

Along the  beach we came across a "buoy" that made "his" way to shore.

The beginning of the sunset was very pretty to watch.

We decided we should return to our site and get working on some dinner and the campfire.

It was a very pleasant evening around the campfire.

Looking forward to more exploring tomorrow.

Wednesday 16th August.

A good sunny start to the day, although a little cooler this morning.

Consequently we were on our to Wheeler's Walk Trail by 10.30, before it gets to too hot, it that happens.

Wheeler's walk is near the park entrance , so quite a walk from our site.

It was a pleasant walk as there were many flowers blooming along the way.

Wheelers Walk has two loops, each approx. 1 km.  So we planned on doing both loops.

The East Loop was an easy trail to follow.
With some wooded trail.

Along with some board walks.

At the end of the East trail we crossed the bridge over Springs Creeks.

The creeks certainly seemed to be a little more like rivers, and very pretty.

The West loop runs along the Conifer Plantation, so slightly different vegetation, and a few obstacles to contend with.

To our surprise both loos only took 30 -40 minutes to complete.  So we headed back to our site and relaxed for a while before lunch. The weather had got quite warm by then.

After lunch a few clouds appeared over the lake, which cooled things down for a while.
However, it wasn't long before a nice breeze blew all the clouds away.

Mid afternoon we took a walk to the beach as the weather was great again.

From there we walked along the cliff edge, which was manicured into a beautiful park like setting,   Then we took a narrow trail to where ever it led.  There was no info on this trail.

It was well worth it, as it led us to a very small cove with a tiny beach area of it's own.
Really very pretty.  We sat there for a while enjoying the peace, quiet and scenery.

Opposite our position on Lake Erie was a fabulous property on an island of it's own.
I think I could give  it a try and see if I might enjoy my own island.
What a great place!

There were a few boaters on the lake. ad one fella with a bright red Hand Glider.  All to quick to get pictures, unfortunately.

From there we made our way back to the beach area we were on yesterday.
This has been a really fun walk.   Especially with such great weather.

Then we headed back to our site and spent the evening in the usual way - relaxing around the campfire.  The fire took a while to get going - damp wood again!
No problem, it was still another really good day.

Thursday August 17th 2017.                                165819

Today it's time to return to the homestead.  Slightly more clouds this morning, but quite warm and humid.  The makings of a stormy day, may be.

Took our time packing up, and were ready to leave about 11.30 a.m.

Our first stop on the way home was to be Port Dover.  It's always fun to wander around there,  especially The Sandal Makers Store  - one of my favorites.

As we pulled into Port Dover the rain started, and by the time we managed to find some whereto park it was raining so hard we decided our tour of Port Dover was put on hold for today.

Mike suggested we headed to Paris and spend a little time there, Oh yes, that is Paris Ontario!

So on our way in the rain, which continued all the way to Paris and beyond.

Not wishing to be outdone, we decided to head into Guelph and stop at the Shakespeare arms for a late lunch.   And that worked out really well, and we enjoyed the break, the beer, the wine and the Fish N Chips.

Then we headed North on highway 6 heading home.   By the time we reached Mount Forest the rain had all most stopped, but once into Durham we were welcomed home with "monsoon" type rain.

Regardless it had been a good trip.                                                                     166064

January 10th 2018.
I do not where the time has gone.  Sorry I haven't had time to keep the blog up to date, but will try to catch up now - before Mother Nature allows us to head out again.

We had a very busy Fall around the house.  You know what it like trying to keep up with yard and house work.

Like a lot of you we have just lived through an extremely cold spell here in Ontario - Cabin Fever YES.   However, it's good to be able to re-live our trips by trying to get this Blog up to date, and not be bothered by all the snow outside my window.

If I can get this blog programme to upload my pictures I will continue to catch up on our trips.
Happy New Year to you all.

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