Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Back to Mac Gregor Point.

Tuesday November 3rd 2015

It seems we have a few days of really good weather ahead of us, so we are on our way to Mac Gregor Point again.  This is the only year round park that is open in our area, but we do enjoy it, so no problem for us to keep returning.

It is a bright sunny and warm day, 16c is very good for November.  We will take it and enjoy it for as long as we can.

Once again a quiet drive to the park.

We took site #52.  Never had this site before, and as it turned out - it was a great site.  Another new favorite.

The back of this site is all trees.  It is truly like camping in the woods.

Cannot believe we haven't had this site before.

After lunch we set off for our walk.

Took the road way to the Huron Fringe Trail.

Then along the Old Shore Line Trail.

Today I gave myself a photography project of drift wood.  

There was a lot of fabulous drift wood here.

Then we  made our way to Sunset point.

The point is becoming non-existent as the water level is getting a lot higher than what we are used to seeing.

However, it is still very pretty.

There was some really interesting looking driftwood along this side of the shore line.

The Chickadees and Nuthatches enjoyed following us to the Turtle Pond, but were not too happy with us as we had forgotten to bring their sunflower seeds.

The Turtle Pond was very calm and clear, but no turtles to be seen anywhere. 

There were quite a few fish in the pond.  

It was still a bright sunny warm afternoon.

From the Turtle pond we decided it was time to return to #52 for an afternoon cup of tea.

Late afternoon and the sun beginning to set, brought the cooler temperatures so we settled in and lit the campfire.  

As with the last few camping evenings that is where we stayed for the rest of the evening.

It turned out this was a very dark part of the park, so the stars were in abundance and extremely bright.

Wednesday November 4th 2015.

Bright sunny start to the day.  Very little wind so not even too cool, especially sitting in the sun.

Breakfast over meant it was time to plan the  morning walk.

It was a great morning for a hike, still bright sunny and warm.

Regardless of the "summer" like weather the trail did take on the look that winter might just be around the corner.

So today's photo consignment is "Christmas Trees".  There are so many growing along the edge of the trail all at different stages of growth.

It was quite interesting finding the different trees.

We headed into Huron Campsite via the trail next.  And that really was looking like the Fall.

Next stop - Merganser Cove.

No white caps this trip. just cool clear blue water.

Then to the beach area.  

You can see how clean and clear the Lake is today.

I found an addition to yesterday's project - more driftwood.

Back on the trail heading to our site we came across a "happy face" log.

We decided to just sit and enjoy the summer like weather for a whole before lunch.  It seemed impossible for us to be sitting out in +20 c  right next to Lake Huron in November.  

No complaints though.

I managed to find some more "wood" pictures after lunch, right around our campsite.

Here is El Campista taken from the wooded area at the rear of our site.

We had a relaxing couple of hours enjoying the summer weather at #52 before heading out for our walk towards The Point.

Where the sky and lake we so blue.

We always enjoy this walk, and each time it looks different to the time before.

From there we took the trail and boardwalk to the Turtle Pond.  It too was so blue, and again, like a mirror.

Time allowed us to head back to The Point for the beginning o the sun set.

Back at #52 Mike got the fire going while I prepared dinner, and as before that was our destination reached for today.

We have both really enjoyed today, perfect company, perfect weather and a great park.

Thursday November 5th 2015.

And once again it feels more like June than November.  Another warm sunny start to our day.

Regardless of this divine Indian Summer (yes, we did already have some snow flakes around here to enable it to legally be an Indian Summer) we are heading home again today.  Things to get done at home, plus the forecast is for Thunder storms starting over night.  Wonder if that means our summer weather really may come to an end.  Hopefully we can get back before December.  But that is up to Mother Nature, however, she has been very kind recently so fingers crossed!

We took our time packing up.  Did our usual stop in Port Elgin before a very easy relaxing "summer" drive back to Durham.

Hope to catch you all before Christmas.

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